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Video Games #3653
Video Games
Post your internet speed
What video games allow me to be a THICC woman?
Free steam keys
Evo 2017
NieR Automata
Do you have a favourite pokemon?
What are some games that let me BTFO spics?
Input from Sup Forums
Has a game ever made you cry or at least almost cry?
Are you going to buy my game?
Subnautica Update
For Honor
Technical issues aside it was still a memorable game
Bloodborne is a terrible, terribly-designed game
Why are people who aren't buying the Switch getting triggered by it?
Is it better than skyrim if it modable ?
Run in power armor
Sequels that are worse than their prequels
3x3 thread
Game has 2 wiki's
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
Character Customization in Ghost Recon Wildlands
Why don't they create this exact app/game but with the ACTUAL RULES of the game?
Which Civ do you guys want to see next?
What went wrong?
Is there a reasonable argument against Melee being the greatest game of all time...
So it's pretty much confirmed the only people hating this are nu-RE fans who prefer 4-6 over the classics, right?
Is there a way to cure tired gamer syndrome so that I can feel hyped for upcoming games once again?
Coppola is making an Apocalypse Now vidya
Looks like some Hentai game or fan project. Jesus this is disapointing
"Babe, you're getting too upset, play something other than Dark Souls for awhile"
Pirating indie games
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think to Dragon Age : Inquisition?
Resident Evil 7 Discussion thread
Sidekick is the actual star of the game
Why do devs put their games on PC when they flop all the time?
Do you think he's getting a Switch?
Do you prefer eastern games or western games
Pokemon Sun and Moon Banwave
Would you buy an Animal Crossing GC remake on 3DS?
It's finally here Sup Forums!
Worst controllers ever thread? I'll start
Want to replay Dark Souls II
ITT: enemies that unnerve you
Why did everything go wrong with EVO this year?
Ni-Oh Thread
Don Matrick in 2009 announcing Kinect:
How come they still haven't made something as good as this?
Not so lewd webm thread
Is there any game that gets open world right?
People are actually saying this is a bad game and a step in the wrong direction
This is how true art is made
This is Eclair
What went right?
What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Kenny Omega? great famous gamer or greatest?
Q: Previously, for each dungeon, you start with a specific theme and object, such as fire and bomb, water and bow...
What are some games where I can play as a hairy chubby guy?
Well fuck
Hey Sup Forums
ITT: Obvious signs of a bad player
Is it true most of the Persona 5 girls are sluts?
Holy shit this game is fun
What are the most cancerous fanbases on Sup Forums?
It's just a VR exclusive for Sony with the Resident Evil name slapped onto it
Keyboard and mouse is the perfect type of input for any video game
About to slip into this sexy bitch, what an I in for Sup Forumsbroos?
What's more pathetic?
Post in this thread if you purchased Tales of Berseria so I can punch you
Is Boogie2988 right?
Why should I buy the switch instead of a ps4? convince me
So does pic related get good at some point? So far the combat is fucking dogshit, and since everyone praises TW3...
All I see are threads about how bad everything is or is going to be, so lets change the subject
I just beat Dark Souls 3 for the first time (87 SL 22 Hours in game) which completes the series for me...
What are some intelligent fights in vidya like pic related ?
"I pirate to try before I buy"
Keep in mind that he's 6'6" and 160 lbs
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
Square-Enix is announcing something exciting later...
What does Sup Forums likes?
Gamefly a meme?
Is Leon a Sup Forumsirgin?
Talk to a dog in an rpg
What visual novel are you reading?
ITT: signs that a girl is just seeking attention
"I'm Redfield"
All bait aside, is this largely correct?
Tfw the most tactical operator game is about killing aliens
He's back!
Marrying a much older woman
When the Switch tanks the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks
What games did first person melee combat right?
Thoughts on this cervix piercer janitors of Sup Forums?
Anybody wanna play Paragon?
Desktop Thread
Which game is the best Zelda game?
Coppola wants to make it a game and put up a kickstarter
How are Outbreak games compared classic Resi titles...
I still can't believe how bad it was and still is
How can any other resident evil monster even compete?
He doesn't main Fio
I recently got Siege and I fucking love it
What would've happened to gaming if TPP had passed?
Tfw waited patiently for 3 months for Blizzard to kill the tank meta
Tfw forced to play healer because I want to make friends
It's 2017. Anyone hers still own a Tube TV?
The Pillars of Eternity 2 announcement was released early because Polygon don't know the difference between AM and PM...
Donald Trump Tariffs Could Force Gamers to Pay More
Why the fuck is this card banned
Assassin's Creed Thread
The next Metroid game will be developed by From Software
What's the most amount of hours you've ever put in a game?
