What is the best stat for combat?

What is the best stat for combat?

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Strength for PvE
Dex for PvP

ur mom

>not talking yourself out of combat

If fighting is unavoidable, why do the fighting myself when I can convince other people to fight for me?


>for combat

Because you will eventually be put into a situation where someone if about to cut your head off but you won't be able to talk your way out of the situation like a faggot.


what ever determines health

because the attacker will still go after you and still has a chance to breeze past your army

int and Dex are half bros.


STR always

Are there any games that really take height and arm reach into account in combat?

Dragon's Dogma
Weight is also important in combat

>can't tell if the girl on the left is really tall or if the one on the right is really short

>girl on the left
Also look at the door frame for reference

Look at the door, left is clearly tall

Intelligence tends to be the most useful stat across most games.

The average door in America is 6'8" so that bitch is like 6'5"


Str all the way, got the best dmg, best cc, shit ton of hp

Well since technique is the most important factor in fighting, easily Dex.

>best CC
only for classes or abilities that draw aggro, can cleave or stun
INT is basically CC: the stat

I think the point is he wouldn't get there in the first place. He isn't a dumb Str ape and he doesn't try gutsy shit like Dex.

WHO Sup Forums HERE?

Don't forget that CHA is also a spellcasting stat, so not only can you talk people into submission, you can blast them when that doesn't work

lmao kill yourself freak

>bards and sorcerers
one trick ponies lacking specialization

No combat is best combat.

>not specialized

what? They're even more specialized than wizards due to the way their spell learning works


>rolls 20


And before you say it, showboating is part of the modus operandi for dexfags

Whoops, meant to say they're too specialized and also meant to say they lack utility


Warlocks my dude. Infinite Silent Image.

Kill yourself strfaggot

>average dex vs str battle


Dexfags are the most insufferable faggots

>Kill yourself strfaggot

Literally impossible, as strfags are built to the peaks of the human condition it can't be done

An optimal mix of all 3 where strength and int are favored.

Depends on the game.

Whatevers more fun, dude.

Except it's not at all, STR fags are so obnoxious and arrogant it's laughable

Vindictus, kind of


I am Sup Forums

>not maxing Luck
weaponized fate best attribute

If you cant do that put it all into CHR, get dem speech-checks, rally your bros, erode the will to live your enemies.
Plus if you git gud at CHR enough it essentially becomes magic and you get power words to tell reality "no" or lie to god and have him belive it

>becomes magic and you get power words to tell reality "no" or lie to god and have him belive it

Glibness is the best spell

>Except it's not at all, STR fags are so obnoxious and arrogant it's laughable

One of the funniest things I've read in my 8 years on Sup Forums

I got bad news for you my friend...

>not spirit

Regen so fast no enemy can out damage it

Realistically INT

In games base damage almost always directly scales with str and only games that increase critical hit with DEX instead of LCK or gimp hit chance but increase it with dex have any real comparison

then it's burst damage vs base damage more than anything else

Ah, the Griffith build.


I would this cute manlet tho


Usually just pattern recognition and reflexes, though.

Retention, minor, and deduction nil.


Griffith was Chaotic Good DEX/INT/CHA

>can call other titans with her voice
>is cute and adorable
>won da Erenbowl

How is she not Cha?

B-but boobs!!

>>won da Erenbowl
Keep dreaming, faggot.

Zeke is char as well as int. Truly he is best boy.

>le Griffith did nothing wrong meme

Anyone who doesn't say Agi is retarded.

Literally the stat dedicated to retreating

>Not having both

>one trick pony
What? I don't even like bards, but they're famous for being jack-of-all-trades characters.

Bards are so shit they have to be given rogue abilities to compete



I bet shanks could kill kaido

shanks is dex, too

>assblasted Mikasafag

She got the shit kicked out of her by Annie and she lost her brother to him. Pathetic.

>lacking utility

Keep your misinformation to yourself.

>She got the shit kicked out of her by Annie
That never happened. Your retarded headcanon about le technique means nothing.

>she even lost her brother to him

Con, survive EVERYTHING!

This is why I almost never use Cha in Fallout games and such. It's far better and easier to fight your way out of every situation, even when it's unnecessary, than it is to fight your way out of a scenario you can't smoothtalk your way out of.

I really, really, really like this artstyle and animation. What's the name?

Never mind.

Dex for videogames, Str for real life.

Dex would be like parkour or gymnastic and str bodybuilding?

Either works for real-life, I would just advise building to the body you have. Jacked manlets look kinda silly.

Boxing games.

>not STR with a little bit of DEX

Guts is a faggot.

>cha in fallout

It's always been a dump stat, if you want to smooth talk you just level speech.

DeS - Dex
DaS - Str
Das II - Str + Dex
Das III - Str + Dex
BB - Str + Dex (skill) or just Int (Arcane)

punches and kicks


It takes INT to not get there in the first place