What games let me be a ninja?

What games let me be a ninja?

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Mark of the Ninja
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ninja Gaiden and by extension Dead or Alive
Strider (2 is the best one)

AssCreed in all but name and nationality

>asking about games and making a joke with a suitable picture is Sup Forums
Tired of this meme desu

Yuuuu want to be ninjaaa?
Ping ping pong China town


Something like that, intel suggested the japs were on the island (which they were a couple of weeks prior) and the Canadians and Mericans showed up to give em what for. Accidentally mistook each other for the japs and attacked.


Are gaijin so baka they can't tell glorious nihonians from their lily white selves?

Shadow Tactics

>As soon as Shaka Zulu died the place turned to shit.


I don't know much about that part of history. Did Shaka and his 80,000 get beat by the 18 welsh guys?

Dark Souls

>weebs pretending like Japan didn't get destroyed in WWII

Shaka actually was a great leader but it was rumored he was a closet homosexual because he didn't allow his soldiers to marry.

He probably didnt wanted them to get distracted by aids or kids

Fuck america. One day Russia will grow stronger again and we will make america like japan in the WWII my friend.

did they fuck monkeys then

you cucks can't even conquer a small part of Ukraine, a literal non-country

>Result: Allies secure Kiska

What are some games where the protagonists win decisively?

>america pretending like they did anything in WWII besides bomb japan

I think that was the case as well. You can't fight with all your might if you're thinking about your wife.

You're forgetting the part where a destroyer hit a mine killing close to 300 people.

Hur durdur Dresden wah wah

I bet it was an American mine

>You can't fight with all your might if you're thinking about your wife.
I thought that too. The flip side is you need a home and a family to fight for when the white-man is coming for your shit.

I never understood why this is not considered a war crime

Cus we won faggot, next time fight harder

Because we won.

The only idiots who sip the Trump Kool aid that America wasn't in a surplus of purple hearts in 2015 only on anticipating a Japanese invasion are the same idiots who think America wrecked Japan with the bombs. It was a bluff, Japan didn't care, and most of the casualties were civs+infrastructure, not hard military or cultural targets as per McArthur's bluff. Strong evidence points to knowing the ruskies were going to strong arm Japan through its back door, literally, in August of that year. The bomb drops were more so a bluff to the Japanese government and shock+awe (Japanese did more damage to China who took the brute of their forces for years, America used an entire fucking country as a decoy) and a preemptive warning to Russia - who had already split Germany and put the west on bargaining terms. Controlling east Berlin to Tokyo would have been a death knell to America.

don't worry though, got your putin cock sucker in office, didn't you?

Winners write history.

When Japan got hit hard by that Tsunami there were hundreds of people online unironically saying "never forget Pearl Harbor"

Japanese mine.

It wasn't a crime at the time

I remember that it was pretty awful

wait, didn't also a submarine sunk? Literally by itself?

Why can't Poland and the Teutonic Knights fight?

>russians were going to strong arm [Japan]... in August
Wow okay I was mildly with you until you dropped that nonfactual bomb. The Soviet invasion of Hokkaido was nowhere near ready to begin by August. You might, and I do stress might, have seen in by September, but that's unlikely, as that plan relied on literally asking the US for transports to accomplish. Otherwise, the invasion would have come in 46, not 45.

Even though Mark of the Ninja is just a 2D sidescroller, it is absolutely great. The animations are really satisfying, and the stealth detection mechanic actually makes sense.

Definitely play it, easily one of the best stealth games I've ever tried

You know who decides what war crimes are? Not the people who lose the war.

Literally "it's okay when the Allies do it".

Same reason FDR is remembered as teh bestest President evar despite throwing Japs into concentration camps by the truckload.

In what game can I throw tires?

>Mieszko II the Fat

Not that I am aware of. Submarine accidents have hardly been uncommon, but nothing in Operation Cottage mentions losing a submarine to any cause. I also would have to question why a submarine would even be there, the Silent Service was busy sinking 60% of the Japanese merchant marine at the time.

The Teutons were faggots
Livonians too

Ackshually since the little spat about 60 years ago in Europe some legislation has been made.

>Empire of Japan
>not present

>20 British, American and Dutch killed
never forget

I don't know if you are memeing but it should at least not be celebrated as a heroic act of war if you kill 10x more civillains then enemy troops

>the guy who tries to kick the tire and falls over


does anyone have the stories of that one russian naval fleet that was supposed to get to japan, but experienced all kinds of disasters even before they left port? I remember they were doing target practice and all the ships missed the target, only hitting the tug that was pulling the targets. then there was a fog or something and one of the commanders thought they were under attack and a couple of the ships shot each other. forget what it was called.

