So does pic related get good at some point? So far the combat is fucking dogshit, and since everyone praises TW3...

So does pic related get good at some point? So far the combat is fucking dogshit, and since everyone praises TW3, I figured I'd play this first.

The first, post-tutorial area is the best in the game, by far.
Second is mediocre.
Third is fine but has much less content than the first two.

I enjoyed it but I'm not a fine game conoisseur. Haven't played 3, though.

Where are you right now? Maybe the tutorial-ish castle siege might feel a bit unchallenging, but if you're already deep in Flotsam or even later, I'm afraid it won't "get good at some point" for you.

Picks up in Chapter 2 sort of

So yeah you've got to get half way through the game to start having fun

Just make sure you save near the end of Chapter 1 so you can experience both Ioverth's and Roche's paths for Chapter 2 and 3

I just started this recently, thought the combat sucked as well for a while having come off of Witcher 3. Then I tried playing with keyboard and mouse and it suddenly 'clicked' or at least felt way better than with a game pad. It's still weird, like a hybrid or stepping stone between the combat of 1 and the combat of 3, but I kinda like it. Still get my ass regularly pushed in though.





go with iorveth in chapter 2

>comfy dwarven city

fight me


>not starting with 1
Why do you even bother?

Use the FCR2 mod to fix the combat among other things.

With the mod, Geralt walks during the battle, like in TW3, instead of running around.

As a game, the story is better than the one in TW3.

don't upset rochefags. but iorveth's path is infinitely better

Because Geralt is handsome in Witcher 2 and not in 1

Gets boring pretty fast desu

Roche is a total bro but Iorveth's path is just better

>Picking the shitty military camp with soldiers pissing in the mud

come the fuck on

It is the better path but roche is the better companion.

I honestly like Iorveth more.

I thought he was a prick until seeing his dream fragment. He doesnt even want to fight anymore. He wants to live in peace, smoking pipes and eating cheese, but his infamy makes that impossible for him.

Yeah I'm still in the castle siege part, just killed the la valette guy.

I'll keep that in mind, I think I'll start with Roche because he's a cool goy so far.

I'll definitely give that a try, thanks.

It's the worst of the series.
Even witcher 1 with its hated movement/combat system is better than this heap of uncreative shit.

Story is ok though. I played it just so i can continue from 1 to 3. Most boring playtime of my life.

If you go with Iorveth you're a left wing cuck.

Roche is the only correct choice. Fuck faggot elves.


No skip to 3

>tfw betrayed Roche in W3


Roche is fuking peduin ass

No, it's console trash
