>tfw you have to instapick widowmaker, not to play them, but to force other retards on your team to play a character that isn't shit
Tfw you have to instapick widowmaker, not to play them...
>mad cuz u bad
>tfw you have to instapick widowmaker, because she's hot af
>using beta images of blueberry
They made her even cuter since.
i want widow to sit on my face
>tfw I have all communications turned off and just play widow or hanzo in competitive.
I can feel the salt. don't even need to hear or see it
>On offense
>In ranked
>Guy instalocks Torb
>"Hey can you play anything but torb?
>"Sorry, I can't play anything but torb today."
>"Maybe wait until we're on defense? Please, can you just get off of torb"
>"I already told you I cannot play anything but torb tonight"
>We lose, of course
>I pick Symmetra and teleport teammates off of cliffs to throw game.
Moral of the story: If you see anyone on your team make a shitty pick, threaten to throw game. If they don't switch, go through with your threat, because you were going to lose anyways.
It's really annoying, though, when playing a team and objective based game and then you get widow/hanzo shitters who can't take/conquest a point for shit.
I mean, it is possible. I've met plenty of good widows/hanzos on the enemy teams, but jesus christ, everytime someone picks them on my team it's like it's their first time playing Overwatch ever.
If you really such a tryharder then
1) Go play actual comp games
2) play with stable team, not with randoms.
>throws a fit because he didn't get what he wants
No user, you are the shitter. Just report him and try your best.
>they pick her anyways
Unless you're playing Comp, in which case you're wasting a slot just as much as they would be.
>in defense
>dude keeps switching through offense characters
>next round on offense
>that same guy now picks torb
Fuck this retarded community. I don't fucking mind playing outside the meta, but at least try to pick roles that are needed for the mode.
This user gets human nature
>someone else's sub-optimal pick lowers our existing chance to win
>decide to guarantee a loss out of spite
I understand you feel you were the victim here, but honestly, why did you do this? Do you really not see the problem?
You should try reading that post again.
Why does she seem so concerned in this pic? It's like she left the oven on or something.
You are part of the cancer of pub competitive. Did he make an optimal pick at a glance? Definitely not. Doesn't mean he can't somehow pull off an offensive Thorb or perhaps your team can do well even without him. People giving up morale at the start or after a first death is the #1 reason for losing.
This, honestly.
However, if my team showed me they aren't capable of doing anything for most parts of the match I switch to Sombra because fuck it. I actually won a few games this way, because of the enemies hubris they decided to block our spawn and I could take the B point before they could get back.
>pick hanzo in comp
>everyone tells me to pick someone else
>tell them to fuck off
>partway through the match we're losing and they blame me, say I have to switch
>let them know I have 4 gold medals so they can suck my dick
>they back the fuck off
Nope, I'm still coming to the same conclusion. One bad apple doesn't mean more people should throw their hands up and quit trying. There are no heroes that do literally nothing, and frankly I'm not convinced the meta (read: the strategies the top level players use) is even relevant to the majority of OW players on Sup Forums. 2-2-2 is still fashionable in sub-diamond, and I was even watching people struggle with a Torb turret on Kephrii's (GM level) stream just the other night. I shudder to think what a well-placed turret does to gold or plat players.
Offense Torb is certainly unconventional by pro standards, but it's by no means a stretch to believe it can do work. He has an easy to use shotgun, adds lots of durability to the team with armor, and his turret literally plays itself, so poor aim isn't a factor. He's a lot like Bastion in that way; kind of a joke at high levels, but a total pubstomper for lesser players. It means very little what's not in the [GM] meta if you're ranked at 2500 or whatever.
>4 golds
>implying snipers ever have the objective time medal
Junkrat mains are cancer since they don't do shit
>people are actually getting mad over the video games community
It's like baby's first ASSFAGGOTS but it's not a MOBA. Just stop trying to take shit serious and play the fucking game. Just fuck people, do want you want. At least with the LoL and Dota community they either mute you or not even chat at all. They know their community is shit so they don't take it
You're retarded. You know there are other 4 people beside you and that Torb? Yeah, maybe he was shit and a cause you lost the game but still there were other guys in that team and you still could've won if you played it very well. Throwing on the contrary means 100% loss
ITT: Sub-diamond shitters
>be good
>people will still try to trash talk you even if you carried
>be bad
>mercy won't heal you and tank won't protect you
Even CoD is less toxic then overwatch where the idea of a fun time is underappreciated
>back when I played LoL
>toward the end of my time with it I decided to have fun
>Top Crit Blitz, Jungle AP Rek Sai, Support AP Miss F.
