Yakuza 0 or Nioh ?

I have 60$ and I can't decide between Yakuza 0 and Nioh, which should I get ?
Both look fucking fantastic but I'm too much of a poorfag to afford both at the current time.

Yakuza 0 is just more Yakuza but with a slightly better combat system.

Nioh seems unique.

A trick is to take a coin, pick a side for each game and flip it. If you feel like you want to reflip the coin the go with the game that didn't win the flip the first time.

That's a pretty neat trick, user.

Nioh if you really can't scrounge up $60 within the next two weeks.

I doubt I'll get that kind of money any time soon, how long is Nioh anyway?

buy yakuza, suck a dick for 60 dollars to buy nioh in 2 weeks

Dev says 100 hours so about the same as Yakuza 0, but more depth to the combat. I think you'll definitely get more value out of it.

Holy fuck that's a lot of hours, I was thinking it was gonna be like 40 max, that's pretty cool.
I don't know how to suck dicks properly.

>how long is Nioh anyway?

No hard facts yet, but supposedly it can stretch up to 70 hours if you want to.
Judging by the Alpha and Beta that doesn't seem that farfetched. The stages take some time to go through and you can replay them in twilight which changes the enemies you face, increases the challenge and rewards.

Sorry, the dev actually said 70. But with all the different builds there's going to be some replayability for sure. I don't know if you'd want to replay Yakuza 0 right after you go through it.

Nioh is garbage artificial difficulty shit that plays like a Lords of the Fallen type ripoff

There better be a fucking NG+ or I'll lose my shit.
If not I can do challenge runs, but it's not the same.

Yeah I saw tons of weapons, actually missed the Last Chance trial cause I had some work to do, but from the WebMs and videos I've seen it looked pretty fun in terms of build fiddling.

I'd say Nioh, but you should really wait until they're out and then decide, if you're really that poor.

Yeah I'm not gonna pre-order, I'll wait for release day then give it a week to see the general reaction towards it which I assume won't be much different from the current one, then I'll make the purchase.

God, Get a ladder, knock on doors, offer to clean peoples gutting for 20 bucks.

There you go 60 bucks in one fucking day.


What sounds more fun to you?
>Slicing up Japanese demons with a katana?
>Beating up punks in the streets of tokyo?
Because both games are great and have tons of content to not feel to short for the asking price

That's the problem, both sound fun and it's a little hard to pick a favorite, I've been loyal to the Yakuza series but Nioh seems like a nice change of pace, mainly because of the whole Japanese demons thing.

Honestly I'd recommend you get Yakuza now and wait until the special edition of Nioh that includes all DLC from the season pass is available for $60
It's $80 digitally if you want all the day one DLC for Nioh at launch

Isn't the DLC just cosmetics so far?

Don't fucking ignore me, buy a ladder for 60 bucks. Clean 6 houses guttering and buy both games.

Technically they are armor and weapons with their own stats but can be upgraded to the point that their value boils down to their design

I merely ignored you because for many reasons that won't work and I don't wanna explain that.

Nioh is a meme game. Get Yakuza 0. Most bang for your money.

I'm really uncertain if I just want to dump my money into digital deluxe or buy a physical copy and buy the DLC later.
There's going to be Mission DLC as well with the season pass.

Oh I see, that might be a problem, is it gonna be a day 1 thing or are they gonna release it later ?

The mission dlc I think is going to be released later as far as I can tell, being that it's a season pass.

At least they're not being total jews and releasing it day 1.