Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?
Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?
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It's not on Nintendo consoles.
Because it literally saved RE from death.
Sup Forums are a bunch of no-taste weebs that loves garbage like RE 4, 5 and 6. They can't handle that the game is played best with a mouse and keyboard, or that the new RE brought back the old school feeling, while providing much more immersion.
the shilling never stops
>old school feeling
>first person
>muh immersion
>fucking initial D drifting psycho
Lmao this is exactly what I was talking about when this faggot posted this thread same time yesterday.
>garbage like 4
stopped reading there
muh scary video gameeeee
muh silent hill with Weskerrrrrrr
>they haven't even played the game
typical Sup Forumsermin.
It's a mixture of not having played it and expecting it to suck/review lower.
>constantly makes fun of old fanbase
>calls old res shit regardless if it's pre or post re4
>declares 7 the second coming
>claims 7 is amazing
>claims 7 is a return to form and back to it's roots
>shits on established series
>hyper defensive when shills get called out
yep it's the DmC marketing team all over again.
Just call the old games brokeback mountain and make your circle of shit complete again.
I just completed it. It's fantastic. Especially considering all the garbage RE games we have gotten in the past decade.
I have it's 7 hours long, 3 enemy types, retarded bosses, bad puzzles, almost no unlockables or replayability, CoD splices with outlast/PT, VR tech demo, bad characters, bad acting, bad plot.
I already got a refund for it.
Sup Forums all over again
Sucks to be you. I found 7 to be a huge improvement over the previous couple of games.
let's play a game
it's called spot the shill
The only bad RE was 6, the series didn't need to be 'saved'
>the same guy screaming shill in every thread
maybe you should go to bed you oblivious obsessive fuck
The only bad RE was Code Veronica, the series didn't need to be 'saved'
because it is shit
>kills DMC
>kills SF
>kills RE
Are they going to bring back Darkstalkers next and kill it too?
Maybe Onimusha this time?
The only bad RE was Operation: Racoon City, the series didn't need to be 'saved'
You can almost hear his autistic screeching as the turns on his ps3 to play resident evil 5 again.
it's like 7 hours long
because its getting consistent 9/10's
shill =/= person that said they enjoyed a game
grow up bud
Saw a Let's Play and it's not RE to me.
sorry nigglet.
Easily GOTY for me and many others
The "Characters" look creepier than the enemies
what a fucking shitshow
>implying they wouldn't have done this in 1996 if they could
I actually quite like it.
The puzzles are a bit on the easy side, but so far it's what I'd expect of a Resident Evil game.
We don't. It's just the typical contrarians everytime a new game is released that's talking shit. The widely accepted consensus is that it's good and has brought the series back to proper form.
>enjoying shit
if you're that into scat it makes you a shit person too , just because you go "well I like it so it's fine" it does not make you any less autistic.
>Because it literally saved RE from death.
RE5 and 6 were the highest sold games in the series though.
What did you guys think of these games? I only played Darkside but liked it for what it was, it was more an like interactive movie more than anything, but it was cool to see Leon and Krauser's early partnership and RE2 rendered in HD.
because critic and normalfags love it.
Resident Evil 4 fans bitching about the game returning to its roots. The game is essentially classic Resident Evil with hints of Outlast/old horror movies.
Not overly 'anime'.
My main probably is all of the loose ends that will probably be filled in by DLC or sequels.
It still feels like resident evil
Because they can't afford VR
>resident evil and Alien are some of my most favourite franchises
>both get high budget big games
>both in my most least favourite genre
fuuuccckk, I want to love these games but I hate this style of slowly walking around small rooms in 40 FOV first person
My only problem is the unnecessary Umbrella shit. The game was good enough to stand on it's own.
What is it trying to say?
Funniest thing is there are these hyperconsumers who actually say this.
>in 40 FOV first person
You do know both of the PC versions of Isolation and RE7 let you change the FOV right?
>The game is essentially Outlast/old horror movies with hints of classic Resident Evil.
The first RE was all about walking around small rooms, and the game lets you change the FOV.
Eveline is kind of a cute girl, if she wasn't too much of murderous virus reincarnate.
You say that, but if it wasn't for VR I wouldn't care much. VR is a legit enhancement of the whole experience, and RE7 is the first good and real game that shows it. Was playing it all night last night.
That's not the RE that everyone got into you idiot.
What do you expect, the japs love cheesy shit like this.
>Sup Forums hates 7
>people are now praising 6
Re 7 is a horror, Re4 is a action game.
So is it just wandering a house with a family of spookies chasing you, that (i'm guessing) you can't kill, or are there monsters and inventory management and puzzles like the older games
Yes it is, you little millenial faggot.
They also hated FFXV, it's like a cycle.
To be fair RE6 isn't a bad game, it's just a bad entry.
I'd imagine that most of the hate in here is unfounded or just petty samefagging trash.
there's monsters, inventory management and puzzles yes.
By "previous couple", I'm going to assume you mean 5 and 6 considering Revelations 2 is better than 7 in every way.
Hell, I'd rather play 5 again. At least 5 left me wanting more after the credits rolled.
I'm not very far into it but yes, people I know have said it becomes a lot more like RE than the intro lets on
Sup Forums probably thinks it's not weeb enough
'In which case Sup Forums is wrong and should play in japanese dub
I'd only say that for Leon's campaign, Chris's campaign is pure dogshit and Sherry's is very very mediocre
what are paid reviews?
positive reviews for games you personally don't like?
user now you just have shit taste.
So it's a return to form then?
They're ok but they're too slow. I know they were trying to go for a classic RE feel but they make me just want to play house of the dead 2 instead.
Darksides kind of better than umbrella outside of the shaky cam though.
game is amazing dont listen to Sup Forums
game is shit don't listen to marketers
Pewdiepie tier
I know this has been nagged to death but Sup Forums hates games.
Sup Forums is actually right this time though
Crack when
That is what they say everytime.
and they're right everytime
This. Sup Forumsermins are retarded kids
This is also one of the reasons Sup Forums hates it so much, little poorfags can't pirate it
quit replying to yourself already.
what and edgy pov, typical for Sup Forums
Only contrarians are hating the game, I've played and it's pretty fucking great, the best RE in years and possibly what will save the franchise.
I've played through RE1, 2, 4 and 6 and i enjoyed this game. Am I allowed to or do i have to call it shit because Sup Forums says so?
>those same lines again
t. shill
haHAA, look at this butthurted retard. He can't accept the reality where old rotten series reborn into the new awesome one& He just want to eat old shit like re456
kys, boyo
>To be fair RE6 isn't a bad game
We've come full circle ladies and gentleman, watch people begin to shit on RE7 now and praise RE6, in a few years RE6 will be considered a cult classic by Sup Forums.
Remember in the first game that hillbilly fight in the attic where you couldn't leave because it was scripted and shit? RESIDENT EVIL IS BACK BABY!!!!!!
This game is a testament why nobody should to Survival Horror fags.
Since you're the same guy who keeps praising this game throughout the thread, fuck off.
>People saying RE6 is better than this
Just what in the fuck
Is calling other shills the only argument you have?
It's 100% for sure not meant to be a Resident Evil game, but then again neither was 4