>do all sorts of shit like this for a month
>"hurr wtf why troll pick bro, REPORTED"
>usually end up doing well and winning
Loves proving faggots like you wrong
>playing overshittycacadoodoopoopoowatch
>thinking hanzo is the same as widowmaker
hope you enjoy that lucio hippity hopping on the point while you and your 2 other DPS retards fail to hit him since no one in bronze can aim worth shit
Junkrat is the ultimate scrub killer, if you don't like him you're bad
was playing competitive as hanzo the other day and had my team yell at me for being 'too close' and that I should be further back because hanzo doesnt need to be close.
>not being good enough to carry a bad pick or two
Stop being so shit.
I'll have you know that I'm a platinum scrub and instalock attack Junkrats such as yourself contribute jack shit to the team
>Torb only players
>proving anyone wrong
Torb isn't viable on offence ? WTF is this shit, TF engie is very good/almost mandatory in offence
Or is it the 6vs6 format ?
>around level 25 only
>only ever get placed in teams with level 150+
>do like shit compared to them
>feel bad because the team have to kinda carry me
>planets align and I get into a game with people around my level
>40 eliminations as D.va
>my actions actually has a major impact on the match
>feel useful for once
>now back to only playing with high level people again
Man. Why is their matchmaking so weird?
What a badass you are my friend
Are you comparing Torb to the Team Fortress engine?
Because Torb plays very differently to the Engie most of the time due to the higher speed, smaller teams and power focus compared to TF2.
Yes, but it seems weird to me that area denial isn't used at all in Overwatch. Or is the turret simply not good ? I've read that it doesn't have knockback, is it true ?
They're quite different games. Last I was into competitive TF2 the Engy was never picked so I can't talk about that game, but I can give you a brief explanation on Torb.
Basically, he's not an efficient pick at high levels because his (auto-aiming) turret is half of his damage, and that's both easy to destroy and takes too long to set back up. He also doesn't provide enough team utility to make him worth taking over many other heroes.
Overwatch is branded as a competitive game, so the bulk of the playerbase will be meta slaves, meaning any off-meta picks are an easy scapegoat for most people. Torb probably suffers more from this than others because the turret plays itself.
>tfw I did the same but actually ended up carrying with symmetra
I was laughing with each kill in disbelief
That torbjorn was probably throwing the game because he was dealing with some faggot like you.
see the cycle?
Kinda sad, I main engie in TF2 and was hoping to get on Overwatch when it went on sale, just to try it out. What is Torb used for ? Strict area denial ?
>be mei
>icewall widow
Just like pyro flames in front of a sniper
>Yes, but it seems weird to me that area denial isn't used at all in Overwatch.
It is. Just not on offense. You ALWAYS need to be pushing together with your group, and even one failed assault can cost you the game. So there isn't really much use for setting up a turret since it won't really hit most people.
It can be decent on payload maps though, since you can place them on the payload.
>Or is the turret simply not good ?
It's pretty shit. It's mostly just used for picking of unsuspecting people and as a backup while your team is keeping people busy and taking all the damage. A lot of heroes can kill the turret in one attack from a place where the turret can't even shoot them.
It's not like in TF2 where you almost need to get a little team together for a push to take one out.
As someone who mained engie in TF2, it's not comparable.
If fact, don't even go into the game thinking it's like TF2. It's A LOT like it on the surface but it plays surprisingly differently. Imagine it more like TF2 where every class has been replaced by a DOTA hero. It's not like in TF2 where you have a lot of time each match and you can play what class you want and have a pretty good success on your hand.
It's a bit of a shame since I loved that aspect of TF2, but eh. It's still a lot of fun.
He doesn't have a particular niche that he does best, and he's more of a complimentary character, but I wouldn't worry about that unless you're a competitive person and want to min-max (and you have a dedicated team to play with, since most people will just do whatever as high as at least low Masters). He's best for warding flankers off if your team is entrenched with heroes like Bastion, Widowmaker, and Symmetra, and his armor packs give a large boost to your own flankers and squishy healers, especially in combo with Symmetra's shield gen. He should be plenty viable for the skill range you'll likely be playing at.
