why should I buy the switch instead of a ps4? convince me
-ps4 500gb €230
-rainbow siege six €28
-mortal kombat x XL €35
-psn 3 months €20
total: €313
-switch €300
-zelda €65
total: €365
Why should I buy the switch instead of a ps4? convince me
How about your make your own damn decision.
Who cares about this console war bait
Buy switch if you want the games
And vice versa for PS4
I don't want to convince you. I don't give a shit what you buy.
why should I convince you? if what you want to play is on the ps4 then buy it. if what you want is on the switch, then buy it. if you want both then buy both.
I suck at making decisions, please help
>gotta pay for online app
>gotta pay for online subscription
>just to get shitty ports
>just to get shitty multiplats
I own a ps4 and it is the biggest piece of shit. The switch makes that shit look like gold.
Maybe stop being retarded and buy both? It's not a fucking religion.
Stop being a faggot and then build a pc. If you already have a decent one, look at the fucking games and decide if either system is worth it to you.
Buy a PS4 now and wait a year or two for the Switch
I think it's easy to find an answer, just ask yourself how much you value portability.
I travel 4-5 days/month through work so buying a Switch feels obvious. 3DS is outdated and has shitty controls (for someone with giant hands like me), the Switch will be like a handheld with normal controllers. I'm also really looking forward to bringing my Switch when I visit a friend, we can play a game or two of Mario Kart or Street Fighter wherever we want.
If portability means jack shit for you I'd go for a PC/PS4 instead
You can't use the PS4 as a handheld
if you don't want it don't buy it you retard
now stop shilling for sony
Your bias is obviously towards a ps4. Why are you asking us?
Because like most people, you already own a ps4 and aren't one of those weirdos who gets one for every room in the house.
I usually don't buy systems until Christmas and buy one per Christmas.
Do you have to have these systems now? because if so i would probably go for the cheaper PS4 with more content and wait on the Switch to build up a library/flesh itself out. I did that with the Xbone because i thought the launch was a mess but they back-tracked on mistakes and did good imo with due time and i wasn't forced to buy kinect.
Same thing happened with the 3DS. Those who waited got a deal and those who adopted early felt screwed. not just with a cheaper console but with a larger one (XL) too.
Even if you do want Zelda that badly (and there have been games i wanted badly) id still wait on the newly released console. If it launched with at least 3 gotta-have titles id be very tempted though but for 1 game i (and maybe you) can wait. (assuming Zelda is the only switch title you gotta have right now of course)
Switch has games, PS4 doesn't.
Buy a pc so you can play exclusives like panty party and please bang my wife
Don't buy a console at all, upgrade your box instead
will be hacked before the ps4 and its nintendos last console.
Save money and buy both, there no more options.
just like it was for the last 20years, nintendo is your secondary console
Get a PC, PS4 or Xbone (if you're retarded) first, and then a Nintendo second
Only get a Nintendo first if you're a normie and don't have time to play videogames anyway.
>nintendo is your secondary console
>first three years of Wii U - games
>first three years of PS4 - one game
Do you want to play shit like Zelda or Bomberman, or shit like Dark Souls and Nioh?
What kind of fucking games do you like? Does portability mean much to you? Jesus christ, man, these are basic fucking questions you should have asked yourself already
I don't have time for 2 consoles
this, will buy switch over 2 years or so, thanks for your advice
That's not how time works.
I don't play games like everyone does, I'm quite slow
Wait for Scorpio. Devs will soon make games only for Scorpio.
Xbone/PS4/PS4Pro are too underpowered for the western AAA devs.
Switch is an handheld with console playstyle functionality included.
3DS is the reason why they still call it as console.
It's just a bit less powerfull than PS4/Xbox.
It will be full of weeaboo shit.
Can you take your PS4 in the car to play on your lunch break?
Yeah no I like to relax when I play video games, not sit at a desk in front of a monitor like at work. I'll take the $400 console that plays all the media I could want at 4K with a few controller buttons instead of spending twice that amount to get a slightly better looking result but with a lot more hassle to get everything started up and working on the TV.
