Who's the best Mortal Kombat character and why is it the Chinese Ninja Warrior?

Who's the best Mortal Kombat character and why is it the Chinese Ninja Warrior?

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Nah, it's Cassie Cage.



>Sub-Zero is legitimately my favourite
>always eats shit to scorpion in trailers

fuck you, boon


I know your pain, friend

Liu is better

How come Bi-Han Sub-Zero became Noob Saibot when he died, But when Kuai-Liang Sub-Zero died he just became revenant Sub-Zero and lost all his cybernetics?

He's always been my favorite but MK9 and MKX made me love Johnny Cage

MKX in particular

The cybernetics let him have some form of resistance to Crunchy's domination, so he ripped them out and reformed his body. Comics


Serious question, can someone name a pair of fighting game palette swaps more differentiating from each other than Sub-Zero and Scorpion? One is a freeze trapping, clone making swap and the other is a fire breathing, spear throwing swap. Everything else I see are just Ryus and Kens.

Would you stick your dick in a 10,000 year old pussy Sup Forums?


2 fast 4 me, MKII speed and damage is comfy.

If that happened to me online I would be fucking impressed and send that guy a congratulatory message.

This is the real Sub-Zero, silly user

>Scorpion and Subzero.. deadliest of enemies, but slaves to my power.


Triborg players should be shot, i hate that character so damn much.


I'm thinking of picking this up but mostly for single player because I'm a scrub. Worth it?

Also, this came has really fucking great animations.

Kotal Kahn did nothing wrong.

Nothing I like more than polishing my red armor plating with salty player tears.

How come?

Why does he wear the mask?!

Not him but you're lucky Sektor is husbando-tier.

Wait, I thought that fight theme was FIRE





>People doing faction kills ever

>fucking great animations

is this a joke?

no but you are



I have 80 hours in and 97% of that is from single player. Do it.

Human Smoke. Smoke powers are fucking rad and I have no idea why. The only other game with smoke powers I know of is Infamous Second Son.

Is Tanya still horribly broken?

Tanya I guess, mostly for gameplay reasons. In Armageddon she had a crazy 50% combo and she was really fierce in Deception too. I never liked her look until X though, so I'm glad they improved her. She reminds me a lot of Lili with being nimble and mainly using kicks.

Get MK9 if you are a fan of MK singleplayer like me. Trust me.

The only good character to come out of the 3D era is Quan Chi.

Everyone else is fucking shit.

You forgot Kenshi

>has awesome design
>unique conceptual basis that fits the MK universe
>actually cares about his subordinates and outworld as a whole
>Isn't obessed with conquest and power, is happy to coordinate with earthrealm
>rides a fucking t-rex into battle
>is a great tactician and warrior,makes raiden look like an incompetent chump
>does everything he does for the good of his people

Is he /our guy/?

You are using that meme wrong user, you are supposed to say that ironically about a character that actually did something wrong, not an actually based one.

I've played the shit out of MK9. MKX just didn't look as focused on single player based on all the pre-release stuff. It seemed really focused on tournament play and stuff.

I think I'll pick up XL next time it's on sale. Thanks, user.

Some one should stream the movie every time theres a MK thread.

nice opinion


Deviant art-tier design, just like every other 3D era character that's not Quan Chi.

No but he is a great guy, got a bitch move on him at the end of his story

he let outworlders into earthrealm because he can't handle his shit

I'm still mad he got cut from MKX when his design was so successful in MK9.

>think ice powers are cool, no pun intended maybe just a little
>Sub-Zero is too slow and bulky for my taste
>hate Frost and think she's a mega bitch but want her in since she would likely play as a quicker SZ

Or maybe I just suck major ass with SZ since people online are like cheetahs with him.

it's noob saibot for owning people if you think different you're wrong

ps. scorpion is my favorite

>le she-zero

Fuck off retard. She's fucking shit. Along with all the other shitty characters Shinnok and Tanya.

In terms of a meaty singleplayer mode, the story mode is extremely disappointing, and as some fans have pointed out at launch, the komics are actually better than the story mode. You can find a full pack somewhere. Their obligatory "other" mode is living towers which is the typical online/seasonal events you find in modern games. They're nice in the sense that they're singleplayer but you also passively compete with other players on leaderboards but this is a bad replacement for an actual mode. Minigames is just a return of Test Your Might and they're so very pointless. My favorite improvement is definitely arcade ladder, you get multipliers for good performance like ending matches with brutalities and not taking damage, and your final score gets pushed to leaderboards.

Don't forget unlocking the krypt, that was a lot of fun.

get this guy out of here


Pyro can hit hard if you got the purple shadow on them

You might as well say that about some of the classic characters as well. Every colored ninja is some form of element, C/Khameleon is just a palette swap machine, MK3 Stryker is a street cop, Nightwolf is literally filling the race quota. I like Quan Chi, Kenshi (typical asian character), Fujin, Meat is a decent secret/joke character. Reiko's arc with Mileena in the comics show untapped potential, they seem to be using each other just to sit on Shao Kahn's throne.

>that hair in MK9

boon please

>untapped potential

Basically defines every single MK character ever made.

Reiko sucks, Jarek sucks, Fujin blows

Sareena should have been in MK4 instead

Only fun mk char, all the rest be boring as fuk and she is even a kunoichi not like the other poser bitches

>Basically defines every single MK character, that isn't Scorpion, ever made.
Fucking Boon's boner man

Leakbro here.

