Kingdom Hearts is the stupidest thing ever...

Kingdom Hearts is the stupidest thing ever. I'm not saying the games are bad but goddamn the concept and the story is so stupid.

Just look at this picture.

Can you seriously look at it and go
>Hmm, yeah, that looks cool

Yes, but then again I'm used to it. Also I think shit like Super Sentai is cool so I'm probably a bad barometer for this.

KH is like Naruto for me.

It was interesting at first, then it got convoluted and fucking retarded by adding in bullshit to try to make the story "complex". I'm only barely hanging on, and only because I just want to see how it ends.

It's more like "this is batshit, how did we manage to live in a universe where you can see Donald Duck conversing with an anime teenager or fucking Sephiroth?"

Seriously when you pull back for a minute and think it's really fucking weird that such a thing even exists and has managed to survive for over a decade as its own series at that.

>I just want to see how it ends.
Jokes on you, KH3 is just the end of the first arc. Nomura has referred to it as the "Xehanort Saga"

1: Same formula as Naruto. 2 rival males and 1 love interest. One is cheery and one is dark and brooding.

2: Midnight and Rooftops puts off a rebellious attitude.

Theres a reason the "Kingdom Hearts Fanbase" is made up with certain people.

>tfw kingdom hearts is the video game equivalent of tails gets trolled

>mfw I call KH's story shit and fucboi disagrees with me

I thought it look stupid when it first came out and I still think it looks dumb.

I tried KH2 on a emulator and it's not a bad game it just doesn't appeal to me at all.

Yeah it's pretty gay. Everything is hearts or light and darkness. Japs think the gayest shit is cool.