Why don't you play Heroes?

Why don't you play Heroes?
>Best moba right now, skipping all the autistic usual moba bullshit
>easy to get into, hard to master
>extensive free to play rotation, lots of free shit
>Best maps with different, exciting game modes
>Triple A Blizz quality

Literal pleb of mobas and games i general if this is not on your computer, even better made than OverFap imo

Too busy sucking at paladins

I like HOTS, but I don't play it anymore because Sup Forums told me that it's the most casual of the MOBAs. I don't care enough to try LoL or DOTA2 though.

But I do play

HotS is in an alright place. As someone who has played all three LoL and Dota have been past their prime for a long fucking time.

>Best moba right now
I beg to differ.

desu I'd play it just to return to my warcraft waifus but I've spent too much time getting good at league of shitgends to give up the game

Let me first return to challenger so I can carve my name for posterity

Its most casual in that sense that they eliminate items but replace it with talents, which is actually way more interesting. Also Heroes is more team oriented, which is maybe too requiring for lonewolf gamers

>most casual
That's the reason I play it. With a wife kid and full time job I don't have time to learn meta and all that shit.
>Listening to v

because it's fucking boring. if this is what you consider the best I never want to play league or dota

>playing mobashit of any kind

Lack of choice makes for a game that gets boring quickly.

Remember kids, pretty much everybody agrees that mobas are shit, including their players. Their purpose is not to be enjoyed, but to act as a time sink so that you don't get bored of your other, better games.

t. moba player

But its no MASSIVE online battle arena. Its a Soba. SMALL. Its a great game though but no blizz quality or free! And dont tell me "it will be" since you dont know that...

>shit casual trash nu-Blizzard moba

Why would I play this trash if Dota 2 exist?

Theres way more choice than in Lol though, different ways to attack the map, different talents. Talents are essentially items, but with greater effects.

because I have to grind to get heroes.
I'd play it over dota if they just offered all heroes for free and sold skins though.

>Why don't you play Heroes?
Russians. I'll go back to it as soon as they ban all of them or put them in their own cancer servers.

But Dota is for literal autists

Because dota 2 is not as fun.

>M stands for massive
Are you intentionally being retarded

b/c majority of hots players are legit worse than league and dota2. no map awareness, no lane control, no objective control. they don't think about their choices of talents. bunch of fucking casuals.

>hard to master


I grouped with a friend in Diamond and the Diamonds were worse than most Silver players I've seen.

It's casual babbyfest shit. The only thing more laughable in the esports scene is Overwatch.

>hard to master

>dead game with the same carbon copy skills on every single hero of the same class
wake me up when they decide to design actually interesting heroes

It's moba garbage and WoW artstyle makes me want to vomit down someone's throat.

I only play as LiLi

Well thats one critisism I'll accept, mostly rely on the free rotation which is kinda big anyway and a a few heroes i bought with gold. But it takes just a few days/a week to get a hero anyway so it dont seem too bothersome. But I agree it would be great if they were free and only cash for skins

This game sucks so terribly it hurts.
To acknowledge that you need to play more than 10 games so I understand your excitement.
It's nu-fun and nu-competetive just like Overwatch. So many rubberband mechanics and matchmaking designed for 50% win ratio that one sad day you just understand that whatever you do - it doesn't matter.

>They added Valeera the literal who to the game

Her only notable action is fucking Varian.

hour of heroes doesnt feel rewarding while hour of LoL can have some real holy shit moments

>>Best moba right now,


fuck off and die.

I know your playerbase is small, but shilling here won't help. You're almost as bad as that guy that used to make ~5 Paragon threads a day with a screenshot of a butt.

It's fun with friends.

>Best MOBA to ever me bade is exclusive to smartphones
>Matches are 3 minutes long + 1 minute sudden death, no autistic one hour matches
>Various units are spawned by the players when they choose and have their own strengths and weaknesses, putting a huge focus on knowing when to summon X unit, what lane to summon them in and positioning yourself

um "hearthstone", ever heard of it?

>still no Kel'thuzad
>still no Maiev
>still no Kyle Blackthorne

Lol there arent anything special with dota 2 or Lol for that matter that makes them harder game mevhanics wise. Its not like comparing Csgo and cod, but like battlefield and cod. Cod being dota and bf being heroes.

>it's the most casual of the MOBAs
I think you missed the point in that. That's for once a GOOD thing. """""Depth""""" in MOBAs is retarded.

Fuck off, aren't you supposed to be streaming?

Streaming what? Am I meant to be somebody else?

it's shit for retards
the only moba worth a damn is Dota2, and even that on stinks a bit nowadays

Fuck off.
Your game is dead and rightfully so.
Gameplay is boring and shallow.
Games quickly devolve into 4v4 or 5v5 zergfest in any given lane while ignoring objectives.
There are few options available for builds.
Personal impact isn't satisfying.

and worst of all
It just

It's tame. Every character is watered down "for the sake of balance" in a way that leaves them bland, edgeless and boring. There is no flash in the game, it was rushed out so fast that the "heroes" were left weak and uninspired.

