I don't see any more threads. Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?

I don't see any more threads. Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bland as fuck after floor 16

does the fact that you had to create a thread of your own tell you anything?

runs out of content, everything the same, very grindy

I stopped playing it and I haven't felt this good about quitting something in a long time.

its good but it gets pretty damn hard at floor 13.
And very grindy.
Wish it was full price game and not a F2P shit.

it gets very easy and kinda fun with an assault rifle

then it gets hard again around 23

Too grindy

Game starts off amazing and them gets to become a massive waste of time by floor 25+

I beat it. The worst part of the game is from 22-32. Then you spam expeditions to get guard shrooms, sting shrooms and repair shrooms then you can cheese your way to the top.

I will admit I spent more money then anyone should have in this game, silly deaths and not looking at the vg thread to see the cheese strats. It's a fun game but I would not recommend you guys going to that general thread, full of dick heads and egos. But maybe I'm the fool and that's all generals. No idea cause I never go to vg except this experience.

The lack of porn is also lame

Inferior as fuck to Dark Souls, pay2win grindshit.

I played it for about a half hour and uninstalled it.

>people complaining about grind

are you guys who whine about MILK brand?


just use mushrooms more

fuck off shill, you literally made no argument here


the skeleton guy is fucking cringey as fuck. Barely made it past his little intro thing

It's one of those games that unless you follow the meta to a T, you're gonna have a bad time. I think it's stupid to compare it to dark souls cause in that game there's builds and you can go your own way.

This is one of those games where people come together and collectively figure out what's the easiest way to beat it, and where's all the stuff to do so. I'm sure there's similarities but naaah.

Also it's not p2w. It's pay to continue/aka quarter eater but if you know the meta you don't have to spend any money.

God I sound like a fag. I'm sorry.

found the underage Gen Z

I'm 32

How is it p2w? The grind is there whether you have death metals or not. You'll still need to upgrade all your shit because no amount of death metals will help you climb the tower if your equipment is shit.

32 waist line

30 actually. Stay mad fatty

Do you have a cute boi pucci?

>posting age at all in an victim row chinese board

confirmed 100% underage

Ronald Reagan was in office when I was born

it IS possible to hobo your way all the way to the top

it involves a lot of running though especially in the third area

>continuing to insist age

lol reported


No wonder, get with the times or get busy dying gramps

So basically bruteforce your way through with infinite death metals? You'd need hundreds, no, thousands of death metals.

Pretty fun, but lost some of the enjoyment now that I need to abuse mushrooms to get anywhere. Getting raided is a pain in the ass and just adds to the frustration of climbing the higher floors of the tower. Doesn't even matter how strong my defense is if anyone could bypass it with a couple strong shrooms.

Hopefully they add more content soon and i'll give it another go.

reporting your report is an offence.

clearly you are new.

Sup Forums is not the place to discuss this game. people here are literally too retarded to understand a game like this (even though there's nothing more to understand than you need to use mushrooms)

i used all of my given death metals on storage and hobo geared the entire game, with the exception of upgrading the Red Hot Iron. if you play smart and use what the game gives you you don't need to grind anything. and anyone that spent a death metal on a revive is literally the most retarded faggot to ever play a video game

wow sign my mousepad

i'd love to

>wah you gave an argument about how the game can be beaten if you're decent at it what a fucking tryhard elitist scumbag!!

>abuse mushrooms to get anywhere.
only if you're completely naked

you seem like a really fun person to talk to, it's a joke bud calm down why are you so hostile.

beat the game and did the exact same thing you did.

hope you have a better day tomorrow user, feel better (:


What's funny about that?

No one cares any more, just already.

I think most people (and reviewers) went through the game like this:

1. Hey, this is pretty easy! They won't get a cent off me.
2. Fuck, I keep dying. Meh, I'll just use the death metals I got for free.
3. I'm out of death metals. This game is p2w. Fuck this.

This is where most people quit. But when you upgrade your shit and prepare yourself, you don't need any death metals anymore. Heck, you don't even die anymore. All you need is lifeshrooms, brainshrooms and slowshrooms/invisibleshrooms. I got 10+ death metals now and haven't used one in weeks.

>ha i'll make a condescending post then play it off as if i didn't lol to seem like i have the high ground

i think we argued in a Nioh thread yesterday, unless your cookie-cutter personality is as widespread as it seems

What game?

lol if saying a condescending remark makes you go full 180 i wanna see how you handle real life comments

>argued with somebody else

yeah im the problem :-)

have fun user ^_^

Junk combat



WTF IT'S A P2W GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it's actually one of the most tolerable generals. only like 3 retarded posters. most others are helpful and in general the thread is all discussion, spreadsheets, and speculation

Ah shows you what I know, I must have just been there on a bad day.

grind WALL,recycled content,you are forced to ''abuse'' mushrooms during boss fights since most of their attacks are 1shot+shitty hitboxes.
AND the game is already dying.
>UK team over 10.000 players
>2000 raids during wars
there's no content and most people drop the game once they reach the grind wall.

I wanna keep playing but my PS4 just goes to a black screen whenever I turn it on.
I got to floor 35
I wanna get back into it bros, but my PS4 won't let me

is it cash only item?