There really is no point to getting the switch at the moment. I don't understand why the thing's selling out across the board. It's an underpowered console with next to no unique games at launch. The things too big to really take with you on the go. The true battery life is probably SEGA NOMAD levels of shit if you do play it as a handheld. And 3rd party support will be the weakest of Nintendo consoles. Most of the games are ports of existing titles, or mobile games. I feel like we're going back to the days of the Atari LYNX. Nathan Barnatt may finally get his Dreamcast 2.
You shouldn't. Only buy a Switch if you already own everything else.
then obviously get the PS4 stop wasting our time you've obviously already made up yours
Wait 2 years
Nothin good will be out for switch until then...
You can play the new zelda on wiiu or pc
If you buy right away, have fun lookin at your plastic paperweight
the price will probably be dropped too if you wait
only buy if you're rich with no life
>rainbow six
>buying ubisoft
Yeah man, waste your money on trash. Keep feeding those parasites and their mediocre games.
buy a switch if it has 5+ games on it your interested in and will put more then 100 hours into it, if not don't bother. this should apply to any system.
Is PS4 230 now? Might actually consider buying it... Bloodborne and Nioh for me please.
Rainbow six is a solid shooter. Playing it on a console on the other hand......
>buying Switch at launch
Just wait a bit, there are no games anyway and Switch will bomb so hard, the price will dop like a rock in no time.
It's 2017. Why don't you have a PS4 yet? If you didn't get a PS4 yet, why didn't you build a PC then? What were you doing these 3 years? Playing PS3?
>sit at a desk in front of a monitor like at work
Hey user, you know computers have HDIM ports as well right? They also have controller support.
I'm all for you only spending as much money as you deem fits your personal requirements, but don't go acting like you can't enjoy vidya on the couch with a PC.
~$250 bucks or so, often on sale.
Siege is great, wouldn't pick it up on console though.
Im buying a switch day one
but even now I'm seeing today, this current year, as a pretty damn good year to buy a PS4
Honestly, what do you want to spend your time doing more?
Playing from a variety of RE7, Yakuza, Last Guardian, Nioh, Nier, Persona 5
and thats all either just recently released or upcoming
If I didn't have a friend who had a PS4 and brought it over all the time, I'd probably have started putting pennies aside for a PS4.
I was able to play a switch for some hours at a media event day after the presentation despite not being media, and I sort of just want to play around with the console more than I do a new zelda
Actually the Shitwitch is 330€ in Europe.
>Devs will soon make games only for Scorpio
Nope, every game has to be compatible with both the vanilla Xbone and Scorpio
>buying a system that has 1 game in day 1
Wew lad
Ive always had a fascination with seeing how shitty a nintendo console can be at the start of its life and the shit ninty tries to do to make it better
Not many people remember how bad Wii U was at launch
I don't even mean games, I mean the system was just slower, and worse.
I got the time n money to burn, I'm interested.
If zelda falls short of everything, I'll at least have Afterbirth+ to play on the way to my new job.
I'm in the same boat, I have enough money to buy it and I have yet to miss a Zelda.
You should already have a PS4, you stupid fuckhead.
Catch the fuck up, the industry is leaving your ass behind. Quit living in the past.
Because the Switch has Breath of the Wild, a new Bomberman, Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and it'll have Smash.
On the other hand the PS4 has what, Bloodborne and Nioh? That's it?
Well, it's up to you, but the PS4 only has Bloodborne and nothing else.
That's literally the only reason why that glorified paperweight has sold that many units. Not because of the games, but just because other people bought it too.
End yourself, please.
Funnily enough
even though I got to play Zelda on switch (for only 20 minutes), I'm hovering around the same level of muted enthusiasm as when I first saw anything from it.
Not that hyped, Arms was fun for the bit I played, and I still play Splatoon so the second game will probably be the purpose of me owning a switch in the long run.
More keen to just keep fucking around with the console and hope they just rerelease dark souls prepare to die edition on it at some point so I can play in bed at random intervals.
>sold that many units
It sold like absolute shit, just better than it's competitors.
It's your own fucking money, do whatever you want with it.
>the price will dop like a rock in no time
Depends. The tech inside the Wii U's gamepad kept the sale price for it at $300 MSRP since launch, no matter how it might have done in the market. It might be the same for the Switch, given how hideously expensive its peripherals are.
