>it's a "Sup Forums tries to imitate Sup Forums" episode
It's a "Sup Forums tries to imitate Sup Forums" episode
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wtf I hate Jon Tron now
Jontron makes some pretty savage tweets though, it's amusing as fuck to watch.
I'm so glad that Jon is redpilled.
>e-celebs are okay if they agree with my political views!
Get a gun and shoot yourself lad
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being conservative.
wtf i love jon tron now
>Also a conservative New Yorker
Me and Jon are kindred spirits.
I don't get it
he's desperately trying to cling to some relevancy now
All the people dogging him
Are these fuckers for real?
If Pewdiepie can do it so can you
Twitter is just Sup Forums without anonymity. They do it for the replies.
You'll see similar behavior with many "entertainers" these coming 4 years.
Like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
>It's a screenshot without context thread
He's a Muslim.
jontron is a muslim, of course he is automatically redpilled
he gets a shitton of views, somehow
The tweet is the context. Jon talked last night about his stance against the Women's March and the whole situation about the guy punching a Nazi/white-nationalist on live television. I think most of his fanbase is left-leaning and they didn't like him saying these things. Jon, as usual, memed it up in the face of criticism.
You're right, his popularity is really dwindl-
Isn't he Iranian/Persian? He probably got redpilled about his ancestors and muslims so he decided that enough is enough
wait, I thought /po/ hated sandniggers. Is that a new meme?
what did they do
why are sjw angry at him this time?
>Christmas with the Kranks
God that movie was so fucking awful even for a christmas movie.
No, they hate paper shredders.
This is what happens when you don't throw lefties out of helicopters.
See for yourself.
I don't support violence but the first amendment doesn't prevent people from suffering from consequences.
Also, as a kebab, seeing that cunt get decked makes me warm inside.
I thought that he was just of Arabic descend that doesn´t automatically make on a Muslim
>having a coherent ideological framework
Political science is for cucks, haven't you heard ?
what the fuck?
Leave /po/ alone. No bully.
Reminder that Jon was harrassed and abused as a child/teenager.
Jafri (Arabic: جعفری ) is a surname commonly associated with those who are the descendants of the 6th Imam, Ja'far al-Sadiq, who was a direct descendant of Ali and Muhammad. Since the Jafri clan trace their lineage to Fatima Az-Zehra, they are a form of Sayyed who are the direct descendants of Muhammad
Many Shia Jafris lived in the Iraq, Iran, India and Pakistan. Some Sunni Muslims also associate with the surname Jafri.
I am a Ottoman empire conservative, I believe we should go back to the old times where we forced non Muslims to either pay religious tax or die, when we could kidnap children from our conquered colonies and that way over generations assimilate other cultures, I think we should ban alcohol as well. I think those things must be done in order to stop western degeneracy and preserve the family values all sane people cherish.
the word conservative is meaningless without context. A Russian conservative and an American conservative or a ... Macedonian conservative are different things and imply different ideologies
>As a kebab violence makes me feel warm inside
not surprising tbqh
anyone can make savage tweets, Sup Forums only suck his dick because is an e-celeb
Punching Nazi's is the most patriotic thing an American can do. It's why I main Captain America in Marvel vs Capcom.
As a Christian Conservative I believe that Constantinople belongs to Byzantium
People actually like this dirty arab?
Before you guys start to clamor him as /ourguy/ keep in mind he supported Bernie.
You can all go home now.
>not being an Ottoman conservative
OK, I give up. Where on this link should I be looking? What does
>I think I'll make a VLOG with all my thoughts tommorow, it's too hard to get my thoughts out on twitter and you all love to DOG ME
Have to do with Sup Forums?
his literal full name is Jonathan *Aryan* Jafari
more like 1389
And so is punching commies
Why won't we start doing this more often?
He's fat. He doesn't want to go on aarch to blindly support women without clear goals. He has better things to do like working on the remnants of his channel. He doesn't wanna help them out, he has pizza and burgers to eat while filming himself shilling.
Leave him alone, it's not about being a redpilled/pol/ack. It's about him being a fat fuck like the rest of us.