I'm still mad
Mfw reading the first letter of each name
Is it really that good?
There are people out there who still believe Mei is fat
Filename Thread
This is the greatest RPG ever made!
What were the best games of 2007?
Do you own any vydia related clothes?
Va-11 hall-A thread
TLOU2 is gonna be shi-
What is objectively THE BEST controller and why is it the dreamcast controller?
Mal'ak (also spelled Malak, Melek) is the Semitic word for "angel"
What is the best example of "Horrible Graphics" that you can think of?
Tomorrow it's happening
New 4 Goddesses Online video
Who else is mad?
Yakuza 0 or Nioh ?
What game trailer still gives you goosebumps?
What's wrong with the ending of metal gear solid V? I'm a big fan of the series and I still loved the ending
How does Sup Forums manage to find the time to replay through games while finding time for other games...
I think it's time for a webm thread
Socom is back baby
How come the rest of the world are pussies online vidya and can't handle the banter while playing vidya with us...
Austin Walker of Vice Gaming (formerly Giant Bomb) destroys ShiaLaCuck
Imperials or Stormcloaks
Bought this game to fap
Steam profile pics
Holy fuck Superman's design looks terrible. He looks like Bill Paxton on Heroin
What are some viable ways to kill myself Sup Forums?
Boss battles in FPS games
What's the "R" stand for?
Remember when Shin Megami Tensei had dignity?
Who is the best game shopkeeper?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
The Last of Us 2 will be shaped around Neil Druckman's personal politics
Thank FUCKING God!!! YES!! I'm sorry.. I meant YAAASSS BITCH! GOTY 10/10 Confirmed! WE DID IT!
Does Sup Forums play games a second time?
People will buy this
Is this fun solo?
Best Girl. Sexiest girl. How can turboslut ugly fish and bushybrow fivehead Zelda compete?
Nintendo desperately wants the hipster audience back to Switch
Why isn't Pauline more popular? Is she too sexy for Mario fans?
PS4 recommendations
Holy shit
Red fill me on Komaru and her game series
Post video game screenshots you took that ended up looking like they could be cover art for a music album or high art...
Are Dating Sims video games?
Who is the best tree in gaming?
Uhh oh
Let's be honest here. no cr*pposting, no memeing
Is Sims 4 worth to purchase? What are some must have mods for it?
Tfw video games don't fill the void anymore
So how was it?
Play support
Looking for a MMO where I can just be a filthy casual and explore or enjoy fun combat. Any recommendations...
Post good character designs Sup Forums
Resident Evil threads, they come and go. But a good cameraman like you, Clancy? You stick with me
Nier Automata
I fully believe that developers barely scratched the surface of the ps3...
New PREY Gameplay Trailer
For Honor beta comes out 26th
What are the best ads from the late 90s?
Is Persona Q worth it if I really like the P3 cast?
Well Sup Forums?
Why does the FGC not like this game?
How is it possible for a Zelda clone to be better at it than Zelda itself...
What went so right?
This is the last new Dark Souls content we'll ever get
Nintendo game
Timeless vidya quotes
Holy fucking shit
Hello there, friends. Could you answer my question? It's a very simple question
Currently #18 on the male characters poll, above M Corrin
What figurines/collectibles do you own Sup Forums?
Here's your controller, bro
Just played this game without knowing much about it. I wasn't expecting nudity and puzzlefucking the girls...
If they made a new console what would it be called?
So..this is ...the power....of the PC master race
Is she the final boss of TF2?
What is the Plastic Beach of videogames?
I want to turn myself into a Weeb. Just bought Tales of Berseria, will it help...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Name 1 good western game
Buyfag thread
E3 2017
3DS thread
''The Last of Us 2 will offer progressive values to the player''
Thanks Nintendo. How am I meant to lose weight if it has a weight limit
Resident Evil 7
Good PC RPGS with an interesting lore that are NOT tainted by mister pretentious - GO
Hardest difficulty makes you play as a woman
Spend 60 dollars on a pizza
Boss Fight Thread
Which expansion is better?
How does Sup Forums feel about this?
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
When will we get another real Doubutsu no Mori game?
This is my maid,say something nice to her
Friendly reminder that fire emblem conquest's story is shit
Vidya booties
Anyone here still watch these guys?
Digital triggers
Why is that the jews hire these kind of people to review video games?
If you bought RE7, post in this thread, so I can kick your ass
What are some good headsets for gaming? They don't necessarily need to be designated gaming headsets
Who is the best Resident Evil girl?
