>Sup Forums tells you how great a game is
>buy game
>it's complete shit
What's her name?
Sup Forums tells you how great a game is
Never happened. Sup Forums has great taste in vidya
Having taste in vidya requires plaything though
Sleeping dogs
>Generic combat
>Boring story
>Awful voice acting
Waste of hard drive space
Most Nintendo games.
>Not liking sleeping dogs
Literally just played and finished it. Was pretty good
That shitty VA-11 Hall-A "game", it was even worse than Undertale, just memes and the biggest weeb shit I've ever seen.
Bloodborne,unironically one of the most boring games I've ever played.
Trails of Cold Steel
Senran Kagura
Dark Souls/Bloodborne
Dragon's Dogma
Hotline Miami
New Vegas
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Planescape: Torment
Wizardy 8
The Binding of Isaac
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Deus ex
>Start playing at the dock
>Take the Crossbow
>Use it on the first enemy
>He doesn't die
>Just runs around screeming
>I pull out my pistol to defend myself
>Crosshair is the size of fucking Texas
>Die in two shots even though the enemies take 5+ to kill
>Start over and stealth my way into the tower
>Game becomes baby teir easy because of the braindead AI
>Come across a turret
>Can't hack it
>Can't destroy it
>Save and try to run past it
>Doesn't work
>Try again
>Quit and uninstall
Garbage game, but Sup Forums fellates it constantly.
"I have shit taste" the post.
I don't listen to Sup Forums.
I don't watch Twitch faggots.
I don't watch YouTube faggots.
I don't visit Metacritic.
I don't read reviews.
I don't even read Steam reviews.
I watch trailers and gameplay. That's it, that's all. My opinions are my own.
The Witcher
Underrail. It's like they deliberately made it a chore to do simpliest tasks.
Dragon's Dogma is one of the worst games i played post 2010.
I'm pretty sure Sup Forumsirgins played that game just to masturbate to the trap who spends the game fighting in a pair of panties.
Dragon's Dogma. It has a lot of good ideas and potential but it still is an unfinished pile of repetitive garbage with boring gameplay and dumb story.
So you're retarded then
This. I played it a few hours but got bored of the sidequests and the shit combat didn't help either
Unplayable trash
agreed, garbage game
witcher 3 and six siege
since when Sup Forums tell you va11 hallA is great?
because afaik people here only call it comfy VN
>weeb shit
it actually is weeb shit in the right meaning
Fuck this piece of trash, poor gamepad support, poor AI, poor optimization, poor singleplayer career all because "muh it's a sim, not a game!" yet faggots compare it to grand games like Forza.
I fucking regret putting 10 hours into what basically equates to one of those japanese rhythm games.
Every Serious Sam game
Deponia (and other Daedalic turds)
Ys series
everyone ITT has the most garbage taste I've ever seen.
Any game in a genre that I am not interested in..
Really its that simple. If you dont like nobrain shooters and you buy DOOM dont blame Sup Forums. If you dont like open world RPGs and you buy Witcher dont blame Sup Forums.
I'm playing through right now to quell my Dark Souls fetish. Its frustrating in more than a few aspects, but still an entertaining game.
you sound legit retarded
witcher 3
Honestly? I can't bring myself to like Dragon's Dogma. I know it's supposed to actually get good halfway through the game, but I can't do it.
I can't believe I fell for the fucking meme. What a worthless game.
holy shit what happened to lobos?
Dishonored 2
Watch Dogs 2
Fuck your "what went so right?" threads, man
How does it work out for you generally?
Really fucking well.
Games that get shit on are sometimes great in my mind.
The Witcher 1
There are no traps in Nier though.
Dark Souls
Fuck all you cunts for making me but Hatred.
You cunts made it out like it would be fun but it all it was, was a shit eagle view shooter with no gore and no fun.
Bioshock. I've never trusted Sup Forums since.
>be a casual
>get told that this game(clearly not a game for casuals) is great if you invest some time and patience into it
>buy it
>think its shit because you're a casual
>go to Sup Forums and make a shitposting thread
really makes you think
Sleeping Dogs (Though not as bad as the rest, just felt mediocre)
It seems like Sup Forums always loves the unknown games like the hipster fucks they are.
