Why do devs put their games on PC when they flop all the time?

Why do devs put their games on PC when they flop all the time?

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wow, almost went a whole 2.6 seconds without another platform war shitposting thead

woah holy shit Steamspy not having accurate numbers for a newly released game?! when has this ever happened before?!

Because of piracy of course!!!

Stop it.

Denuvo is a death-sentence for PC games.

The way that PC games become popular is my word-of-mouth spread by piratefags.

It's the reason why games like Just Cause 3 and Dishonored 2 didn't do as well as their non-Denuvo predecessors. Sure, you may argue that they just weren't as good, but these games almost died entirely a few days after being released.

They were optimised horribly though.

It's pretty amazing how Denuvo games have basically all be flops on PC or just fell completely off the radar within like 2 weeks of launch.

Doom I think is the only successful Denuvo game.

Just Cause 3 and Dishonored 2 were completely dead on consoles too after a day.

>Pirates are more important than paid customers
Sup Forums never ceases to amuse me

And on top of all they were games with no soul put in them.
People can meme all they want but they simply were not good video games.

Always this
followed by this.

And people will still fall for it.

Why do devs make shit games?

its a death sentence for modding, that's denuvo's true endgame.

MGSV too.

It's like good games are successful, Denuvo or not.


because we're waiting to buy the game 80% on steam sales DUH!

Because people who love their games want to see them played at full capacity.

People with a passing interest in video games, casuals, generally don't care what kind of trash they play it on. That's why they buy consoles, and that's why people put their games on consoles. There is inevitably more casual enthusiasts than there are real hobbyists.

As far as I'm concerned though, if you're a console only pleb, a lukewarm gamer, you don't belong on Sup Forums.

>It's clearly indicated steamspy need at least 2 weeks to calibrate on new games
>People still post picture of the day after release

MGSV, Rise of the Tomb Raider, DOOM all sold more than a million on PC.
Hell, Arkham Knight had Denuvo on top of being a shit port, and it's still close to 1 million.

But JC3 has the MP mod, and Total War Warhammer has a Steam Workshop page full of mods.

because over time they generally do well enough to warrant the investment required to port them to the platform?

>But JC3 has the MP mod

Yes, an official mod. And only one.

>Total War Warhammer has a Steam Workshop page

True but Steam doesn't allow every mod on there.

>word-of-mouth spread by piratefags.
What word of mouth? It can be the best videogame in history and the only word of mouth you hear from piratefags is

>Paying for games
>"Good goy!"
>"Buyfags aren't human beings"

Why do devs put there games on PC when they only sell almost as many copies as on current gen consoles.

Not like porting to PC takes less work and money than making games from ground up.

And even 1/4 of the games console sale is profitable.

I mean do you seriously believe that a companies cares about 25%-50% more sales.

They obviously don't care about money but making Console players happy because they love them.
And each exclusive is a Message to the Players we respect you and give power to you.
We just hope you return the favor and give us some of your money so we can make you more games.

In fact companies that dont make PS4 only exclusives don't realy respect the players.
Evrione knows games become worse then they get a PC pot.
And that it just doesn't feel right on PC.

That's because what Denuvo might do is block things like Script extenders, not modding altogether.
It would block modding if Denuvo prevented ANY file from being modified, but the only file it protects it's the launcher.
There's not many Denuvo games with mods, but that's because there's not too many games that get mods in general.

No, it's just to make obese moralcucks like you angry.
You do not belong here, you never have, and you'll never will.

Maybe you should stop making threads whining about piracy and just make a thread about the game.

Amount of players right now.

I like this post.
It's a good post.

PC game sales mostly come from Steam sales.

Plain and simple.

11k people ingame right now is a shitload of people.


It's when they put Denuvo on games that are a pile of shit to begin with. Like Far Cry for example, why bother to even put Denuvo on it because it would probably be more successful without it.

Their email system can't deal with the influx of begging emails and petition links.

That's supposed to be bad ?
11k players is a lot

>people aren't wasting their money on bootleg condemned
Not surprising

yeah remembered when they removed denuvo from inquisition and mod started to appear ?
remember how they removed denuvo from jc3 and now MIRACLE theres the mp mod all of a sudden
really makes the cogs go round and round if you know what i mean senpai

>It's pretty amazing how Denuvo games have basically all be flops on PC or just fell completely off the radar within like 2 weeks of launch.

Not really. This is standard for all PC games unless it's an MMO, Bethesda, or online only game.

Because PC is the biggest platform by far (outside of americlap land), and will sell over time if it's good.