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Tfw haven't got any of the legendary skins yet
He sounds dead inside
Was Soul of Cinder the only good final boss in Souls?
Shhh... Pre-order character is sleeping
Was he right?
What are some good cosmic horror games/Lovecraftian games? didn't forget to work on your game today, did you Sup Forums?
Literally the most broken piece of shit i've ever seen in a game. How does anybody defend him?...
Who is this guy?
Hey user turn you mic on
How do you tell if someone's a PC gamer?
SD or HD? Which Besaid theme is the best?
What did they mean by this?
What could be done with 4 spacial dimensions in video games?
Why are all of the most iconic video game characters Japanese?
Less than 100 quests
So this is possibly getting a game adaptation, a Kickstarter just launched
Government agent
Guy potential
What went wrong?
Glad to see Ninteno is really changing up the Zelda formula
I rate most media using two criteria with equal importance: composition and form...
I love how Tetsuya Nomura took a series that is co-owned by Disney and turned it into the most complicated story in the...
Why is this shit so popular?
Dark Souls PVP has more legitimacy as a fighting game than Smash, Rising Thunder, and Pokken
Tracer's gay and Mei is married. Do you have any predictions for the other girls/or guys?
Doom 3 graphics still look really good to me
Nah, he's a fucking autist
Spooky games
Tales of Berseria
Post best girls from their respective games
You did buy her game right Sup Forums? You wouldn't maker her sad would you?
You will ever be as happy as the day you first booted up mgsv
Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?
Stealing my artwork
I've never played an AssCreed game, are this and the one set in London any good...
Talk about Snipperclips
Can I get a quick rundown on the Mario Brothers?
Do you guys know of any websites where I can discuss video games?
Doesn't have its own battery
What do you use for controls on your PC, Sup Forums?
To those that pre ordered
Yakuza thread
Are you upgrading your gaming PC this year, Sup Forums?
Quick Sup Forums survey
No one sane can defend this
Rate my cock, Sup Forums
What are some games where the main characters are all idiots?
Dear Sup Forums
Will it be as good as Spider-man 2? Will we finally have another Spiderkino?
Timeless games thread
ITT:Awful main characters
ITT: Games only you played
Nintendo won 3rd gen
The Great Debate
Hiveswap release date: January 2017
Fucking loved it
Do you feel like a hero yet user?
Xbox Project Scorpio Will Be 4.5x More Powerful Than PS4
Suck it, you little faggot!
ITT: overrated boss fights
These 2, dare I say it, /our/ guys?
Live control robots
Fire Emblem Heroes voting thread. Current leaders shown here
Fire Emblem Heroes
Pirating indie games
What was the first game you bought with your own money?
RIP Resident Evil franchise
Daily reminder Doom 4 is a good game and you should support good games
That will be 19.95 plus tip
Mods took the day off. Post lewd Inuits. Captcha: Harry PRIVITA
Is it any good Sup Forums?
Post old flash/shockwave games you used to play as a kid, bonus points if you can still play it somewhere
What are some vidya with shower scenes?
For Honor Close Beta: Mordhau Edition
They only had to work on one IP. Just one, and they neglected it. Why?...Why...?
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord when?
What would you do if someone had changed the damage ratio to 0.9% instead of 1...
MGS2 Codec ringtone
Will playing video games in public ever be socially acceptable?
New MVCi info tomorrow maybe
Just installed this for the first time
Name a better ps1 game
Anyone else here struggle to play vidya nowadays?
Your eyes should take a break from your monitor every 15 minutes
Dark Souls One
Reminder that this game has a competitive scene next, and its community has already banned characters and stages
Name 1 (one) good video game developed in the United States of America
This game comes out in 2 months
I'm in love with this game Sup Forums. Why do you hate it again?
Would you use it?
This is Alloy from the upcoming timed PS4 Exclusive Horizon Zero Dawnâ„¢
Is Sup Forums buying the f-zero predecessor?
What game has the best and most comprehensive Wiki?
Look at nepgear
Why is Sega so fuckin' based?
Mei's slimmer waist on the Chinese New Year skin is a bug
This cringy weebshit is on Sunday instead of Melee
How come this board has no culture?
Where's your copy?
Redpill me on touhou
The game devs thought it would be a good idea to add one pointless choice in the whole game and that one choice affects...
Risk of rain thread
Would you like a nuzlocke mode for Fire Emblem?
The last video game character you played as is now your roommate
Dwarf Fortress
Your first erection
I don't see any more threads. Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
That kid who backwards long jumped to school
Assassin's Creed II
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Paying 60 dollars for a less than 2 hour game
Yume nikki
8 month localization cycles
Why aren't you emulating the WiiU right now?