Wake up sheeple
I'll take a berniefag over a hillaryfag any day
>the jokes about his dad saying "I thought I told you not to come home" and his dad's urn were biographical and self-deprecating in nature
Just makes those bits funnier tbHonest
But why did he leave GG?
>E-celeb Sup Forumsshit
That's what Iron Man is for. He was written to combat commies from the Cold War era, if I'm not mistaken.
>fat manchild tweets something anyone ielse has been doing before him
>Sup Forums thinks his tweets are Sup Forums tier because they believe is "edgy"
>e-celeb shit
>Sup Forums shit
>absoluetly not VIDEO GAMES
>call the police
Trumpfags and Berniefags formed an alliance
Anyone would, but that's because there wasn't a better option.
It was Hillary or Bernie, and Hillary had money and fucked her husband's Secret Service buddies to get them to remove Bernie.
made me kek
>Jon is very level-headed and understands lots of different issues.
>Pussy hats everywhere,
>Riots over a democratic election
>Left being so fucking retarded they're starting to alienate their OWN people.
This has nothing to do with being Sup Forums and everything to do with how fucking retarded everyone is being over this.
All I see are badly thought out right wing talking points and memes, what's that got to do with Sup Forums?
>fucked her husbands's Secre Service buddies
That's where you're wrong, noone would fuck that dried up sponge. She threatened them and their families
He got the production team he always wanted to make higher quality reaction videos. He wants to do something creative instead of spending the rest of his life making fart noises and walking on eggshells around Arin's downy girlfriend.
And the angsty edgy teen strikes again
>notch is literally r*ddit. fucking fat greedy jew
>did he just say something anti SJW? wtf I love notch now!
>pewdiepie is literally r*ddit. get cucked swede
>did he just say something anti SJW? wtf I love pewdiepie now!
>jontron is literally r*ddit. fucking mudslime
>did he just say something anti SJW? wtf I love jontron now!
That is Sup Forums
Guess you don't know how bad Sup Forums is.
He's Iranian, that doesn't make him Arab.
It's like calling a Chinese a Japanese
skeletons is sjws
My mom is 58 and follows that page. I don't know anymore.
>He wants to do something creative
What's taking him so long?
I wonder if the same retards who think it's ok to assault someone because of his advocacy for the creation of a white ethno-state also have a problem with Israel?
Oh wait of course they don't because they're a bunch of hypocritical fucks who are literally racist against white people.
I mean, creating a white ethno-state is a stupid fucking idea, sure. But the second you resort to violence when confronted with an opinion you don't agree with, you've lost the fucking argument.
No way. Fuck, man.
How the hell is JonXTsuyu a thing?
Speaking of downy girlfriends, what happened to his?
>Sup Forums is one person etc etc
all those peoples' views and opinions have changed over time and turned against the increasingly retarded leftists
I don't know, that kind of stuff started popping up when everyone decided he was a neo-nazi.
Got cucked by Satchell Drakes
God, I miss old, fat, greasy, neckbearded, autistic shrieking, videogametalking Jontron.
He doesn't articulate his opinions very well. I doubt his vlog will help him clear things up very well.
>JonTron advocates for treating people as individuals and not based on their gender
>Neogaf calls him "A sexist shithead"
These are some next level mental gymnastics, I'm not sure I can even follow them.
Didn't you hear? People can only exist in extremes nowadays? Anything level headed means they must be shifting to the other side of the political spectrum
I guess it's like how people suddenly love violence when it's against people who say things that they don't like.
But we're on an imageboard where a plurality of users are American, where political terms by and large are used in an American sense.
So what the fuck are you doing? Are you stating this trivial and irrelevant truth in order to pretend to be smart or something?
fuck off reddit
>Didn't you hear? People can only exist in extremes nowadays?
I hate how this is true of everything BEYOND politics.
Fuck this stupid planet.
I literally don't believe you
you punks know nothing about merging Sup Forums with Sup Forums
>I mean, creating a white ethno-state is a stupid fucking idea, sure.
>actually caring about a japanese bed weaving site to a degree that you think you're superior in the subject
Absolute sad act.