So now that Switch is confirmed to be an underpowered piece of shit, we're getting the PS4 version instead right?
Dragon Quest XI
we're getting whatever version Enix deems fit to release to us in English.
Not me for sure.
Just playing dq8 3ds and that made me sure dragon quest are meant for handheld.
Now the question is whether 3ds version or switch.
How odd
I rather play lengthy JRPG on my couch rather on the go.
Who said about on the go?
I play it laying on my couch or my bed for maximum comfy.
>will play it remote play in vita
Feels good
Well, technically you can play the ps4 version using your vita
You can get whatever version you want.
I'm getting the 3DS version.
So I need to buy two devices?
I dont have plan to get ps4 or vita. To be frank nor does i have plan to get switch anytime soon.
Have we got release date or estimate for western release? I am not even sure we will get 3ds release on the west.
why is genderbent android 18 the protag
Im getting the 3DS version
I would laugh if Nintendo published DQ11 themselves and so the PS4 never comes to the west. Also any news on what the Switch version looks like?
Not gonna happen
Sony already sold 53 million, I see Nintendo publishing the 3DS version.
I'll be getting the free version too
>I see Nintendo publishing the 3DS version
The issue is that I don't think Nintendo would publish it without having complete publishing rights. And doing so they would stop the PS4 from being localized. Now if SE is publishing it they will most likely only do Switch and PS4.
>It's a watered down ps4 version
>Suddenly 8 bits
>implying the West will get to choose which version of the game they play
Well, you must be fucking delusional if you think that the ps4 version isn't coming to the west, but whatever makes you happy toddlers
As I said it all based on who has the publishing rights. And if Nintendo takes it they will just bring over the Switch. They had publishing rights to all the mainline DQ games since DQ6 DS so it's not really that insane of an idea.
Erm no
Square Enix can publish it if they want since they own the game.
But whatever makes you happy drone.
I never implied anything like that, I don't even have a 3DS or PS4 m8, don't include me in your console war shit.
All I'm saying is that we're probably not going to get all three versions of this game. It's happened to Ni No Kuni.
I never said they couldn't. Just saying so far Nintendo has been the one to publish the mainline DQ games. Hell just yesterday DQ8 3DS was released with Nintendo as the publisher. Nintendo has shown to care more about DQ in the west than SE does.
Realistically, I was gonna get it on PS4 regardless. The retard in me while get it on all systems when they're translated 84793 years from now.
But for very obvious reasons, DQXI for ps4 will come to the west
I don't doubt it. Just saying it would be funny if Nintendo got the publishing rights and so stopped the PS4 localization.
Cool, a DQ thread. I want to get into this series but i have no idea which are worth playing, do they have any continuity? Any i should skip?
1 to 3 sort of do.
4 to 5 sort of but less.
Play literally any DQ, even spinoffs, except 2,6 and 7 and you'll get a good opinion.
4 to 6*
They also reference events vaguely like crazy in all of them but it never really matters.
I want this.
Thanks, man. Got a lot of time on my hands so i guess i'll start with 1 and see how it goes.
fuck off piratefag
be warned that 1 is super duper basic, even as a jrpg
if you have any experience at all with rpgs in general you'll probably be underwhelmed if you expect an awesome game and not a piece of history
Start with 1 then II and III, they are really short and will get you started with the DQ universe, the Phone ones are better because of the autosave feature
but the phone version of three doesn't have the boardgame minigame!
What's fucking vegeta doing in the background
Pretending to be a thief.
being designed by akira toriyama
DQ2 on mobile is really the only version that's good. And only because it shows a sparkle when items are on the ground. And DQ2 is a game that loves fucking you up with that.