ITT: signs that a girl is just seeking attention
ITT: signs that a girl is just seeking attention
>sims 2
>attention seeking
Fuck you, it's my favorite game of all time. Girls who like it have excellent taste. Skyrim's good but attracts tons of attention whores.
show butthole
you got it backwards
>Skyrim's good
>tfw missed the free origin giveaway of sims 2
feels bad i wish they would do it again
>writing and humor comprehension
pick one
girl red flags
>fallout 4
>league of assholes
basically whatever is entry level normie game
oh and if you're older than 20 you've probably heared from a girl "my favourite game is san andreas" and its the only game she played for like 2 hours when she was 10
user, it's a sign that the girl actually wanted to play a game instead of listening to whatever is popular
anyways, add csgo to that list
every normie girl i know has played sims at some point because there were no dicks available. Plus they dont play it like its a game. Such women dont have "objectives" or goals in games. They just press button until they're bored
user, they play sims more intensely than men, they actually enjoy the roleplaying aspect of it. Have you actually spoke to girls who played it?
yes ,including my sister.
The first thing they asked me was "what are the cheats ?"
to hell with them
But The Sims 2 is better than Skyrim
the picture is of a club bouncer who's letting the person in for getting the right answer
you have it backwards
I cheat too, she's likely already played the game normally and just wants to fuck around
>they don't play games my way so they don't count
t. supreme gentleman
Whats up with the sims man? Ive just got 4 and installed wicked whims (sex mod) my god i have a raging hardon all the while i play the damn game now, whacking it about 5times a day to my sexy chickas. I think its safe the say that i have passed into a new realm of degenerate behavioir and im definetly not a normie
This my if I let my GF play sims 2/3 to much she'll go full autism on it, like the bad case 12 hour kind
She also like fallout NV and all of the batman games so she inst to plebeian bye this niggers standards She also hates skyrim but likes Fallout 4 I think because of the dogs she autistic about dogs, but so am I.
To bad she doesnt like The Witcher
Some people just dont get pictures f a m
it's because the added life simulation makes the characters feel more real, and so the animated sex feels more real
You and me both man
Yeah your right, i love the facial animations the chars are a lot more believeable this time around. I am kind of ashamed of myself though as wacking it to the sims multiple times a day is pretty bad imo, oh well fuck it my dick loves it senpai
>buys portal merch
>buys zelda merch
>buys skyrim merch
>never beaten any of these games
That's cuz girls actually like the sims. I'm not joking, girls like that game as a game. It appeals to them. If they play the sims, 99,9% of the time they aren't pretending.
what other games appeal to girls?
Sims is boring as fuck nigga
What if her favorite game is Persona 4?
Then what? she chose Rise.
She breathes and she talk with you.
You are a useless man, if she talks with you she need something or she is bored.
On the top row, the guy is guarding the door. On the bottom row, he is letting her in.
It's amazing how many people understand the bottom row of this template as the guy showing her out. Must be autism.
the reason why there is confusion is because that is a bedroom door in a house, it looks nothing like a club. it literally looks like a guy showing you out of the interior of a house
>girl actually knows more about vidya and is better at it than you
biggest boner killer there is
How much of an insecure faggot are you, user?
>wanting a woman as more than a fleshlight and chef
how many good looking guys do you see that play obscure games compared to ones that play things like CoD and Madden?
the only good looking guys and girls I know who play 'obscure' vidya were all ugly ducklings and are pretty cool people. ugly duckling is easily the best build for real life.
>wanting to bother with a woman just for that
Lmaooo that's not worth it, just buy a fleshlights and go out eating every day, you'll save lots of money and drama
Darkest Dungeon
Sunless Sea
It is all just a huge warning sign about daddy issues and bpd.
>chose rise
shit taste. if she'd picked chie or naoto she'd be worthit.
Explain why Darkest Dungeon is on that list
>he's never been to a secret house club
LMAOing at your life
I know that feel, back in the day a jock asked me for help with vidya because a big tittied girl liked vidya, turns out the game I selected was for the wrong system, I got my ass handed.
At least we played vidya later
I think it has more to do with the types of person that play it than the game, the only people I personally know who play it are all tumblr memer girls.
This has never happened.
Unless it's
>knows more about weeb trash games and their pointless stories
That she plays games at all.
If a girl is playing video games, almost 90% of the time there's an ulterior motive, going on personal experience.
Im glad im not alone
>no girl knows more about video games than any man
What if the poster is a CoD babby? What if the girl is a twitch camgirl who picks up some info from immersion in a gaming community?
Are there any good female gamers on yt? Almost every single one either plays games that require no skill (sims, visual novels, indie horror games, etc) or plays like absolute dogshit and usually has to put the game on Easy Mode. Girls I know are the same way.
My gf plays skyrim all damn day.
Just the same shit over and over again. I don't get it.
I got her to play doom. She liked it.
Persona 4
>not adding legend of zelda
u fooken retarded mate?
>my favorite game is broodwar
red flag
Pretty much.
It all very arbitrary though. Clock Tower and Shadow of the Comet don't seem to attract the same crowd.
Most of my friends only ever played Zelda, Mario, Pokemon etc. and haven't touched anything other than their Wiis or 3ds'. One of my friends also plays CS:GO mostly as some kinda social game where she enjoys the attention. But I'm probably the only one among my friends who plays more than just one game, including an unhealthy addiction for dota 2.
No like?
I don't want your ducking sub. Get out.
>signs that OP is a moron
People have the right to enjoy the game they like, you know.
>Are there any good female gamers on yt?
are there any good males either? seems like you can be entertaining or good but not both
Things people enjoy say things about their personality you half wit.
Where the hell do front or back doors look like that?
Good female gamers don't stream or have a youtube because they don't have the looks to be successful.
