Why do people specifically love this Final Fantasy so much?

Why do people specifically love this Final Fantasy so much?

it was most babbies first FF and one of the first big PS games

First final fantasy.

3d RPG.

Simple battle system.

2deep4u story

It's RPG entry level shit. It's like the overwatch of RPGs

revolutionary 3d

1st jrpg most played

edgy story compared to current games released in western markets

No clue, OP.

If you werent there you wouldnt understand.

Ah geography joke.

Such a shocking death of a main character owo...

I've seen a lot of people praise this game that have never actually played more than 2 hours of it.

Also, nostalgiafags first FF. I didn't play it till after FF9, which was my entry to the series. I still think FF6 is better. Also, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears (even including the slideshow) and Wild Arms were better.

Largest variety in music styles
Silliest FF by far
Shit ton of summons, magic, attacks, weapons
Limit break system introduced
Minigames around every corner
Most creative customization system
One of the first dramatic main character deaths in vidya
Tifa's hooooge buuuuubbeees
FF stopped being tolkien fantasy and got its own style
Exciting intro reels in people immediately

it's the cutscenes

not even shitposting, it's the first big budget videogame that fully took advantage of the cd technology to deliver a thinematic experienthe

It was a lot of people's first FF.

It's also really good

becase objectively is the best FF ever made.
1) good in almost every regard, virtually no flaws.
2) highest variety of locations/environments ever seen in any rpg.
3) highest variety of minigames ever seen in any rpg.
4) the best-looking magic in the series, unsurpassed until FFX
5) every single musical track is awesome

Never played it or any FF game, I avoid japshit.
That said Midgar is a brilliant city design.

it was good and simple
came out on a system that a lot of people had when younger
gained a reputation
a lot of people played 7 and then never touch the series again
it happens with all popular series. kids casually play games, title from a long standing series comes out, they play it and like it. don't like games enough to keep up with new titles, but buy into the nerd culture shit. that old title becomes their "favorite game ever" and they obsess over it.
a lot of great games suffer from this.

FF7 has Tifa. The other ones don't.

Set pieces, scale and pacing.

Millennial babby's first FF/JRPG.
OMG 3D GRAPHIXXX!!!1!!1!1!

It's the Lunar of people born after 85 more or less.

go back to bed grandpa

It's not my favorite Final Fantasy, but I liked it well enough, i think it was just super popular because it was the first 3d Final Fantasy game so it was impressive visually at the time. Other then that it's fairly generic, but not terrible, FF games will always be a preference thing.


When I was a kid I was more into this personally, but I don't hate FF7

>it was good and simple
>a lot of people played 7 and then never touch the series again

What the fuck are you blabbering about?

I mean it's better then the new junk they put out now, ff15 is terrible compared to ff7,8, 9, or 10, and I'm not a huge fan of half of those.

Get off my imageboard, you darn brat.

I wonder how different things would be if Xenogears wasn't spun off into its own project but became FF7.

what's hard to follow?

Xenogears is pretentious garbage

Best cast
Best OST
Very fun and customizable gameplay system which also introduced limit breaks (Better than any other title too)
Able to switch between very goofy and serious very seamlessly, excellent at controlling tone
High amount of interesting side quests with excellent story implications for those more interested in the story/lore
Excellent optional bosses
Underwater, ground and air movement which offer interesting choices.
Complex characters which people to this day including the design team suffer from a Mandele effect where they swear it was a different way.
Iconic moments in the series
Extremely good pacing in the game, immediately hooks you and then eases you into the world slowly.
Variety of interesting enemies (ShinRa, Turks, Sephiroth, Jenova)
Extremely wonderful themes about environmentalism, terrorism and loss.
Embraced a much more unique and revolutionary approach to the JRPG
Incredibly satisfying ending, ahead of its time.
Start to finish, excellent experience.

It's the only FF game to have John Carpenter's The Thing as a major villain in it.

Because it's the best RPG on the PS1 and arguably the best in the series.

Can't you people just go away?

The thumbnail looks like a giant Bender with a big dick, and Cloud looking at it with determination.