I'm in love with this game Sup Forums. Why do you hate it again?

I'm in love with this game Sup Forums. Why do you hate it again?

because besides nice visuals and cutscenes it's garbage

because it's popular

shitty gameplay/combat

Because we're contrarians.

literally all me

Combat is stale. RPG elements are mediocre. Nice visuals though.

We don't, the writing is good, the gameplay is fun, the world is the most immersive and entertaining I've ever played. Why do you leftists not want people to like the game. Is it because everyone is white letting you murder a bunch of whites or what?

Bad combat, shallow open world and insufferable fanbase

>bringing politics into games
what happened Sup Forums..... what happened to the fun times. now i have kids telling me to kys and saying im a cuck for voting for hilary even though i'm not American

when did everyone including kids 12-18 turn into assholes for no reason

You need to play the other 2 games to undestand the characters and the world.

No way im going to waste my time on this.

Ignore me guys haha

>Why do you hate it again?
because you love it


You speak for noone but yourself, dumb american. Fuck off.

You people are just so obviously false flagging but I really don't understand what about the witcher 3 you hate so much. It seems like a pretty innocuous, silly, extremely well made and fun game. Why do you guys hate it so much?

Awful combat

Item carry limit

If people here hated on the massive downgrade it got due to PS4 and XBox One being too weak. But no, they complain about the combat wich works fine.

>Why do you hate it again
Outside of legitimate criticism it's popular

he's literally perfect

>2 games
and like 4 books

Doesn't Witcher 3 give you a recap of the first two?

>play games
>waste of time
thanks neo-Sup Forums!

In the game he comes off as a pretty flat asshole who perpetually has a shit eating smug face, still a fun game.