>''abuse'' mushrooms during boss fights

>using core gameplay mechanics is now abusing

>shitty hitboxes
that's honestly not true. i can recount most of my deaths and realize fully they're my fault

there isn't a single cash only item in the game

I would say that LiD is not kind of grind i enjoy

>pop 6 guard/transparagus shrooms + stringshrooms
>he just sits there like a fucking retard while you spam R1

yeah this.

i dont mind grinding games, ark, or any mmo

but the way they set this up is a god damn snore fest. i feel like an old man because i find myself passing out in my chair while trying to farm something.

personally running around looking for the chest is kinda hard

I had quite a few enemies on my back, but I got the spear guys to kill off the others without attacking myself, then finished off the spear guys

if you ever get god's gift to man, aka Treasure hunter, you've won the game.

GOTO has some weird moments and U-10 can stunlock.

Combat is too stiff

youtube.com/watch?v=0Yf8wxa1cpM lol

The real problem is mushrooms break the game. Once you get to the higher floors you find shrooms that can make you completely undetectable even while attacking, or slow time enough to render all enemies helpless, or just outright make you invincible. Collect enough of these and the game is completely trivial; even the final boss is not safe from mushroom spam. And since the game gives you a lot of these mushrooms you can only assume they want you to use them; if you don't, be prepared for massively inflated HP pools and one or two hit deaths in the higher floors, meaning lots and lots more grinding (or buying death metals) for every death up there.

The game is one of the best F2P game I've played, but that's a very, very, very low bar and it still has the F2P taint. It just takes a while to notice.

It was a flavor of the month that was fun for a while before the grinding kicked in

u10 isnt THAT hard youtube.com/watch?v=Th3l_ldOsCY it requires a delicate touch

and goto 9 is pretty easy once you realize how to avoid his homing hop

so what's at the top of the tower?

For a completely free to play game, it's alright. Becomes backbreaking/wallet breaking hard around the mid 20s floor but you can totally grind through it if you don't mind wasting hundreds of hours instead of spending 50 or so bucks. Really nice first impression and attitude that fades away as everything becomes samey.

more floors eventually

Im not sure why people dont enjoy hunting chest

the movement in this game is pretty smooth in this game

What does this matter if the optimal method is shroom guzzling?

Take any other hard game and give it invincibility items you can grind for mass consumption. Does it seem like a positive gameplay addition?

because fuck sitting at two long ass loading screens in between chest runs, AND grinding for killcoins just to be able to grind chests, AND bosses often dropping nothing at all AND chests dropping small amounts of coins half the damn time.


you can play without them if you're good, but they're there as an option for retarded shitters to beat it too. yet they STILL complain the game is p2w despite the game literally throwing easy mode options at you. i checked out some stream a while ago where the guy used like 25 death metals per boss fight because he was simply too stupid to grasp what a consumable does, think it was manvsgame

>AND grinding for killcoins just to be able to grind chests
dev haters often have just enough kill coins to fund for expeditions
>AND bosses often dropping nothing at all
its why I go after chest
>AND chests dropping small amounts of coins half the damn time.
thank god for treasure hunter, it lets you know if there mats in a chest

boring as fuck, p2w as fuck, dropped.

Like every f2p game, it had a really awesome launch with tons of free shit, and suddenly there's no free shit to be found, they're amping up difficulty across the board, and selling power outright.

Too grindy for my tastes.

FotM trash

>p2w as fuck,
only if you suck

That usually happens with people who played a Souls game before this and heard this one is like that. They try to beat the whole game with a melee weapon and an infinite number of retries.

No, it's p2w as fuck. Have you not gotten to floor 40 yet?

I've gotten and farmed the shit out of taro

never died to him once

>p2w as fuck
>suddenly there's no free shit to be found
>selling power outright

Which game are you talking about?

If anything, Let It Die is the LEAST pay2win game out there

>ITT people have no idea what pay2win means
Go figure

The game is grind2win, not pay2win.

so if it's not cash only what's the problem? time to get one of them?

It's literally baroque except shit. Protip: baroque was already shit. Same people pretty sure.

people these days watch streamers/youtubers to judge a game

unfortunately most of those people are complete shitters

There's no problem. The guy in the webm used a brainshroom. You can get tons of them from enemies you defeat. I have 9 on me right now. I stopped picking them up because I have too many of them.

>grind the game, but much worse
>multiple long ass loading screens
>can't listen to the in game radio or use a media player while climbing the tower
>bosses can sometimes drop nothing at all

I didn't even include all the fucked up shit like TDM and the simulation room exploit

A solid 7/10. Finished it and now I am just grinding and upgrading my banks. The game lacks content and stuff to do and has a truck load of bugs and glitches.

LET IT DIE! Would've been worst game ever had it not been free 2 play.

next maint might fix some bugs and glitches

i didn't use a single death metal for a revive and have both beaten and farmed this game to exhaustion

the post was likely mocking people that say the game is p2w because they can't accept that they're at fault for dying when they have so many options given to them to beat everything

new weapons coming after jap release

next four man group is the four horsemen

>the LEAST pay to win game out there

Find any f2p game where you can't instantly negate death and return to full life with no cool down and that game is automatically less p2w than this one

>When one of the most common drops in the game is a mushroom that gives you god mode for a minute and the timers stack

I killed every boss in the last area naked. People who say is P2W or hard dont take the time to learn the game.

Pretty fun, been too busy to move on though. I got to the second Coen fight he pummled my asshole in because I was unprepared