Do you feel like a hero yet user?

I regret everyday I skipped this game. Sincerely thought it was just some COD shit.

mfw finally get a chance to play it for the first time last year.
Regrets everywhere. all over the floor. under kitchen sink. behind cat. everywhere.

What was that game you skipped and regretted user?

>Sincerely thought it was just some COD shit

its worse, another chest high walls everywhere cover shooter

Gameplay = weak derivative crap
Story = excellent with that horrifying ending
Music = bretty gud, man

I gave it a 6/10.

I don't follow.

If there's a good game that flies under my radar, I just play it when I find out about it.

mass effect trilogy


Such garbage.

I more or less agree with this. I replay it every year or so and just play on easy so I don't have to fuck with the damn combat and partner AI.

Vermintide became my third most played game in three months, following Dark Souls which I've played since its PC release

I gotta be 100% honest...I don't get the praise for this game.

I played it, its better than a lot of other shooters...but I still don't understand the outrage or shame I'm supposed to feel.

I have very, very little empathy for humans though, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Yeah, it's nothing amazing and I understand why a lot of people wouldn't like it, but it's still a neat little game that does quite a few things very well.

wat gam is this

it's a "experience" kind of thing, it's complete garbage for some, a masterpiece for others, and meh for most.

like a cult classic or some shit like that.

Spec Ops: The Line

Try it out user. Its pretty different.

>but I still don't understand the outrage or shame I'm supposed to feel.
Who told you that you were supposed to feel outrage or shame? It's just a story. You don't have to feel anything to appreciate it.

>I have very, very little empathy for humans though
Remove xenos

It's got a lot of neat foreshadowing and easter eggs. The game is pretty detailed behind the scenes. It's one of those games where you can actually test every outcome to see what affects the outcome.

Test every detail*

Kinda like that time that the statue/graffiti changes depending on what you do to that guy who stuck under the truck.

>it's complete garbage for some, a masterpiece for others
This. Easily up there with Deadly Premonition in terms of most polarizing game.

I can't think of a CoD worse than this game. Maybe I'm completely desensitized from watching lots of movies but the ending didn't blow my mind.

gameplay was way worse than any call of duty and call of duty 1, 2, mw, mw2, blops, and blops 2 all had more enjoyable single player campaigns

I like media that subverts my expectations, and I like Heart of Darkness. So it worked for me.

"I don't get why the game is special, but I don't have much human empathy"

"I thought the gameplay was bad, but I'm desensitized so the story did nothing for me"

If you find yourself agreeing with sentiments like this (which have been said a few times in this thread), then I'd suggest that maybe the game wasn't FOR you, so much as it was ABOUT you.

Didnt know nothing about the game but people in here bitched about it endlessly.
Went on to try it. Finished in one sitting and enjoyed it immensively.

I Got cheeved off when the some SJW Jumped on this game's bandwagon and praised it for shitting on white heroism.

Also something about killing arabs.

Definitely never bothered to play because I get enough moral bullshit from other sources on day to day and I play video games to save the world. Not be told that heroes are either monsters themselves or cannon fodder.

Hamfisted SJW bullshit
Also I purposefully tried to kill as many sand nigger 'civilians' when they let me

Anyone else not shoot the civilians? You can fire in the air and they'll run away instead.

I bet the thought never crossed your mind

I shot the civies, they deserved it for killing one of the more likable characters.

This pic reminds me of that vid where slavs are cutting the throats of handcuffed soldiers and then one tries to run away.
Anyone got it?

I actually prefer the twist of pic related better than the dindu mudslime simulator.

Probably because it's easier to relate to and makes the knife hurt just a bit more.

>Muh SJW boogeyman
You're an autistic boogeyman

I shot them because I wanted to, faggot.
>He plays a game about going nuclear to not actually go nuclear

>Grossed out by a movie - stop watching
>Disgusted by a book - stop reading
>Hate everything about a game - keep playing?
Why is quitting not a valid option? inb4 sunk cost fallacy.

>dindu mudslime simulator

its a dindu mudslime, dindu CIA, dindu American soldiers simulator

Actually, I did shoot in the air in my first playthrough, as angry as I was I still kept hope that maybe something could be done to help.

Oh boy how wrong I was

On my inevitable second playthrough I magdumped the crowd though, I was even angrier than before.

Movie ticket: 7$ Mantinee 14$ Prime time

Book: 7$ online 30$ if for some reason I am retarded and buy a hardcover before knowing if I will like a book

Vidya: 40-60$ new 20-40$ used.

And now we have a kickstarter for a literal Apocalypse Now video game.

I did without knowing it would actually work. That 'Line in the Sand' achievement is maybe the first time an achievement pop up added anything to a game.

dagestan massacre you can find it on liveleak user

I was pissed bullet penetration didn't take enough of them down

>Sunk cost fallacy
>I already wasted money on this, so I might as well waste my time, too!
So you're an idiot. Gotcha. Have any arguments that aren't the textbook definition of a fallacy?

And you're forgetting that you can refund physical games most places.

It takes a strong man

Coda is the faggiest name ever. No wonder he was a depressed pussy.

kill my buddy i kill you
simple as that
plus they fucking lynched him he was hand from a rope goddamn it

I only recently went through it as well and agree with I've got to them bonus points for the environments. It was actually quite varied and nice looking.

As for other games, various older JRPGs like Chrono Trigger, FF7, and other classics. I mostly rented games when I was younger and stuck to ones I could beat in a weekend.

Shepard, I ...

It's pretty terrible desu. Shit gameplay, weak story, good music.

>Walker's executions get more brutal and unnecessary as the game goes on
>The way he yells orders to his men gets more frantic and less professional
One of the neater small details the game has.

>keep hearing about this game
>"it's probably some stupid teenage girl drama crap"
>eventually buy it on sale
>play it




The white peepee fire scene loses impact when you realize the game forces you to use it. Like of you could gun your way through the camp then it would've been better

Loved this. Going from calling targets and "Tango downs" to "I WANT HIM DEAD" and clear animosity from your squad.

gameplay is bland on purpose, it helps the point the game is trying to make even stronger

>its worse, another chest high walls everywhere cover shooter
Not OP, but nah, I'll take Gears of War Lite everyday before Gotta Go Fast: Jetpacks.

>start of the game is shooting executions and "tango down"
>endgame is breaking necks with his gun and bashing people's brains out, while shouting "fucker down"
Best part of the game desu

I never felt so much hatred for someone else, I slowly walked around the whole camp to kill them with a desert eagle.
Felt like an African warlord.