More than a few people have made highest rank playing Torb. As long as you don't mind people bitching at you every game then you can still main him.
>Or is it the 6vs6 format
Considering that engy is useless in TF2's 6s aside from maybe 5cp's final hold, that could be the reason. Not really, Torb's turret is just mediocre at best and it'd probably even shittier if Overwatch matches held more than 12 players in a game
I don't have that problem cause I'm super low rank
>5s cool down skill that gives her unrivaled mobility, giving her the ability to engage and disengage every character in the game at will
>bottomless magazine, never has loses DPS to reloading
>damage shreds 200 HP Heroes at close and mid-close range, overall DPS is only moderately worse than Reaper
>Defense Matrix is one of the most broken abilities in the game, instant "absorb everything" skill that recharges, extends outward from D.Va letting her and Reinhardt make an impenetrable fortress while advancing. Eats Ults, recharges, has a generous horizontal range
>500 Armor to face-tank everything
>Can contest with Roadhog and Reaper
>TWO(2) lives
>While only have 150 HP out of her mech, her pistol is exceedingly dangerous
Completely broken
Why is Hanzo's accuracy OP af compared to Widowmaker? Hanzo is just hold left click to win.
I'm in LOVE with Widowmaker!
So overwatch? Next you'll tell me tf2 is better at comp.
She already got nerfed. Stop bitching. Road is still more broken than her.
Hanzo doesn't always need a target to get kills. He can shoot them at a chokepoint and corner and someone can walk into it after it's shot.
Because hitbox for the arrow is retarded, just like it was in TF2
>playing Overwatch two thousand and seventeen years after the death of our Lord & Savior
>she's my main
>know she's OP but don't want it to change
Now I know how Roadhog fags feel.
Im an unranked shitter and only play quick matches. I always just chose the player I was good at/that fit the team comp. When the warnings on the side of the screen said (no healers, low team damage, etc) I would choose who I know how to play as from the respective group of heros.
9 times out of 10, I'd be playing with a genji and widow maker who didn't know what the fuck they were doing. So I'd go S76, use his healing thing to help our Reinhardt. Keep people off of Lucio.
No healer? I'm a terrible Ana and don't like playing as Lucio. I'd roll Mercy and just keep everyone breathing. Everyone bitching and moaning to switch because Mercy is shit etc. We still win. I still did my job as healer.
Why does everyone get so pissy in this game? It's like no matter what character I choose, everyone has a problem with it.
Yeah well I for one call for either a Hanzo nerf or a Widowmaker buff, shit's retarded.
It's a shame she's so boring to play.
so true, then once the match starts you switch to a character that can actually do something.
99% of widowmaker players are pure shit
t. not #1 in entire united states
are u even trying??
Looks the same
Landing arrows would be very difficult if the hitbox accurately matched the shape of the projectile, and I believe Hanzo was intended to be the more accessible sniper, so they made the hitboxes VERY LARGE and give him a lot of ability to spam. Combine this with how the maps are designed around chokepoints and you have a character that basically plays himself, making him significantly more efficient than Widowmaker.
Honestly, I don't see him getting nerfed or her getting buffed because the former needs to stay accessible to most players while the latter needs to not be too strong in the hands of the select few very good players; you can already hear plenty of complaints about how people hate WM when she's too good because she's not fun to play against.
>pick Torb
>win most matches
>''we won even with a torb''
>Get most medals
>lose one match
To be fair, there's no such thing as a sniper that's fun to play against
They know they are shit and is gonna need all the help they can get to win.
>tfw you get gold in DPS as fucking Reinhardt
Still niggers keep choosing useless characters like Hanzo and Tracer.
because of the forced e-""sport"" meme and the character-focus gameplay with imposed limitation
cod, bf, doom, tittenfall are much more chill than this shit despite their playerbase are mostly the same as ow.
>she's not fun to play against.
You can counter both Hanzo and Widow with an attack hero rather easily, mainly Tracer and Pharah.
I'd say it's just not fun to play as Hanzo because you can get one hit kills on half of the cast with it.
Don't worry about it, you're doing fine. Competition just brings out the worst in people, and there's a not insignificant amount of players who think even quickplay is serious business because the game is marketed as competitive.