Girl liking RTS is the opposite of red flag though.
Autistic girls are pretty cute
i know some good girl players who fucking resent the image that they get for being a girl.. so much so that they refuse to ever talk in game or make hints regarding their gender (talking about their personal life or whatever). there are a lot of competitive girls actually... although i know my fair share of le g4m3r g1rlz too
Ya know I've just thought
Whats inside the room?
dragon dildo collection.
I have actually had a girl ask me if I like "Skyrim 5" while hitting on me.
"yeah skyrim 5 is my favorite one" then go for the kiss, autistic girls are so easy.
That's a normie, not an autist. Autists know their shit
add Borderlands franchise
mate, you have it wrong
Animal crossing
To achieve that she would have to be about as autistic as Sup Forums.
So yeah she probably wouldn't be attractive.
no... i have never met a girl, autistic or not, that knows her shit with regard to gaming..
I know that feel. 4chins is pretty much the perfect example for this shit
I also remember this female speedrunner who played this shitty red riding hood game. Not only that she was fucking bad at it (died all the time), she was also the embodyment of gurrl g4mur cancer. "Cute" username (randompinkbunny or some stupid shit), giggling all the time, saying "like" and "uhm" a lot. I was fucking foaming with rage but also fucking embarrassed. Why is this shit allowed? I wish they would let some autistic fujo sit there, not this twitch whore
Inb4 le london memey x-DD
autists aren't cute or very entertaining. if they were, you'd see them on streams instead of attractive girls.
add overwatch
>asking a girl what her favorite game is
>looking for a girl who plays video games
yall are dumb
it's legit an issue... like, if a girl says she plays games and says her favorite game is skyrim i immediately think that she's just a twitch slut/poser/can't do other things in life... if it's a guy i think that he's just a retard without taste. it's just a somewhat unfair image given to girls because we're exposed so heavily to meme twitch sluts who are tasteless retards with their boobs out..
even pic related, an oldschool broodwar player/commentator, can't get past the image of bimbo gamer girl slut.. not sure how we fix the issue since guys as a whole will always give more attention to boobs than skilled players, unless they're looking for a very niche kind of girl
why can't girls who play games lose weight, look good and stream then? either girls don't play games or the girls who do look terrible (with a few exceptions)
>why can't girls who play games lose weight, look good and stream then?
Because the ones that are legit good are autistic fujos who play videogames all day
Wouldn't any of these games also be red flags for male gamers?
I think the more autistic speedrunners are the most entertaining. I love hearing their autistic knowledge a la pannenkoek about the game they run. I just want to see some fucking nerd being good at videogames. He/she doesn't need to look good or be charming for that
I have 250 hours in Fallout 4 and play Heartstone casually
why don't guys do that too? it's the exact same situation, except even worse for girls... when you were in highschool or middle school, were you ever like the odd one out because you played video games or weren't as cute as the other dudes? then maybe you made the decision "well fuck these people, at least games value me for my mind" and then decided to try to get competitive? that's how most competitive players are born in my experience. also, most competitive males aren't fit/well dressed either.. you see the primmed up "pros" on twitch, but you don't see them disgustingly eating doritos or sweating balls during 16 hour practice sessions obviously, nor do you see their practice partners that spend the extra time practicing instead of going out to the gym or partying or clothes shopping... so, you see only a very small % of the "good" gamers, the ones that you are strategically allowed to see..
now, imagine being a girl that wants to play games competitively.. first off, no girl will be your friend. it's not socially accepted here, nor in korea, to play games competitively (or at all really) as a girl, in girl society. so you're alone. well what about guys? well, guys want to fuck you and they'll do whatever it takes, including faking being your friend for years, to do it. The fact that you're a gamer girl just makes it that much easier since they don't even need to leave the quake server to get facetime with you. so you are ostracized by girls, and targeted by 90% of guys, even if the guys don't know it yet (eventually it inevitably turns into it when they're horny and you have boobs). so, it's next to impossible to find practice partners without them having ulterior motives, and you have no friends that are your gender.. what motivation do you have to clean up/work out other than for yourself? which some girls do, but again, look at the % of guys that you see that are competitive and attractive. it's the exact same shit with girls, only harder
this desu
I am being 100% serious.
Shouldn't you guys hate as much as you hate all the gurl gaymerz?
wow, girls have a shit time. at least they're girls I guess. though if a twitch girl was good at games it would just turn into people like this
I'm a good looking guy and I play obscure games.
But I also have serious mental issues.
Nah I play other stuff too.
girls with pic related
Its a virtual dollhouse
No matter who you are you will be attracted to it
But user it's so le ez to be gurl xd I wish I was a girl!!
Now you know why that shit is stupid and why every trans faggot is a delusional queer. They wanna become girls cause they think it's easier but no, it's not any less shit, just different.
why do girls complain about being alone when any girl can post themselves to the internet and get a ton of guys nearby willing to be her boyfriend?
>girl red flag
>plays videogames
You know its true
as a guy the easy sex might seem cool, but the thing that most guys realize is that like girls, not all types of guys are "easy".... a lot of guys are picky as hell, and the "easy" guys are the fucking dude bros or losers which are boring as hell to talk to.. like, girls aren't ignoring guys because they're not horny, it's because most guys aren't worth talking to, just like how feminazis aren't worth talking to for you.. you know??? we're all humans
Because the guys willing to be their boyfriend are shit tier.
Anyone of you neckbeard can get a 500 pound landwhale, and I say this as a neckbeard
idk, my wife plays games, but she takes a male moniker and plays a lot of games like star craft, path of exile, ect ect. never seen her attention whore, and the few times she uses a mic on something like overwatch, if anyone ask about it she tells them shes a 12 year old boy.
>girl has a bigger boner than you
even bigger boner killer