>Mal'ak (also spelled Malak, Melek) is the Semitic word for "angel"
Anyone else getting tired of judaism in their vidya?
>Mal'ak (also spelled Malak, Melek) is the Semitic word for "angel"
Anyone else getting tired of judaism in their vidya?
damm kikes
Judeo-Christian religious symbolism is the equivalent of tribal tattoos and eastern "power" glyphs but for the Japanese.
Why did you even look it up with you don't like it? Also aren't all angels and devils pretty much judeo-christian?
You think that's bad? You should look at all the namings for Abyss.
Not really honestly its nice that the japs find jew/christian mythology interesting because westerners are too afraid of it being real to ever put it in their media.
Why does the industry keep letting Japan get away with cultural appropriation?
t. Vesperia babby who never played Abyss
The word for "angel" in Hebrew is spelled "Mal'akh".(מלאך)
"Melekh" (מלך) is the word for "king".
>Darth Malak
>Darth "Angel"
It's not all that different than westerners putting Chinese characters on shit or using traditional Asian designs to make things seem "mystical".
Nips did it first in BOF IV.
The plural for Malak in Berseria is Malakhim
I don't understand why they went from Seraphs to Malaks, or is this some ye 'olde terminology because the story happens way back in the past?
"Angel" to his fellow Mujahideen.
They take place on the same world, not the same continent.
Language differences.
>about to buy this
>at cashier
>gamestop dude say it's Zesteria prequel
>Game has banks
Kikes aren't the only Semites, though.
Malakim are called 聖隷 (seirei) in the Japanese version, you uninformed nigger.
You only have Bandai Namco's localization department to blame for culturally appropriating kike and sandnigger words.
are they seirei in Zestiria too?
They are called 天族 (tenzoku; heavenly race) when they became invisible moments after Laphicet became a dragon
Didn't Judaism invent angels? Like, Jews were a thing before Christians. Plus, Malakh is a way cooler name than angel.
Malak is greek.