I'm a game tester at Netherrealm and they have MK11 on the planning stages already.

I have info on the roster. Roster will be 35 characters. Variations are NOT coming back. New "gimmick" mechanic is combining your special moves with a character you tag in briefly. X-rays are also back again. Hara-kiris are back too.

Anyways, the roster:

1. Scorpion
2. Sub-zero
3. Reptile
4. Kabal
5. Shang Tsung
6. Noob- Saibot
7. Raiden
8. Johnny Cage
9. Jax
10. Jade
11. Rain
12. Fujin
13. Nightwolf
14. Kotal Kahn
15. Goro
16. Erron Black
17. Takeda
18. Cassie Cage
19. Kung Jin
20. Kai
21. Mileena
22. Havik
23. Sheeva
24. Sindel
25. Shao Kahn
26. Ermac
27. Liu Kang
28. Kung Lao
29. Kitana
30. Baraka
31. Cyrax
32. Smoke(human)
33. Ashrah
34. Tanya
35. Onaga

Confirmed facts:

1. NO new characters
2. Main villain for first half of story is Liu Kang+ Kitana before they get restored back to normal. Second half is Onaga.
3. Story is a direct continuation of MKX. NO TIME SKIP
4. Tons of DLC planned, ranging from cosmetics. At least 2 DLC season passes planned. 4 characters each.
5. Battle damage is back from MK9.
6. First DLC is Sektor, Stryker, Frost OR Sareena(they are still deciding this), and Pinhead as a guest. Second DLC they only have down the first two characters. They are Hotaru and Ash. The other two are still being discussed.

Will the PC version suck dick again?

>New "gimmick" mechanic is combining your special moves with a character you tag in briefly.

That sounds like shit. Tell them to change it before it's too late, for the love of god.

NO. They are learning from their mistakes. The initial pc port was NRS' biggest regret besides the variation system.

Why do they regret variations?

Because it limited the number of playable characters and they realized people mostly stuck with one variation anyways. They basically saw it as a dumb gimmick.

>PC version not sucking
Bullshit, Leakbro confirmed for bullshit

Well, that is true.

You'll see on release.

Why no PC version of Injustice 2 then?

They're targeting slightly different audiences with Injustice and MK. Although they might make a PC port later on.

can you mod out his tatoo? pc

i dont know

>robo snake



Well being that this IS Sup Forums you're probably shitting us, but in the rare event you are not I can totally get behind that roster. There are too many characters already that get neglected so we really don't need any more new ones for awhile.

>Variations are NOT coming back
Even though this is probably bullshit I'd be mad as fuck if this was the case.
Variations were the best new addition

I prefer to fuck ass

Yup. I like the roster too. Although not having Quan Chi or Shinnok hurts a little but oh well.

I really don't think that they added a lot. Even NRS doesn't like variations. I think the big 35 character roster is a better idea than another 24 character roster with variations in which only one out of 3 are useful.

I miss blond Cage

MKX's roster makes me feel sick

Takeda, Hanzo, Bo Rai Cho, Jacqui, Ferra & Tor, D'vorah, Jason, Alien who looks terrible, Leatherface

so bad, why do they hate the first few MK's so much? no Nightwolf, Baraka (who was even in the singleplayer), Kabal, Sindel, Shang Tsung
what a piece of shit


The problem with variations is it was clear early on they didn't always have enough material to make three versions of each character and had to pad it out. Take Kitana who got two variations of her own and one that is just Jade in a Kitana skin. Even Tremor's were a real stretch. One throws a gold ball, one throws a green one, big deal. The combos were still the same between them.

They're actually killing Jacqui off early in the story so they can develop Takeda more. They don't hate the first MKs. They just wanted to test new stuff out with new characters and what not.

Exactly. Variations were just a bad move on their part and they quickly realized they could have put in more characters if it wasn't for the variations.

Ferra Torr were pretty cool. Don't tell me Ferra wasn't cute af and funny.

What is Canon in the character story endings? Because Jax died in at least 3 of tem and youre here saying that he Will be in the game. I call bullshit

Ladder endings have never been canon even as far back as MK1.

>Jax dies in MK9
>comes back in MKX

They usually points out what will mostly likely happen in the next games.

I really can't think of many examples where they do. Doesn't matter now anyway since story mode is the only canon to go by, ladder endings are just relics that are for fun now.

Thats why they made a whole canon comics series to explain what happened between both games. Also, in the begginnig of the MKX Jax was still a revenant, he only was freed of QuanChi dominion later.

Performing fatalities on her always made my dick hard. Maybe it's those thighs.

>tfw komic was better than game and will be called non-canon because NRS doesn't want to get upstaged

Kotal Khan

>Sektor is dlc again
This is where I don't want to believe you. Triborg's "Sektor varation" was the only reason I bought the game where I paid additional money for triborg, but now I have to do it again? For what purpose, Sektor isn't even the popular cyborg of the three of them, Cyrax is.

The smokes endings in mk9 refere to him become enera, which he dos in MKX.
Tem again, Im not saying they are Canon, but they usually have bits of the ideas for the sequel, and Jax being killed by Erron is refered in various character endings, strongly implying that It will happen.

>They're actually killing Jacqui off early in the story

Yeah theyre killing the only black character besides Jax and a woman nonetheless. Stop role playing and get a job you neet