Video game industry prepares for coming of possible trade tariff
>The Entertainment Software Association is in the process of formulating a plan to deal with the possibility of U.S. President Donald Trump rolling out trade tariffs, a source tells Polygon.

>A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more expensive to consumers than the same items made domestically.

>Those possible tariffs could have an impact on the cost of game consoles and other hardware, much of which is manufactured overseas.

Trumpfags will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't play video games anymore so who cares

This is now a Hitler thread.

I'm not American so who cares

>implying i buy video games to begin with

This is something I did not foresee. My anime figs will probably be expensive too T~T

Perhaps he will make an exception for all things KEK as it was KEK that got him elected in the first place. He owes that much, much like how Obama owed the African American community a great deal for getting him elected


>Trumpfags will defend this
Of course they will. They only love "superior American video games" and will take this opportunity to shit on weebs.

Well that sucks. But it shouldn't affect digital shit.

Video games are fucking shit anyway.

just buy your figs in japan

>Buying games

You cannot make this shit up, what inbred retards still buy videogames?

>much of which is manufactured overseas.
I don't like in Murrica, I don't care.

Good, maybe now some of you will leave the house for the first time in six months and get a job.

>It's 2017 and people still buy video games.

This is literally the 10th thread OP makes about this same issue
get a life you loser

>buy shit digitally

crisis averted

good, maybe finally we can start fixing the menchildren in this country

>TFW Mexican

>TFW he is building the wall


Umm... ok?
Does this apply to all shit made in china?
Because this is going to affect every thing and everyone, not just gamer manchildren.

Digital distribution master race.

He should impose a tariff or a tax on American companies outsourcing work. that's what he basically promised in the first place. Not even a week in office and he already lyin' more than Obummer

>tfw I'm a weeb and I voted for Trump
A slight markup in the shit I buy is a small price to pay to improve the state of this country.

Its a polygon article talking about possible tariffs that may or may not come, will you take it as truth

I know >replying to bait, but he literally said he's against video games a few years ago. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

>the possibility
>a source
>much of


>build wall
>now wetbacks dig tunnels


You fucking liberal idiots are STILL this butthurt about Trump winning? Fuck off and come back with something better than 'could have an impact' if you want to scream 'I told you so' so bad. Pathetic.

Can't afford paying taxes on video games to help fund the wall? Guess you're gonna have to entertain yourselves the old fashioned way.


>console peasants get punished


That's still his plan. Polygon is literally the only thing saying anything about any of this right now. You shouldn't trust the one source we have on its own.

so this is the grand scheme of elon musk

How about double markup?

You know how expensive it is to buy weebshit in parts of europe?

It was clear that most of his promises were made up almost two months ago

Gotta do what's right regardless of your games. Just like you'd spend your energy with a girlfriend if you had one.

Trump is going to lower the quality of life for everyone, including white males, but at least minorities, women, gays, transexuals, muslims and everyone else is worse off making white males feel better.

How could you not foresee this? Everyone has been saying this for over a year now.

Do you guys not understand?

This could have a huge jump on the market!

EA and Bethesda's games will be cheaper by comparison! It's fucking over!

This might be awesome

10% is hardly double, and that's the only number I've seen thrown around so far, so I'm not worried.

>process of
>formulating a plan
>possibility of
>linking to fucking polygon

>Using the word 'tariff' outside of middle school studies

Super reliable. I can make shit up to.
>OP is a faggot
Oh no, wait. I have a citation right here


Stop posting this you fucking retard.

How do you morons come up with this shit?

>A credible source

Nice try OP. But next time maybe try not posting the same thread every hour of the day

reminder to sage and report this poor attempt at bait

>Polygon is literally the only thing saying anything about any of this right now
Because it's bullshit speculation by one of their writers. The article says literally nothing meaningful.

Pretty much this, my famalamadingdangdamndooos

Yoooo is that Johnny Hitler? I heard he hates books and Jews.

Would this only affect physical copies or both digital and physical?

You just know they're not hitting their click quota for the month when they start trying to b8 here.