Remember SC1? Remember how awesome ghosts were?
Active cloaking: "OP can't have that" -> watered down to uselessness.
AA: long range, huge damage, amazing visual and sound designs -> watered down to barely any shooting animation, iconic "crack" sound replaced with a lame "pew", short range, low damage.
Nuke: the most iconic ability of the whole terran race -> watered down to a generic space laser. Tame.

Remember Kerrigan? The Queen bitch of the universe? The ultimate psionic powerhouse? What did she get? Spikes! Who the fuck designed her kit? Did they play SC at all? Oh yeah this is the same studio that made SC2, HA!

These 2 heroes pretty much sum up every hero in the game. They are boring. So is the game. It was supposed to be a hero brawler, it came out as kitty snuggle.

I like enjoying myself.

It's a good thing I can't even begin to give a shit about any Starcraft heroes except Abathur. The people I wanted added into the game from WoW/Diablo have all been very fun.

>Active cloaking: "OP can't have that" -> watered down to uselessness.

cloaking works almost exactly the same way it worked in starcraft, except in starcraft there aren't many ground-target abilities for you to hit a cloaked unit with

I like everything about it except global xp. it's impossible to feel like you're winning lane or carrying your team even if you are better because you can't get a personal level lead over your enemies/allies which you'd leverage to make plays happen.

i want to know if i'm being outplayed in lane, or if my team is just bad, but since it's hard to see where xp comes from it's harder to measure.

The game is worth playing only because it has Medivh

>it's hard to see where xp comes from

you can see exactly who is generating xp for your team on the scoreboard

I like global exp because it gives you some flexibility - if you have to split up and get some levels leaving only one or two heroes to slow down a higher-levelled enemy push, you can keep your main damage dealers and send away an ETC or whoever that can't damage waves, as opposed to Dota where you would be absolutely locked in to having your carry go farm lanes on the other side of the map regardless of how much you need them to fight/defend, because your other heroes aren't going to do anything with the gold

I think a lot of people don't like this game because it's actually not enough of a LoL/Dota clone, rather than because it is too much of a rip-off. It's similar, but distinct.

Diablo (the character): Intimidating? No. Minorly irritating. Epic? Fuck no. The lord of hell who hits (and runs) like a kitten.

Tyrael: Hits like a wet noodle. Is out of mana before he can kill a single minion wave.

Azmodan: he dunks! too bad it does less than nothing to anything! His minions die from a single shot from almost anything. And the minion AI is so basic I wonder if there even is any.

Some WoW characters are actually well made and interesting. Too bad I never gave a shit about the forest fairies and magic pixies.

>easy to get into, hard to master
Every casual low skill ceiling game tries to make this claim.basically what it translates to is out game has no depth or complexity

Which is why I said the people I wanted. The Wizard is fun as shit, the Monk can either shit out damage or be a healing maniac and Azmodan does shit out damage if you farm your Globe and take the Black Pool. Can half-health most assassins if you aren't dicking around all game. Then all the Warcraft characters I wanted like Thrall, Greymane, Gul'dan, Gazlowe and a slew of others are extremely fun for me. My only real problem is that they added in Vikings 2 years ago and haven't added in any more Blizzard originals.

I play it and it is really fun. I was able to shill out 30k shekels to buy the nexus charger before it went away.

After I did that I realized my favorite characters are Birdman, Anubarak, and Lunara. All characters that don't use mounts.

It's way less frustrating than League and Dota, that's for sure. It's pretty fun in my opinion, but right now, it's in a quite alright spot and doesn't need to be shilled.

>Have to be in a party with someone who has Cho'gall
>Can't just pick Cho or Gall and be randomly matched with someone like every other character
>Will never be able to play Cho'Gall


>Can't just pick Cho or Gall and be randomly matched with someone like every other character

The fact that Gall rides shotgun to Cho is the reason that's the case. Get a random guy piloting and I imagine that's going to piss off a lot of people.

Grinding gold for characters in this game is fucking retarded, the level of p2w in the game is absurd

I actually really like hots but playing with 4 randoms is just painful. It's not that complicated to try and push lanes and send merc camps preemptively before map events happen. Instead they react 30 seconds after the map events start and run into the fog 1 at a time to feed.

>talking shit about the "trickle in" strat
>waiting 10 seconds for other team mates to show up instead of engaging in a 2v5 asap

>nerf sirius to shit, despite him already being the weakest support at high mmr just because shitties can't play well
Games are never fun when they balance around the top of the bell curve.

Valeera is really fun, definitely giving me nostalgia for my rogue back in vanilla.

I just wish it was Garona or Edwin VanCleef instead of her.

If you enjoy it, play it. Why would you care how "casual" something is?