Which games of this series were the best Sup Forums? I need a samurai fix and I'm too poor for a PS4 and Nioh right now...
So what happens when the icecubes melt? Do I need to buy all new joycons or do they refreeze when on the charger?
Name a worse hero
Bastion and Junkrat had zero usage in tourneys
Why do all Japanese MC's look like twink faggots?
Daily reminder Sup Forums trumps got our backs rite?
Why are FF characters always so young compared to how they look?
D A N K autism
Why did her death hit me so hard?
Any advanced tips before I sell my soul to this game?
Why is she playing a dragon?
"it was my.grandmothers. I never knew her"
What do you think the next Fallout game will be about?
I'm not fucking retarded...
Are we supposed to believe that nothing happened between her and the bloody baron?
Best gobbo is back
Video game industry prepares for coming of possible trade tariff
Is the combat as bad as some people say?
What's the best SNES game ever?
Shit games with good girls ?
Tfw your favorite game company is slowly but surely coming back to form
Sorry, but that outfit just ensures I’m not going near this game
What's a game where I can play as an autistic kid?
The final boss is yourself
Dragon Quest
Alright Sup Forums, I've been hospitalized for 3 months. My brother bought me a 2DS to keep me entertained...
Let's discuss the Nintendo Switch
Obscure vidya girls
So after you take me back to my place how about we do some uh .. overtime?
ITT: Games you played a lot during high school
Wise choice sir
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this
What games let me be a ninja?
Can't find a PS2 game
Heavy armor makes you harder to hit
Wtf? I love ffxv now!
Pillars of Eternity 2 is gonna get a fig campaign tomorrow, anyone here gonna back it?
Terrifying shit in non horror games
What's your favorite OST's, Sup Forums? Pic related
Resident Evil 4
The perfect multiplayer gaming experience doesn't exi-
How does Sup Forums feel about Mei's new "Bugged" skin?
I'm an Awakeningbaby that preordered, what am I in for?
Games every adult has played except you
What's being a video game tester like?
Aonuma on Zelda: Inspired by Skryim
Best monster collecting/raising games?
You vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about
Is it artificial difficulty?
What do all Final Fantasy games have in common?
L4D2 update
Nioh is saved
Was banning chibi the right course of action?
Who do you play videogames with?
Just finished Resident Evil 7. What do you guys think of the game?
Hotline Miami Thread: Year of the Richard Edition
There are people who dream of making a living by streaming games
No young voice for young soldier 76
Mirror mirror on the wall...what is the hardest but fair game of them all?
Dragon Quest thread
World of Warcraft
ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened."
How would you capture the popularity of Katawa Shoujo whilst creating a unique visual novel seperate from Japanese high...
At work
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that this was the worst addition to the series...
Why all games with the story of "kill shit and feel bad about it" like NieR and Spec Ops fail?
Webm thread. Post webms
I hate walking in video games
Admit it. You love these threads
Gravity Rush 2 Tops the Japanese Charts in First Week
What's her name Sup Forums
Name a Game series with better music
Dave Batista's thoughts on Smash Brothers and EVO
Square literally hired a japanese furry artist to design this for them
Its that time again, Sup Forums. I need help
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Battle Against a Weird Opponent
When does it get good?
Makes a game
Is anyone actually preordering this shit?
Rate my build you fucking idiots
Dragon Ball
Will Persona 2 ever get a proper successor?
Nobody asked for this. It looks genuinely boring
What are your thoughts on procedurally generated environments? Are they really that big of a deal?
Post your backlog, anons tell you what to play
The Last Jedi are gonna be Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn and Revan
Who is the best FE: fates character?
Yandere Sim
What was her fucking problem ?
God Damn
How should I pose Bayo?
Recommend me games for my potato notebook. I need to play something relaxing between study sessions
Hitman thread
What's a good game to play before killing your self?
Residevil 7 Thread
Freddy was in MK9
Why is this game so underrated?
Gaming/HTPC for 4k tv
How do you pronounce 'Quetzalcoatl'?
Not killing your friends
When is this getting cracked by Sup Forums estimates?
Zelda on the frontpage!
Overwatch appreciation thread
What games do mexicans play?
Tumblr bitching about Mei
Why is this game so polarizing?
Narci has finally flipped...
I Miss the Old Sup Forums
I feel like playing a GTA-like game, but I feel like there are very few good Open-World modern setting games
Anyone else fucking pissed about how melee is being treated this evo and tr4sh, 2 unreleased games...
A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more...
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Man, I want to fucking kill myself
For Honor Closed Beta: Dawn of The Final Day
Life of Black Tiger
WHAT'S UP! Ladies and Gentlemen of Sup Forums. Boogie2988 coming at you live, once again...
What games let you mock people?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Rumor: L.A. Noire Remaster Coming to Nintendo Switch
Please don't suck
What went wrong?
What happened to the City-Building genre?
Offline Co-op
Realistically, where does Sony go from here?
They could easily do 1 Parasite Eve and 1 Dark Souls video every day
So if most people just want a Metroid game (which is an IP that Nintendo fully owns)...
Sfv lobby thread. Just have some fun. I'm not that good so go easy will ya?
What's the dumbest gaming related accessory purchase you've ever made?
ITT: characters that make you question your sexuality
Sonic Adventure
Boss grapples you
Filename thread
This is a Japanese rat
Tales of Berseria
Zelda was a 2015 game
What is this show even? Is it any good?
Nonsense DLC
Post and rate steam avatars
Do you feel the same way?
What did he say? I can't remember
Realistically, where does nintendo go from here?
Will this dethrone Undertail?
Is this series the best lewd, non-porn video game series of all time?
What went wrong?
Re7 is.out
ITT: post the last 3 games you played and whether you would recommend them or not
Is she the best thing to come out of the Switch reveal?
Games you want to see a sequel to even though there wont ever be one
Is there a game like Persona but for girls?
Star Citizen thread
Video game created where you can do LITERALLY ANYTHING
I can't help but agree with Blur on this. Melee not being on Sunday is a fucking travesty...
Lisa > Raven > Cecie > Kat >>>>> Yunica
Less than two months until release
What the fuck
What games let me stop time?
This is the world we live in now
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? All firmware is hackable for FREE. You literally have no excuses this time
You ARE going to buy his game, right Sup Forums?
"Odd, it seems I am no longer remembered."~Layton in 2017
What went right?
Do you own any vidya merch?
You're all playing me after my massive update, right?
Battlestation thread
Works with from soft ware to create the souls franchise and later funds a similar game that's better than any other...
Why don't you play Heroes?
Can I get a little help here, Sup Forums?
You voted for the right game right?
What's better for retro vidya, a big CRT or a smaller one?
ITT: Shitty/weird ports
Why would you put a plaster over a sock?
Age of Empires 2 thread
Why do people specifically love this Final Fantasy so much?
Horizon: Zero Dawn is not downgraded
Yellowing plastic
Your captcha is the latest videogame, how shit is it?
All the shitters who abused Dva are now panicking because they are no longer able to 1v1 the entire cast + abuse Dvas...
Have you ever killed Parthurmax?
Have you ever witnessed a game in a popular series that is so unholy godawful that it kills said series?
Camping again?
What's the most comfy multiplayer game?
Post strong independent female characters
So i started getting into RTS games like hardcore and deciding which game to get from my next pay check...
Daily reminder Sup Forums
How come Tekken isn't afraid to be anime and Japanese while SF tries hard as fuck to be western and look like a...
Dark Souls 3 - The Ringed City
I liked it
MC is an edgelord
What was his problem?
What's with the anime pandering in video games lately? That's even beside the additional content added post-launch...
What exactly is the goal/protagonist motive of Bloodborne?
Games that teach you a life lesson by ripping you off
Dungeon Travelers 2-2
What headphones do you use for vidya?
If you buy Ubisoft games you should not post on this board
Sen Fortress
Would you rather have a bad game or no game at all?
Why do people try so hard to pretend they like outdated games with bad controls?
Thanks for voting for me, Sup Forums! Now if you'll excuse me...
What did they mean by this?
Anyone else disappointed that Peach is useless again?
Cup noddle
This just spawned in the last water level you played
Daily dose
NieR Automata
Say you're sorry!
MLP is videogames
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Why does a certain element on Sup Forums get so triggered by emulation?
Final boss gets killed by the REAL final boss
>tfw I still pre ordered the switch
What Marvel superhero are they putting in KH3, Sup Forums?
Tell interesting stories about times you pretended to be a girl in online video games
ITT: "oh yeah, he/she exists"
Guillermo Del Toro NOT INVOLVED IN DS
MMO situation
Any good cooking games?
B-b-but I thought the Switch was supposed to fail!
Post video game fights/combat/violence
$300 is too much for a Switch!
What's the easiest Dark Souls game?
Playing SFV
It's a "Sup Forums tries to imitate Sup Forums" episode
So I finished my backlog of star wars games and decided to try something different...
Tales of Berseria
Resident has had 3 trilogies so far
Who's your favourite female protagonist?
It's winning
Jesus fucking Christ, finally got round to playing this game and it's just such a wasted opportunity
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games