Kingdom Hearts is the stupidest thing ever...

Kingdom Hearts is the stupidest thing ever. I'm not saying the games are bad but goddamn the concept and the story is so stupid.

Just look at this picture.

Can you seriously look at it and go
>Hmm, yeah, that looks cool

Yes, but then again I'm used to it. Also I think shit like Super Sentai is cool so I'm probably a bad barometer for this.

KH is like Naruto for me.

It was interesting at first, then it got convoluted and fucking retarded by adding in bullshit to try to make the story "complex". I'm only barely hanging on, and only because I just want to see how it ends.

It's more like "this is batshit, how did we manage to live in a universe where you can see Donald Duck conversing with an anime teenager or fucking Sephiroth?"

Seriously when you pull back for a minute and think it's really fucking weird that such a thing even exists and has managed to survive for over a decade as its own series at that.

>I just want to see how it ends.
Jokes on you, KH3 is just the end of the first arc. Nomura has referred to it as the "Xehanort Saga"

1: Same formula as Naruto. 2 rival males and 1 love interest. One is cheery and one is dark and brooding.

2: Midnight and Rooftops puts off a rebellious attitude.

Theres a reason the "Kingdom Hearts Fanbase" is made up with certain people.

>tfw kingdom hearts is the video game equivalent of tails gets trolled

>mfw I call KH's story shit and fucboi disagrees with me

I thought it look stupid when it first came out and I still think it looks dumb.

I tried KH2 on a emulator and it's not a bad game it just doesn't appeal to me at all.

Yeah it's pretty gay. Everything is hearts or light and darkness. Japs think the gayest shit is cool.

It's a series that tries to be dark and edgy with a convoluted plot you need a fucking PhD to follow while also having a protagonist in size 75 clown shoes swinging around a giant key while donald duck and goofy help him kick the shit out of other disney characters.

This shit is completely fucking tone-deaf. It should take itself NOWHERE FUCKING NEAR as seriously as it does, and it comes off as cringy tween bait because of it.

Ironically, if it was sillier, I'd probably enjoy it alot more as a grown-ass man.

On paper the KH series is literally fanfiction deviant art tier but in execution SOME of the games are fun. KH 1/2/birth by sleep are decent while others like 358/2 days are absolutely horrendous. Most fans also have heavy rose tinted nostalgia glasses from the earlier games and I doubt the series will attract as many new fans nowadays.

Hmm, yeah, that looks cool.

>I can't have fun in a videogame: the post

If this guy directed KH, what would happen?

Yes I can. I love mysterious shit, I love disney, I love the keyblade concept, I love the atmosphere of the game. Fuck off.

I'll admit I get hit by nostalgia hard everyt ime I play kh 1. But I'll never forget the child like joy I felt when I first got the game.

Aqua would have a dick.

I'm okay with this

Holy shit, are you me?

Never played days, ddd, coded, or the remasters. Im gonna get the final mix ps4 versions when they release, but i started losing interest once certain characters got fanserviced into being more relevent than they should be (Xion, lea)

I just want to play 3 (which i already anticipate lacking in content and being a step down from kh2 (which was already stupidly easy thanks to triangle commands) and see how this bitch ends and see sora eat his fucking dinner.

I still maintain KH2 is probably on the bottom part of my top 10 GOAT.

But when the series has sequels, prequels and spinoffs that literally use fractions and decimals in their naming conventions, with a story that's too complicated for how boring it is, it's easy to lose interest.

All that said, I hope KH3 is good.

I've never been insecure or self conscious to such a degree.
So hmm yeah, that looks cool.

>tfw you actually enjoy kingdom hearts
> tfw you can never discuss it because of its autistic fucktarded fanbase

>Holy shit are you, me?

No, there are retards like you in every. Single. One. Of these threads.


It was necessary to test out different gameplay mechanics in order to make KH3 as good as possible. Not to mention you can get all the gsmes on the PS3, and now soon to be PS4.

KH came out when I was 12 and I thought it looked absolutely retarded. I only decided to try it when EGM gave it a good score. I loved it, and loved KHII even more. I think they hold up pretty well but I've played a lot better games since then.

It's a challenge I know all too well user.

Kingdom Hearts is supposed to be the combination of Eastern and Western working together my dude.
But let's try to play a game here, other than Final Fantasy + Disney, what other dangerously insane combinations could somehow work in their place?

I mean if a Square and Disney game could work in this timeline, what can't?

I think that it should've stopped at the first game.
The developers just kept adding useless crap that they thought be interesting for players. Kingdom Hearts 1 already went full retard at the end with DARKESS, and Square Enix thought that they should step it up a notch.

I just love being able to interact with Disney worlds. Its an absolute treat to play and explore Nightmare Before Christmas or Winnie the Pooh. But the fucking story. I tried the GBA game and it was so bad I dropped the side games.

I bought a ps3 for KH3 and I am still pissed its been over 10 years.