I dont care about graphics

>i dont care about graphics

It's like you want the industry to stagnate

i dont care about realistic graphics. i have them 24/7.

I am more of a audio guy myself and I would love to see better sound direction instead of better graphics

gameplay > story > graphics
if you think differently you are underage

>i dont care about graphics
>i dont care about fps


I don't see the connection.

stylized > realistic
Prove me wrong
you can't

>i care about graphics

It's like you want the industry to stagnate

>watching inferior 2D animation
It's like you want the industry to stagnate

I'd rather see unique art styles than the same realistic shit over and over again.

It stagnated because of graphic-centric design.

I like both equally.

>shitposting on a stupid forum instead of developing the next goty

It's like you want the industry to stagnate

Graphic has already reached its diminishing return. We should have poured all the resource to make better gameplay, story, or sound instead.

>watching moeshit

it's like you want anime to never be great again


It's like you want the anime industry to stagnate.

>graphics and more powerful hardware can create more opportunities for gameplay and attention to detail in video game worlds
>hurr graphix dun't matter i only play text adventures and atari games

>anime pic
Opinion discarded.

what website do you think you're on?


gameplay > graphics > story

I like pretty looks, but I care far more about performance.


The industry has already stagnated. Extra window dressing doesn't hide that fact.


>star wars pic


A fucking ASCII game has more gameplay than any video game released in this decade so far.

If devs focused a little more on the "game" part instead of "video" maybe the industry wouldn't be as shit as it is now

The better graphics get, the more often developers feel they were held back by technology

Kind of makes me think

>companies with actual manpower will never be able to release a game with any actual gameplay beyond pre-defined shit in unreal engine
Why even live.

The better internet connections got, the more you heard devs whine.

I am perfectly comfortable with the level of graphics we have now


Ive had internet for a long time. This held-back-by-hardware didnt start until the 360era was nearly over

You know what also started around that time?

Smartphones. As in, widespread usage. Suddenly you could whine from anywhere! All the time!

Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but Dwarf Fortres is a shallow game that confuses detail and an obtuse UI for depth.

Please explain how being able to see every individual hair on the player character's head improves gameplay.

The reason the industry is stagnating is that all people care about is graphics and story. That doesn't mean shit unless there's the gameplay to back it up. I'm so sick of ovr and over again being led by the hand through what is more or less a engine demo and high school play with zero difficulty.

I don't care that you're a shitposter, you shut up

Gameplay > story > music > artstyle > graphics


>This held-back-by-hardware didnt start until the 360era was nearly over
Well, at that time it wasn't absolute hardware weakness that was their problem, it was relative hardware weakness. Nearing the end of the gen, consoles were vastly outpowered by PCs. So devs saw the shiny new PC hardware that could do all sorts of awesome things, and then their publisher told them it has to be multiplat so it'll sell enough, and they got mad that all those things they wanted or could have done weren't possible on 360/ps3, and whined.

Gameplay > music > artstyle > graphics >story

Gameplay > atmosphere > art style > music > story=graphics

I want more graphics like Okami. The trend towards realism is what's stagnating games.

It's already stagnated.

Absolutely nothing else is stagnating video games like graphics.
If you want today's top standards, the games become so expensive they're made into pieces of blandness designed by marketers