Widowmaker is my favorite character to fight, but then she's also my favorite character to play. Even when I'm not playing her to countersnipe, I can appreciate being forced to pay strong attention to my positioning; you don't improve if you're not being challenged, and positioning is a subtle but incredibly useful skill. That all said, I understand I'm an outlier in this regard. I know some people who are very frustrated when they have to deal with enemy snipers because they hate the restriction or don't know the concept yet.
>someone instalocks reinhardt
>bloodhardt or one of the new skins
>they're always 100% guaranteed shit
A molten cored nanoboosted torb is the scariest thing ever.
Torbs shotgun actually does stupid damage. When you use torbs ULT, his shotgun damn near out damages roadhogs shotgun.
>friend gives me the game
>can only play quickplay because I'm new and well under his skill
>he gets furious that people dosn't take it 100% seriously
>never wants to play
>feel guilty since I mostly just like to play the game with a friend
>meanwhile, the other team members are reporting the two faggots that aren't helping at all
>doing anything
>He can't play Widowmaker
Easiest DPS in game. Lock the best angle, be able to click on people's headbox, realize when it's not the best angle anymore and upgrade to the better one. Clicking on people's heads is setting literally anyone can do effectively, it's the steps before and after that scrubs can't handle.
>Teammate zarya uses ult while enemy rein puts up shield and dva does defense matrix
>Go molten core and bring out my hammer and beat their asses all lined up nicely
>get POTG for it
Was pretty fucking funny.
>lose three ranked games in a row because while my team is happy to call eachother every name under the sun between rounds, when communication is actually needed suddenly all five of them lose their mics
>start up objective based game
>wait most of the times a full fucking minute to get into match
>it comes time for you to choose character my son
>you can play reinhardt, strong hero who stands on objective in objective based game
>or you can play widow, shitty character that can't kill anything and doesn't stand on objective
>damn near trapped in spawn on a 2cp
>no tank, two snipers
>hanzo and widow somehow think theyre going to get enemy picks through the enemy reins shield
>all this while the enemy genji commits what i'm pretty sure were war crimes on them every time they set foot outside of spawn
i mean if you have tanks to protect you, sure, go sniper.
somehow 'its qp' is complete justification for deliberately losing the game
what kind of retard picks a sniper when you can see we have one healer, no tank, and another sniper?
>objective based game
>making characters whose sole purpose is to stay as far away from the objective as possible
blizzard is retarded
It's funny because OW is proably one of the few games where all the characters are viable.
Really, until master you can use whatever the fuck you want and win if you're good. And even in master I've seen Seagull using Hanzo or Torb and perform well.
Still the community is so toxic. Everyone needs to blame the team comp thinking to be at some high level championship
>Unrivaled mobility
Leap is the vastly superior movement ability. Not only can you travel further and faster, it's much more deadly against 200 HP heroes considering Winston's time to kill off a squishy he hits with landing damage is less than two seconds.
DVA boost by comparison can only engage and disengage at what is practically walking distance, the difference between being able to be anywhere you want on the map every time jump pack is up as Winston VS having to walk half the way every time as DVA is huge.
The problem with Winston is that his main gun is garbage compared to Zarya's.
Once again it's one of those clones like WM and Hanzo where there's one who is clearly OP
Have you considered that your opponents play by the same rules, meaning that every one of them you kill (Widow can kill 17 of the 23 heroes with a single shot) is one less opponent on the objective? Did you know that it only takes three people on the objective to reach maximum capture/speed capacity? The only downside to Widowmaker herself (it is a valid point that the vast majority of players are retarded and can't aim well enough to play her, but to say the hero itself is useless is just being intellectually dishonest) is that she's typically not absorbing enemy fire, meaning the distribution of incoming damage goes to her teammates, possibly killing them faster. There are exceptions even to this rule, such as when the enemy has their own WM or players who are too frightened to enter the fray lest they be shot down from an unchallengeable range.
Winston and Zarya serve very different functions, meaning they're not comparable. Zarya is a frontline brawler with excellent team utility and ult combo potential. Winston is harassment, disruption, and flanking. That they're both tanks means almost nothing. The role definitions are very loose and only there to gently push new players in the right direction.
>Leap is the vastly superior movement ability
You also can't stop leap any time you want and you don't push people around when you land.