Man, I want to fucking kill myself

Man, I want to fucking kill myself

what does it mean narwhal bacon

>This is what nepfags actually jack off to.

You should for playing such a shit series that lives off memes as much as fucking Borderlands

that's got nothing on Nep.

Well why haven't you killed yourself yet?
You have literally no excuses

Reddit secret codeword. I guess Felistella didn't realize Sup Forums was the main audience of these games.
But only Nep and Vert are memers and to a lesser extent Mages. Everyone calls them on it too.

>The narwhal bacons at midnight’ is now the official phrase to identify yourself as a redditor
It's a reddit meme. The site that blatantly ripped off memes from this place, and has AMAs with celebrities, actually thought it needed its own secret handshake in the real world.

My mom would be sad.

They can have memes, now that it's current year I don't know what they are anymore.

I thought that was ripped from ed&edd&eddy's "the crow caws at midnight" which is ripped from somewhere else.

Maybe but it's still a reddit thing.
It doesn't matter, the scene was not that bad and the point was making them both look silly but still.

Ironic normalfags weebs are the audience for these games.

Vert: Nullpo
MAGES.: Gah!

MAGES. is really a 2channer.

Yeah I know dude and it was probably a reference to Steins;Gate too but they couldn't use Noire because she's not the channer of the group.
Pretty sure Daru and Kurisu had a similar exchange.

>Not a channer

Noire's lonely and cringy as fuck though. It's more as if MAGES. just hasn't figured her 2ch handle out.

But that too is reference to Steins;Gate.
I don't think Noire is a channer but she is cringe incarnate.
It's fun though.

This picture is funny lol


You are no better, kid.

>Nep makes comment about browsing Nepchan


>when does the reddit meme?

I fucking hate this place.

using memes in your games period is a disgusting desu

Read the thread?

Who honestly buys games from this terrible series?

I unironically did.

This, it's just people who want to shove nep shit on their steam profile or whatever, fucking losers, basically.

Ikr lol

textbook autism right here

> being this salty about fucking memes
Jesus Christ guys are you serious


Yup. We're so much cooler than those guys despite being the exact same thing.

Yes I did.
I saw people bitching about Reddit memes while in other Nep threads that references Sup Forums maymies in the OP will go by most people without a care.

Thanks for checking on me tho.

Nep games really have these memes. Tell those who claim that nip version are meme-free to suck it.

>getting R;B DLC characters

>parody of gaming industry and gaming subculture does indeed have memes
Who would have tought

There'a user who ironically claimed such.

Let Nepgear do it for you!


>Experiencing Conquest ending for the first time, part1

This again.


that means you don't want to kill yourself if you still care about the world and people in it

at least were self-aware of our cancer

MAGES. is a chuuni memester, as she should be. The only way she could be more chuu is putting a semicolon in her names to become something like MAGES;PERIOD

That's right. Present-day Sup Forums is no longer self-aware of its own cancerous growth. Your failure in using "we are" turned out to be spot-on.

Re;Birth is already like that.
>Still waiting for Re;Birth 0 as a Sci;Adv VN featuring MAGES.

there, happy?
no one else cares but you and apparently me

Reminder that in this very thread there are redditors who are ruining our board. In fact, many of them falsely believe that it is normal to be a redditor who uses Sup Forums.

You know it's an edit right?

>hear about how the series made R4 and CFW villains
>expect good, self-aware humor based on video game shit
>get memes and channer culture instead
Fucking wasted potential

How are these games so popular.
They're not good, they're not funny and they're not even charming.

>How are these games so popular.
They aren't, they have following on Sup Forums but that doesn't, they sell the same ammounts as Atelier or Senran
>They're not good, they're not funny and they're not even charming.
And you are wrong but that's okay

Who is the most patrician nep? I mean not patrician to like, but personally patrician?

Noire, I guess

>inb4 Nep



They're good and charming.

They're really not good games at all, though.


You might have brain issues if you think someone is just going to take your posts at face value, on Sup Forums of all places

Why isn't mysterious light beam in the 4GO?

It's even cuter when you realize who Compa is supposed to be
Compile Heart, the game dev


Compa is Elder God Tier wife material, I love her

"I've got these two lumps of yarn in my face!"

The softest lumps of yarn