ITT: post the last 3 games you played and whether you would recommend them or not

ITT: post the last 3 games you played and whether you would recommend them or not
>AC Rogue
>Talos Principle

What's the context of this video?

audience reactions to that Meryl Streep's speech

Viggo looked okay in Captain Fantastic, didn't know he was that old

Warhammer Total War - yes
AC Syndicate - yes
NBA 2k14 - yes, yes, yes, yes

>UFC 2
>Football Manager 2017

>Rainbow Six Siege
>Rayman Origins

The witcher:10/10 recommend everyone to beat.
The witcher 2: in the middle of playing.
War thunder: great and fun to battle out in a panzer.

>Rocket League

>Witcher 3 10/10

>Civ 5
>Fzero Gx

Yes, if you have tryhard friends and/or want some game where you can always waste time
>Titanfall 2
Yes, see above plus it a rare kind of skill based shooter nowadays.
Yes, it's one of the better 4x out there, even if it lacks some content and substance. Patches made the situation slightly better, but I suggest fiddling with mods to find what suits you. Do not expect a GS out of it, it's not that kind of a game.

He didn't specify it's the third one.
If he's talking about the first then he's correct


>Earth Defense Force 4.1
>Bravely Default
Eh, if you like JRPGs, yes.
>New Super Mario Bros 2

>Persona 3
Yup, i loved it
>Super Dangan Ronpa 2
>Corpse Party

> (You)
>>Witcher 3 10/10
Lol just because your too much of a casual cuck to play the first one does not mean disgusting the second one i can say it kinda sucks fun but sucks and dont know about the third one and the witcher 3 must have been your firat one.

>Gravity Rush Remastered
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Heart & Slash
Eh, it's fun but definitely not worth 20 bucks unless you import the physical version with the free soundtrack

>Yakuza 0
>Dead Rising 4
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i got it for 10 bucks because of the windows store glitch and still NO
>Assassin's Creed Black Flag

>your firat one
What did he mean by this?

>Brutal Doom
Yes. Nostalgiafags can go fuck themselves.
>Rocket League
Good if you don't have anything in particular you want to play
Yes, but only because the soundtrack is fantastic.

Maybe, it's okay but it's short and mostly just a walking sim
>Mass Effect 2

Fuck yes, it was great
yeah it's great, except the russians levels
GOAT, so absolutely yes

Halo 1 MCC
> surprisingly yes
> first time playing Halo ever
> except from trash map design, single player is still good

> yes
> grab it when it's cheap though

> yes with better textures mod

>Megaman X: Command Mission
>Megaman Network Transmission
>Super Mario Strikers

The Megaman games for the Gamecube are okay. Just got Dolphin so I'm still grinding on them still.

Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force

Last of us remaster

>Devil Survivor: Overclocked
One of my favorite RPGs but it's fucking hard
>Pokemon Sun
Better than the last few, definitely worth if you like Pokemon
Best RPG I've played since SMTIV

Why not, it's pretty fun


Yes, it has a few problems but it's one of the better open world/RPG/adventure games I've played in awhile, this is coming from someone who thinks the Elder Scrolls is hot garbage


yes, but only if you have patience. I'm getting the hang of it but the game is just very unfun for the first few hours, fuck RNG

>Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Yes but only if you like KH, Aqua mode is fun. DDD running at 60fps is nice

>Mass Effect 3
Yes, but only if you get it on sale or pirate it
>Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
>Civilization VI

>Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone
>Final Fantasy 15
Absolutely not
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

FUCK YEAH, one of the most fun games I've played in a decade.
>Shadow Warrior 2
Yeah, but with some major clarifications and explanations. I seriously think it's one of the best shooters of the modern generation, but it does pretty damn poor job explaining itself to the player, and isn't quite for everyone.
>Mirror's Edge 2
Ehhhh... only to really big fans of the first one, or under massive discount. Otherwise, not really. It almost completely fails to improve on the previous game: for every step in the right direction it does two steps in completely wrong one.

Bonus round: not really a game per se, but still noteworthy:
>Marble Nest (Pathologic Prototype/Demo thing)

Elderscrolls including Morrowind?

Because Oblivion and Skyrim sucked because the magic system got boring because they're shit level designers (e.g. No feather/levitate).

Good so far, yes

Absolutely fucking yes, best Hitman so far.

>UFC 2
Just platinumed this. There is some serious bullshit online, especially on Ultimate Team. But it is generally pretty good. So yes.

>gta 5
>the culling
no not right now
>fallout 4

Can I get a link on the down low to Marble Nest?

>>Dark Souls 3
Yes, souls games satisfy my aspie side
Not really it kinda sucks, the platforming dungeon is honestly the best part
Yes, same deal with the aspie side even more

>Dragons Dogma
emulate it
>Dark Dreams Don't Die
somewhere between eh and good

Ehh I tried Morrowind on original Xbox years ago before Oblivion was out, I take into account thats probably not the best way to play a series generally designed for PC but I've just never been able to get into TeS

The stories don't grab me, the worlds often don't either and the gameplay just really doesn't work for me. First person melee combat a shit

I will say that Morrowind seemed to have the most going on compared to the other two new ones.

Still generally dislike the series and think Bethesda is shit but who knows, tastes are weird

Dark messiah


fuck no

I would love to provide it, but I just don't have right now. Be patient and wait for a Pathologic thread (they pop up roughly once a month or so) and you'll be sure to get it there.

>Resident Evil 7
>Red Faction Guerilla

>witcher 3
yes. although Novigrad sucks. It gets better when you get to Skellige though
>pokemon x
yes. I like it better than sun.
>dragon quest 8
yes. I haven't gotten very far yet but it's enjoyable.

Cheers, I love those game devs but I never actually played Pathologic. I think I'm making the right choice in waiting instead of playing one of the versions out now.

just google "pathologic marble nest torrent" and you'll get working links on the first page

I used to tell people to go and play the original instead of waiting, since I never had that much faith in the remake, but after playing Marble Nest, I very much changed my mind.

>Final Fantasy 14
Hell no, stay as far away as possible from any MMO ever.

>Deus Ex Human Revolution
Ye I guess. Enjoyed it more than I thought. Still think the first Deus Ex beats it though.

Final Fantasy 12
Absolutely. Replayed it recently and it's as good as I remembered. Can't believe its already 11 years old.

>TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Yes, the multiplayer is dead, but its got a nice single player campaign and there are plenty of challenges and extra modes, as well as a level editor and customizable bot matches. Only downside is having to play it with a controller.
>Kirby Star Stacker
Yes, it's fun.
>Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1
Yes, so far it's enjoyable and the music is sweet.