You don't live in a country where customs arbitrarily decides the value of your package and tacks on tariff based on that ballpark number.

This. I can live without my games. I cannot live with illegals killing me.

>country literally gets worse by the day just after the inauguration
>f-fucking liberals.. s-stop being so butthurt!

Japan is not China

He's also currently working on getting rid of net neutrality.

Man, makes me wonder what Sup Forums is going to look like in a few years.

He's trying to move on.

its still ten percent higher. sounds like you just want to be cuckd

Didn't the last thread go into auto-sage?

Are you one of the people who picked up 1984 after Trump's inauguration? Do you feel smart now?

>Building a tunnel under a 1 ton wall

we lad

>implying there won't be pools of lava under the wall

>He's also currently working on getting rid of net neutrality.

Just wait user, Trump will put an end to all those worthless computers somehow too.

It's the best way to stop cyber threats, of course.
That's why Trump refuses to use a computer.

Just do the hollywood thing
>open US based company
>it's domestic
>declare 0 profits because of licensing from mother company
>no tax no tarrifs

We are crying. you are right.

Aside from Trump appointing some idiot who's against net neutrality as the chief of the FCC, no.

weebshit and games is going up in price, the internet will get more expensive, but its worth it to make libruls mad



Build wall!

Only redditors care about that.

Only weeaboos will care about this.
The rest of the adults will be fine

>Trump shits on weebs



>You fucking liberal idiots are STILL this butthurt about Trump winning

M8, Cracked and Urban Dictionary, and I'm sure a dozen other sites as well, have been in a tantrum literally nonstop since November 9th.

We are going to be feasting on liberal tears for a long time, my friend. A long time.

>Design games in japan
>send game electronically statside
>print games stateside

problemo solved

Yup. They're buzzfeed tier. Videogame's fake news

check his new head of the FCC, come on man this is well talked about news

Fake. News.

Net neutrality is a meme. The free market should decide what wins out. If your site is so shit that it needs net neutrality, then it was a pointless site to begin with.

Good. Anything that encourages people to go outside, get a job, be a contributing member of society, and anger liberals. A bump in price for vidya is a small price to pay.


I was thinking this too.

It's so easy to bypass tariffs on software deliverables developed in india or elsewhere.
How are you supposed to stop an email attachment without shutting down the internet?

>On Sup Forums


Trumpo is a small-handed mental midget, but god damn does he rile up libcucks. I wish I could be a fly on the wall in all of those San Fran dev companies, they must be shitting themselves that """Janet""" from HR is going to lose her HRT money.

brazil had a high af import taxes, sony decided to make shit locally, and problemo solved

Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug.


>against video games

and net neutrality

Let's say that there actually will be a tariff on PS and Nintendo consoles. Do you think they would significantly alter those consoles market shares, or will Sony keep doing the Sony thing of >60% market share and Nintendo will keep doing the Nintendo thing of

>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never unify the majority of the GOP
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never reach 270
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never repeal Obamacare
>Trump’s press secretary will never read this out during a press briefing
>Trump will never stop immigration from the Middle East
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never take action against sanctuary cities
>Trump will never deport illegal aliens
You are here
>Trump will never stop inner city violence
>Trump will never prove he won the Popular Vote
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never survive the 4 years
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never win World War III
>Trump will never establish the Earth Federation
>Trump will never colonize Space
>Trump will never build Mobile Suits
>Trump will never defeat the Principality of Zeon


Men shouldn't be playing video games anyway. Go outside, meet girls, have children.

My favorite tweet. I'm going to miss "Fuck You" Trump. He was based as fuck.

> Trump will put a tarrif on his buddies.

If you believe that, well...You're just as gullible as those who believed Obama's promises of "Change".

>threatening to bring martial law to Chicago
>censoring scientists
>demanding the press only report the government's "alternative facts"

Free speech is well and truly fucked, everybody. Welcome to fascism.

/news/ please leave

35% is a slight mark up.

didn't nintendo literally leave the country altogether?

the smaller japanese localizers will simply vanish