>Sup Forums tells you how great a game is
>buy game
>it's complete shit
What's her name?
Sup Forums tells you how great a game is
Adam Adams
Jason Ward
Never happened. Sup Forums has great taste in vidya
Henry Russell
Having taste in vidya requires plaything though
Colton Ramirez
Sleeping dogs
>Generic combat
>Boring story
>Awful voice acting
Waste of hard drive space
John Turner
Most Nintendo games.
Caleb Howard
Dylan Ross
>Not liking sleeping dogs
Literally just played and finished it. Was pretty good
Nathan Rogers
That shitty VA-11 Hall-A "game", it was even worse than Undertale, just memes and the biggest weeb shit I've ever seen.
Chase Cruz
Bloodborne,unironically one of the most boring games I've ever played.
Samuel Hernandez
Trails of Cold Steel
Senran Kagura