Is Sims 4 worth to purchase? What are some must have mods for it?

Is Sims 4 worth to purchase? What are some must have mods for it?

>Is Sims 4 worth to purchase?
no. there's still fuck all to do compared to previous games. hell i remember having more to do with sims 3 first expansion than current sims 4 with all the add ons and packs

Sims 4 is a barren piece of shit you'll get bored with. Don't buy it, and probably don't even play it at all. It does some nice things but mostly it will just spoil you (on stuff like running decently and having nice looking Sims). Just play Sims 2 or 3, depending what you want to do.

3 was fun, but it suffers from pudgy face syndrome

>What are some must have mods for it?
wicked whims

is that a boy?


they did a 20$ sale, which is when i got it

maybe theyll do that again

wait until then user

with wicked whims there could possibly be an erect penis down there

Never ever buy a Sims game, OP. Fucks don't deserve your money anymore

>Is Sims 4 worth to purchase?

Not at all.

It's a steep decline from Sims 3 gameplay wise.

3 is the most perfect sims game if you can bare the 30 minute startup time and 30 minute saving time

Oh an ugly sims is nothing a few mods cant fix,
Meanwhile no mod is gonna fix how fucking empty SIms 4 is.

>3 is the most perfect sims game
>that apartment system
>no open for business

sims 2 is superior

As I said, it depends what you want to do. The open world experience in Sims 3 is great.

which mods will fix the ugly sims in vanilla sims 3?


Jesus Christ, if you want it THAT badly, just fucking pirate it. It's easy as fuck to do.

Wicked whims is more perfect than skyrim sex mods to be honest. I was suprised, that there's mouth animations and everything lines up perfectly.

>more perfect

someone answer this

Not at all. /tsg/ has some links for you if you still want to play it.

the GAF skins are bretty gud