Somebody sure is mad.

Winners write history. By all accounts it was an act of genocide, and America's shitty excuse "japs would never surrender otherwise leading to way more deaths/japs suiciding" doesn't stand.

>be ukraine
>only real war/conquest i can think off were cossacks plundering around
>ukraine since has been irrelevant as hell in wars

At least be BTFO'd the Sultan that one time

Ah yes, concentration camps where nobody died, how horrible.
I appreciate your concern, but using misleading terms like "concentration camps" is fairly evident of bias, either from you yourself, or whoever told you.
The camps were unethical, and often less than 5 star hotel tier, but the correct term would be "internment" camps. Concentration camps imply forced labor and mass death.

IF you win, you get to decide.
Communists won, so Holodomor never happened, nobody died in revolutions, especially in china, literally nobody died.
Katyń also didn't happen.
Besides G*d's chosen would have never done such a terrible thing.

No, concentration camps is the correct term. It merely implies concentrating a certain sort of people in easily manageable places.

I'm deadly serious. it's the winners who decide what constitute war crimes, the UN didn't exist back then and the LoN was gimped from the start.

The decision to drop the bombs had some good thinking behind it, if you ever actually get to reading about it. I dunno anybody who actually celebrates the bombings except for edgy 4channers, but I think that it was the right call.

>literally has to have a tugboat tow their aircraft "carrier" to the starting point
>it spills oil the entire way there and almost capsizes in a storm

>americans loose vietnam
>americans loose afgahnistan
>amercans plot 911 and loose citizens
>americans still die in the war of "how can I get oil for 30cent less"
>japan not even once said "that´s for hiroshima"
>amerifats crying over a thing that is 100 years ago, but completly forgetting they literally won against them by playing dirty and throwing a nuke.

Burgerland was truly a mistake.

I honestly did not read much about it do i have to read a book or the information on Wikipedia?

Legit curious about history stuff so i do wanna read about it

ops, it disappeared before, but again around there

I think it was lazy. If the US could be fucked, they could've unilaterally declared the war over and set up a naval blockade to make sure no guns or gasoline was imported to Japan.

But nah. They had to impress the soviets with their shiny new toy. Lazy.

2 Nukes wasn't enough
It's "lose" not "loose"
Go back to your Japanese war crime denial threads

Maybe prior to 1945, but the term has since become stained with a certain idea of what constitutes that. Internment refers to a collection of peoples, concentration now implies a malicious and fatal concentration.

It's why no academics refer to the internment of Japanese Americans as concentration camps, and only memeing Russians on the internet do.

It's almost like America is the "Evil Empire".

>Japan didn't care
Guess that's why they surrendered and are now basically an arm of the US ehh? Japan's civs can't even legally own firearms because we told them they can't, and they listened the absolute madmen!

That was only after Midway. Before that they were wrecking Britain, Australia and China pretty badly.

That's what it means? I thought concentration camps are where you go for awhile to focus and think about stuff for awhile.

Ah so it did, that was prior to Operation Cottage, explains what it was doing there and why it's not listed as a loss.
Didn't know about it, what a tragic accident.

politics in jaoan are swinging back toward conservativism. They want to have a expeditionary military presence again. gonna be neat to watch in the next decade or two. I love history.


>t. FDR cocksucker

>One day Russia will grow stronger again and we will make america like japan in the WWII my friend.
That is the day that the US has probably colonized Mars and have almost all but completely left the Earth behind. Just like I tell PC master race all the time: You can have our leftovers when we're done.


DId they just vanished?

>Amerisharts are proud of fighting alongside communists
>Let's first fight against the good guys, then immediately have a cold war, because we're fucking retarded
>we should take those poor oppressed (((refugees))), they're smart and dumb stalin is oppressing them!
Had hillary won, you'd be Soviet Union 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

sorry for not having fucking perfect grammar on midnight when I am tired as fuck.

Still doesn´t change the fact, that burgerland and their mentality is a disease.

nah user. Patriotism is just the stupidest thing on earth.

Where's your proof? No one made a meme image about it? I'm sure if you go through Japanese internet you can find people saying X, Y and Z is karmic justice for dropping the bombs.

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