It's more of a "console" thing to pre order games, hype upcoming games up for years before release whereas PC games get popular in the long run/


Doom didn't even break top 12 in steam top 100 for 2016. Only denuvo game that did was warhammer. Can we stop this meme about doom doing well on PC already.


That's wrong tho.

Maybe if all you care about is console fps.

Isn't the main complain is it's not worth 60 bucks, wait for sale?

It's less than Euro Truck Simulator 2.

This is a hugely hyped up 'Resident Evil' game that has been out 2 days and it hasn't got the same amount of players as a 4 year old niche game.

I wonder why OP

PC gamers aren't stupid.

>Heavily market game as a VR experience
>VR is exclusive to PS4 for a year

And that's why RE7 is tanking on PC.

People don't want to buy it because it's apparently much better in VR, and those who have VR on PC and do want to buy it have to wait a year.

Basically, it's Capcom being Capcom.

>measured by gross revenue this year

the only game there which doesn't have paid DLC/microtransactions is NMS

D44M had DLC but only for the dog shit MP mode which nobody plays, most people just bought the base game

>21th best selling game of the year
>'look, the game did a flop on PC okay?'

Nobody cares about the long run though, especially not big publishers. Look at Alien Isolation. It was deemed a failure buy Sega even though it allegedly sold well via steam sales. The industry places far more importance on the frontloaded sales, same as the movie industry.

XBOX is Dead NINTENDO is dead if you care about current gen games.

Do Sony fags honestly want Sony the be the only company left to Have current gen games on it.

Do Sony fags literally want to live in a world were only one company has the monopoly on all AAA games.

Tell me fanboys are not this retarded.

You fags do realize you need at lest one strong competitor for Sony to have.

At lest one platform that looks more compelling than Sonny ti a large % of people.
So Sony doesn't go lazy or start making Monopoly changes to games.
Such as pricing them at 70$ or adding PS++

Its youtube and twitch, prove me wrong.


>season pass

Nice try user.

lol stay mad piratefags.

hitman says hi to that dumbass argument of yours. denuvo does it's job and it's not going away.

Well in that case, rise of the tomb raider was a success too then. So was watch dogs 2.

Are you retarded user? Anything below top 12 is a flop, unless you are now going to say watch dogs 2 was not a flop.

>This entire post

>hitman says hi to that dumbass argument of yours.

How does flopman prove anything?

It definitely isn't a flop.
It's not because a sequel didn't sells as much as its predecessor it flopped.

Now compare Euro Truck to America Truck Simulator or whatever it's called.

I guarantee you it has more players than that as well despite the American version being much newer. ETC2 has a pretty big playerbase and even fucking multiplayer clans.

>It definitely isn't a flop.

You clearly underestimate how autistic the germans are.

because *surprise motherfucker* ps4 and xbone are PC's too, consoles are long dead -_-

>Anything below top 12 is a flop
Because you said so?

user, even ubisoft admitted watch dogs 2 was a flop.

Stop being stupid.

Just wanted to say he's wrong.

Anything below Top 5 is a flop.

Because I said so.

That's right goy, Denuvo™ is working out amazing!

wai companies no love yu?

> Denuvo kills PC games

Yet Console is a hardware denuvo.

Holy shit guys, video games are DOOMED

>this game was succesful so don't compare Resident Evil to it
Ok then, you really convinced me there.

If you want to actually look at some high numbers.

As of today, Doom has sold 1.6 million copies on PC.

Also, can you Redditors who use the word ''meme'' to refer to absolutely everything do us a favor and kill yourselves?

Can someone explain me the problem with denuvo exactly?
I don't have a game with this stuff so I don't get it.

The sad thing is, it actually is a much better game in VR. Not by too much, but it is.

Without it, it's basically a shitty Condemned clone.

And this is why I also see the game doing poorly on consoles, because no one wants to pay an extra $400 for the optimal experience. Especially for such a painfully mediocre game.

>remember how they removed denuvo from jc3
>remembered when they removed denuvo from inquisition
I don't because they didn't remove it from those games.
Dragon Age Inquisition only has some half assed crack, and Just Cause 3 remains uncracked.

Also, explain Total War Warhammer's mods, or MGSV's which, doesn't have many, but it does have things like Infinite Heaven.
And please, stop pretending every single game on PC gets mods, only a tiny minority does.

>As of today, Doom has sold 1.6 million copies on PC.

Yeah, considering I personally got it off a keysite for £8. What a great money maker doom turned out to be.

