Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?

Other urls found in this thread:


because you're shilling a turd yet again.

It's not RE.


It's not on Nintendo consoles.

Because it literally saved RE from death.

Sup Forums are a bunch of no-taste weebs that loves garbage like RE 4, 5 and 6. They can't handle that the game is played best with a mouse and keyboard, or that the new RE brought back the old school feeling, while providing much more immersion.

the shilling never stops

>old school feeling
>first person

>muh immersion
>fucking initial D drifting psycho

Lmao this is exactly what I was talking about when this faggot posted this thread same time yesterday.

>garbage like 4
stopped reading there

muh scary video gameeeee
muh silent hill with Weskerrrrrrr

>they haven't even played the game
typical Sup Forumsermin.