Chess is casual, therebefore never play chess again.

they cant top Abathur

a lot of the new heroes are fucking boring

>not being tired of mobas by now

But I do, game is really fun. I have 1000 matches playing supports and only about 100 as any other class so I can't really speak for all the heroes but right now malfurion is probably my favorite hero, really fun and can carry decent teams to victory with him easily, but if the other team is serious I usually hop on rehgar who's another really fun and slippery support.

dota has far more mechanics so I dont know why you placed it to cod

maybe because you dont know what you talking about

>dota has far more mechanics

DotA has the illusion of many mechanics and choices, when in reality you're going to be building about the same thing for each hero every time

Heroes really is getting better over time

Its slow and hard to notice

I used to play once a month, now I play a few times a week, and more when I lose like 5 in a row

Pretty much this. Sometimes it's so bad they have to completely rework heroes because they suck so hard at their intended role.

OD support role was kind of fun though.

i enjoy playing this thirsty cumslut

>tfw no Garithos

Purge when?

its made by blizzard
it has shit balance
it has forced meta
it has healcuck-supports ( rip shield build reghar scaring tanks and assassins away )

prepare to reevaluate your definition of a "bad player" how you knew it in dota/lol. Hots "bad player" is something out of this world and will deeply impact your philosophical and ethical views while you are grinding to rank1/masters or whatever other failure of a ranking system they have now.

best hero comin through

Alarak is the best hero.

>Close but no cigar

Every hero is so underpowered in respects to their original designs. There's like no abilities in the game where you say "Wow that's fucking awesome!".
Look at Kael's phoenix. It's a fucking phoenix, but the ability is just "throw here to deny area access".
Look at his fucking """""tornado"""". What the fuck is that pre-school toddler shit?
There's no fucking allchat because people's feeling might get hurt. They even removed the chat wheel that enemies could see.

Despite all those maps, every game plays the same. Dota 2 with one map has more replayability.

I do after my account on League got banned.

Blizz was smart for turning off chat between 2 teams

There is no reason for the 2 to communicate because its always gonns end in
>Rage because X team is winning
If theres anything I like about blizz games is that blizz allows you to say whatever the fuck you want to other players and watching the asspain as they report you thinking blizzard actually gives a fuck

10 years of shit talking on blizz games going strong.

this and i never started because they opened with that
>level up your heroes to access the real talents!
i think they fixed that but too late to care for me

>its made by blizzard
A good thing

>it has shit balance
You dont know anything about the games balance

>it has forced meta
You dont even know what "meta" means

>it has heal-supports
A good thing

>tfw murky is my first level 10 hero

Murky for life. No thanks from my team when i pull their team to come get me as i rape their base alone and let my 4 teammates roam free to fuck around and complain about me "feeding".

Why is murky so underappreciated.

why is Kharazim so fun /vg/

>Best moba
Heavily debatable, especially when HotS is considered the worst moba currently out

>easy to get into, hard to master
Just like every other moba, but this one has a much lower skill ceiling.

>extensive free to play rotation, lots of free shit
I don't even play DotA2 and I know it has a lot more free shit than this game. And every hero is free so it beats you hard with that argument. Also, name one "free" thing.

>Best maps with different, exciting game modes
Again, very debatable.

>Triple A Blizz quality
All of Blizzards games recently have just been trying to cash in on a popular market (card games, hero shooter, moba)

Next game you play try intentionally picking the least synergistic worst talents for the situation. You'll find your win rate won't budge in the slightest. Your decisions have no meaningful impact on the outcome of the match unless you're in the top 1%.

It's funny no one is talking about the atrocious performance of this game, tells you a lot about the people that play it.

I'm on a 980Ti with a 2600k @ 4.4GHz and this shit is constantly under 60 fps dropping as low as 20-30 and let alone getting near 144.

Not that it really matters, game is shit anyway.

>Carry games with Zul'Jin
>Try tank Zul'Jin for shits and giggles
>Fail horribly

Nah, mate.

>dashing around at the speed of sound
>punching faggots
>punching faggots to heal your teammates
>Divine Palm at the last second is ridiculously satisfying
>mind is clear

>playing a moba, the shittiest genre in existence
>playing the shittiest most casualized moba in existence, no items, no individual experience, no voice chat, everything takes forever to die

I would rather quit this hobby entirely than to sink that low

I'm with a 760 and never drop below 60fps.

dogs a cute

What makes people make these types of posts? You can't have a moba thread without these hit'n'run types of posts.

What's so triggering about these games?

post more lewds instead

I don't really care for mobas. LoL was utter trash, Dota was fun with a friend for a while and Heroes kept me hooked for the longest.

Really though, not my genre. And the playerbase is nothing but 12-year-olds anyway.

>best moba

thats an oxymoron my dude

To be fair, OP is just shilling out so it's fine to get cross about it. I don't understand why people get so pissy over mobas though, they're fine enough and if I had enough time I would probably play LoL or something.

They're not calling him a shill, though. That's the content of those posts.

Besides the same thing happens to threads without a shill OP.

This guy is pretty shilly. And I know and I don't understand it tbqh. Like I said, moba's are fine enough. I would assume people take jabs at them because they look at them and think they're boring to watch without playing.

>seven sided strike
[angry kung fu noises]