>1.6 million copies on PC

That's actually pretty shit, to be honest. Especially by Bethesda standards.

The ironic thing is, probably a good chunk of those purchases were pirates who couldn't wait for Denuvo to be cracked, and now that Denuvo has been removed, it's even easier to pirate.

>extra platform for people to play = extra money for devs
Got it?

Oh wow, you bought it from a CD Key site, that means it's a failure, right?

>That's actually pretty shit
On PC?
No it's not.

>Especially by Bethesda standards
No it's not, out of the dozens of games Bethesda has on Steam, Doom is the 9th.
It's not Fallout or TES, but it did sell very well, and that's on PC alone.

Nothing, it is a success. Every game should use Denuvo™. Denuvo™ is the global #1 Application Protection and Anti-Piracy Technology Platform with 350+ million software licenses issued and revalidated. We are shaping the industry and pushing it forwards.

At least you paid for £8 even if its not so much I guess.
It is still better than getting pirated for DOOM right?

Bethesda said they were surprised with Doom's sales, and we have almost 2 million sold on PC, but nah, the game is obviously a failure because some random user bought it on a CD Key site.


Much to the dismay of moralcucks and the ones who shit on everyone who buys games, Denuvo has absolutely no effect on sales.
There's games that sell well, and there's flops among it, like Steam in general.
Nobody cares about this DRM.

Such a success and it still didn't break top 12. It's not a hit as much as you keep crying about it, we have the literal top 12 money makers in a list.

The point being number of sales doesn't mean anything considering people can buy the game cheap through grey market sellers. It doesn't mean the game made a good amount of money. We have the money maker list in front of us.

>bethesda saying their own game is doing well. No shit. Very few developers will admit their games are not doing well you retard.

>selling more than Wolfenstein TNO in 9 months even though WTNO came out 2 years ago
I'd say it's doing pretty good.

No, we have numbers.
1.6 million on PC alone, and Bethesda considers it a massive success.
It's not in the top 12?
Sure, but you had stuff like Overwatch, Battlefield 1 or Call of Duty.
You don't need to be among the top 12 to be a success because those 12 are VERY succesful.

Because when a game is a failure, devs don't say anything.
When a game is a success they ALWAYS boast so they can show the world how great they are.

Are you 16 or what?
This is standard since forever

>Very few developers will admit their games are not doing well you retard.
EA themselves said Titanfall 2's sales were dissapointing.
When a game sells badly they don't outright say it, but don't say it's a surprising success either.

i'm gonna wait for one year until the VR exclusivity thing expires so I can play it on my vive.

my backlog is massive enough that i've got plenty to do until then.

>Very few developers will admit their games are not doing well

>Squenix admits that Mankind Divided, Hitman, and Just Cause 3 didn't do well
>EA admits that Titanfall 2 isn't doing well
>Ubisoft admits that Watch_Dogs 2 isn't doing well, but actually doesn't care because people are enjoying the game

Seriously, why is Ubisoft becoming so based recently? Is it because of the potential buyout from Vivendi?

>Sure, but you had stuff like Overwatch, Battlefield 1

Those games aren't on steam retard. Why are you bringing them up, they would not take a spot away from doom. Even without them taking spots, doom still couldn't break top 12.

Some publishers do, some don't. Someone like Bethesda would not say a game isn't doing as well as they hoped.











It's irrelevant.
You don't need to be in any top to be a success.
Success depends on expectations.
If not, pretty much 99% of the games released would be failures.

>Tittyfall 2
That game really does deserve better.

you're just picking exceptions that autists play excessively. you wanna link dota2 or minecraft numbers next?

it's also 5 in the morning on a thursday. football manager is popular amongst euros who are all awake atm due to being 9 or so hours ahead

Why do consolecucks care about PC getting a game that they've also got access to?

Why are you screaming?

>Someone like Bethesda would not say a game isn't doing as well as they hoped.
So basically, despite having numbers and having what Bethesda has said, Doom is a failure because it's not among the biggest moneymakers of the year and speculation?
Nice try.
Wolfenstein TNO already has a sequel teased, and it sold less and much slower than Doom.

>Everything the top 12 on one of the biggest gaming platform on earth is a flop
Only on Sup Forums

>Over 32k within the week

It's a little depressing how effortless trolling's become.

Game is rather sucsessful maybe if op stops sucking cock he might realise that

Because they need something to shitpost with to justify their shitty console purchase.

Friendly reminder that 99/100 times it's a Sonygger in disguise.