Just finished Resident Evil 7. What do you guys think of the game?

Just finished Resident Evil 7. What do you guys think of the game?

>play time 7:24

this is how piracy is justified, if you can't play a game for more than 300 hours it ain't worth full retail price.

7 hours should be worth about 5$

eh well idk if I agree on 300 hours, but 7 hours? give me a break, that's fucking shorter than the order 1886 and that game got shit on for being that length. I don't give a fuck about how great of an experience it's supposed to be, if I buy a new game for $60 and finish it in one play session after work I would be pissed.

Paid 28 euros for it, not full price.

I fucking loved it, its worth at least 3 playthroughs, 1 being a standard playthrough, the second being a madhouse playthrough and the third being a speedrun.

These fucking sluts who think the length of a game can equal its quality can suck my dick.

You did better then me :3


any torrents?


It's dunovo protected so no

Have fun waiting 4 months for it to become cracked, poorfag.

aw well im not paying 60 shekel for a 5 hour gayme. i's wait

first half is great. hated the second half.


Did you go out to dinner for five hours?

Yeah it's a good game it's basically the roots of resident evil and 4 so I say it's worth every penny.

Post your savefile so I can start on madhouse please

>Steroids used: 2


>Difficulty: Normal

not so fast

Look who lost some weight and got at least 10 years younger.

What happened to the boulder crushing roid monster?

I don't think thats Chris Redfield, maybe its another Redfield.

Inferior to RE6

>one play session after work
where do you work? mcdonalds? assuming your day ends at 6, you still gotta get home, eat, probs won't start until 8. You gonna be up playing nonstop until 4am?

>tfw leaf and paid $90 (tax included) for the game and thought it would be longer because i did no research.

yes, you are free to call me retarded.

Replay it

normie game

Beat it in 7 hours 50 minutes.

It felt more like a tech demo than a full game, but hopefully NG+ with Madhouse will change that.

Also, fuck the cave near the end. Wasted all my stickies detonating cocksuckers left and right just to have two fat fucks stop me from progressing unless I wasted half my ammo on them.