I bought W3 because of Sup Forums. Not like it's complete shit, but def not my game.
I fell for the Morrowind meme
your favorite game
New Vegas
>name of universally liked game
>name of universally liked game
>name of universally liked game
>name of universally liked game
>name of universally liked game
HAHA, do my controversial opinions enrage you Sup Forums?
Gonna double down on this, but I'll add that it's probably more due to the fact that I only get Sup Forums recommendations if it's something that looks good to me.
I think Bastion is the only Sup Forums approved game that I played and didn't like
Only two games Sup Forums convinced me of was
Enjoyed them both immensely.
My niggedy-nog
This guy is a fucking Jian. You really didn't know what you were getting into after seeing all the E.Y.E threads?
>six siege
Same. That game is a complete fucking unplayable wreck.
anyone with a brain could see that game was dogshit, you have only yourself to blame
I heard they had fixed it by now, but then again I don't own the game so I wouldn't know.
Play Postal: REDUX famalam
They fixed some of it (I played the beta and got the game on release) but the game itself has shit in it that is too fucking retarded for a video game in the first place.
Final Fantasy XV. Side quest are fuckin garbage and so is transportation.
This doesn't happen unless you blindly believe what's said without looking it up yourself from other sources as well.
OP you dum'
>This game is bad
>"Hurr Durr Retard!"
personally, Sup Forums was right about quite a few games for me. it's just that i don't have shit taste and i can tell which games are going to be worthwhile. i could tell since a young age and so should you unless you're not very bright
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Yoshi's Woolly World
>name of cult favorite
>name of cult favorite
>name of cult favorite
>name of cult favorite
>name of cult favorite
Get on my level
Doorkickers was pretty fucking underwhelming desu
crypt of the necrodancer
or maybe rythm games are not my style
Witcher 3, Gravity Rush Remastered, Wolfenstein TNO
That Ace Attourney game. I didn't buy it but pirated it. Turns out it's just a visual novel.
Never happened, I don't listen to anybody here.
You truly are the wisest wizard cat
Mass Effect
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate
Chrono Trigger
What a bunch of dumb idiot losers you must all be to want to play these
>Sup Forums has great taste in vidya
You truly are the wisest wizard cat
Pic related
If I listened to Overwatch fags then problably but so far Shantae turned out ok and Trails in the Sky FC was good.
>Shantae turned out ok
>Poop toots
Yeah no the actual game sucks. There are just a lot of obsessive fags here who see Shantae as their waifu.
Half Life 1 and 2
What a fucking boring series.
Animal Crossing games
Anyone who finds those "games" remotely fun or interesting is either a hardcore furfag or a really lonely person
Just adjust to the game.
This. Linear cinematic popamole garbage.
>All these Witcher 1 posts
I really wanted to get into it, but I just can't. Is there anything important I'll miss out on if I skip straight to 2?
>a really lonely person
Where do you think you are?
Tales of Berseria. It makes Radiou 1 combat look fluid.
Same. Tw looks fun but i am too autistic to start a series from anything but the first game,and the first game is torture
Mount and Blade
Sup Forums has never steered me wrong, because of you guys I got to play some great games. Thank you!
Recommend me a game, Sup Forums
>how to trigger spergs: the thread
Jesus Christ.
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines
persona 3
never again
Only happened once to me.
Just Cause 2.
Worst sandbox/open world/gta clone or whatever it's called I've ever played. Feels like a budget game made by a small studio.
It's a good game. It just needs to be 40-50 hours shorter.
you are truly the wisest wizard cat
Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Any sonic game
Zelda ocarina of time
>being too much of a newfag to be able to tell when it's actual pre-habbo Sup Forums (aka original users) or post-habbo immigrants (who are casuals with shit taste)
obviously if someone recommends you some ubishit like for honor or whatever they are a fuckin immigrant, true Sup Forums users would tell you to play games like dwarf fortress
Darkest Dungeon
You truly are the wisest wizard cat.
This entire list: