How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
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currently learning to program senpai
and i'm not understanding shit that's being thrown at me
i wish i was smart...
Stop making this thread every fucking day
go to /agdg/ on /vg/
lmao same
I put my terrorist massacring, flying and vehicular assaulting game on Greenlight so you can vote to keep shit meme games off Steam's marketplace.
I want to make a TRPG but it's a pretty difficult genre to make
Didn't know there was a demo. I should take a look.
It's difficult to learn programming at first because there are very few resources for learning the basics in a non-abstract way, but understanding the abstract parts isn't easy until you know how to program. I recommend trying to learn the basics through the tutorials on Unity's site and then see if you can move on to more complete but abstract discussion from other resources. The Unity tutorials are not always so great at explaining things to a beginner, but they do a lot of "just write this and it will do this" with simple programming examples without going into much detail, which makes it easier for a beginner to get the idea, and you don't get complex stuff you don't need thrown at you too early like a lot of programming tutorials do. The api reference is also full of simple examples to show you HOW to use the things you learned, which is another thing lacking in a lot of other resources.
I keep losing motivation. Try to add at least 1 new feature a day if possible. If I add something, I break something else; and when I fix it, then another thing breaks.
>If I add something, I break something else; and when I fix it, then another thing breaks
That means you fucked up somewhere code-wise
How does one get into amateur game making? Do y'all fuckers do everything by yourself? Music? Art?
No shit Sherlock. It's hard writing individual codes for hundreds of separate objects. Let alone for one person. It's a common issue in development.
If you're good enough at a particular skill then it'll be easy to find people who want to make games with you, even for free.
I got the programmer for my edgy shit at because he knew I know a thing or two about writing, so we made a deal that I'd edit the script for his weeb game in exchange for him programming my sick fantasies to life. I also know how to make OK-looking pixel art so that helped.
>Working on refactoring animation system so I can add the last combat mechanic I wanted
>During the middle of doing this, something possessed me to attempt to draw something a step above rectangles for the MC
>End up wasting a lot of time
I'll get back to the programming part eventually, when I see the sprite in game and question why I bothered in the first place. Drawing is hard.
d-do you guys like rhythm heaven?
m-my game is like that, but an rpg
im too shy to post anything on agdg until i get the art looking nicer
but the gameplay is working already
Why? They're at least consistently good threads which Sup Forums rarely has
So, mother 3
yeah! sorta like that
I want to make a basic rpg for personnal use. I don't need graphics, just basic menuing boxes. What should I do ? Use one basic language or try something like in OP's pic ?
Is the rhythm part more in-depth than Mother 3? If so show me because a rhythm RPG sounds cool as shit
Just use RPGmaker user. There is no point learning programming languages for a task like that. Make your life as easy as possible.
i want to make a better dark souls clone but I can't do anything :(
I'm pretty sure the last thread isn't even dead