Try 379€ in Finland fampai. I'm just importing that shit.
If you wanted a PS4, you would have a PS4.
You don't need anyone else to convince you otherwise.
Why not get both? Buying one doesn't stop you from getting the other unless you're on a low fixed income.
Buy the switch pro controller for 120 dollars, and shove it up your ass.
>not taking advantage of pricing mistakes right after the announcement
>No import taxes innside the union
Why does companies in Finland price it so much higher than France, UK etc? Every sane consumer would just import it
That's funny because you can play Rainbow and Mortal on PC too.
300 on amazon.fr right now
Not anymore dummy
I preordered mine for 330€ on amazon.de
They're sold out and I can't see a price for em right now
Will I get 30€ back?
Well, I guess so. Ask them just to be sure
Sales tax
Buy neither. Both consoles are shit. Get a Steam account and play there.
It also has a brand new straightforward Bomberman game people always forget about, which is honestly pretty big news because it means Konami isn't just interested in whoring out their beloved IPs with shitty decisions like MGS Survive and is actually using them in games.
Hopefully it's not shit so I don't have to eat my words
Different taxes, ppp and consumer rights in every country, the survival of the EU is still a miracle
Im saying if you're currently choosing between a PS4 and a switch.
You're fucking retarded. If you like console gaming you should already have a fucking PS4 or Xbox if you don't have a PC.
How anyone can be this far into this generation as a console gamer and not have a fucking PS4 or Xbone already is beyond me. Its fucking baffling. I swear to god there's very fucking few people actually making this kind of decision.
OP is just a shitposting sonygger "But why get a switch when I can have a PS4? Switch DOA desu" type faggot.
This is correct
Eh, PS4 is starting to get them, but Switch will already have passed it up in terms of worthwhile exclusives by the time the next Fire Emblem game comes out.
>Zelda: definitive edition that can be played portably (it may be a port but said port comes out the same day as the thing it got ported from so...)
>Xenoblade 2 (if it actually comes out this year)
>Mario odyssey
That's already 5 big first party titles
It'll also get Snipperclips (that will work perfectly on the system that has built-in co-op), Fast RMX, port of Mario Kart 8 with a better battle mode, and Bomberman R. Hopefully more exclusives come to the thing
All that and it also gets Sonic Mania, Yooka Laylee, definitive Rayman Legends, Stardew Valley, and possibly the new version of Skyrim that may or may not have mod support, so it at least gets some extra third party support as well.
If you're a weeb, Switch is the way to go since all the Vita developers will probably hop on board since there's no other handheld being developed either.
In the long run I'd say Switch is the better option but PS4 has some games coming pretty soon so depends on when you want to play them
Nintendo needed to force them to make the game, Konami wouldn't give a shit otherwise
>Zelda: $360 Edition
>Fast RMX
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
This is like making a PS4 list with Killzone, Uncharted 4, Uncharted HD Collection, TLOU Remastered and Knack
it´s 330 euro only for preorders, when it comes out it´ll be just 300
Buy a good mobile and welcome to the mobile audience
already planned to buy the ps4 and trade it for a switch in the holidays when I finished my games, kiddos don´t like their consoles so trade it for a diffrent one
Not even close. Nintendo focuses on gameplay, and while they've done gimmicks before, Switch doesn't really focus on gimmicks. It's just a hybrid so I'll get even more games. I still love my PS2 and PS3 but I'm not going to buy a PS4 for a long time. Maybe at the end of it's lifetime if it has enough worthwhile but it's certainly not there yet.
>Not even close.
No it's very close, you listed shovelware and ports, I compared them to the PS4's very own shovelware and ports.
best idea is to wait 1 year
Nintendo always has more exclusives. They create far more games than Sony. I don't really care what shitposters say because I'll have my MonHun and everyone else can fuck off with their movies and their walking simulators.
It is, definitely. But I can't wait for Zelda. Been waiting years already.
500gb of free space because there are no games
32gb already filled up at launch with great exclusives
very cheap and non proprietary expendable storage
Now you're just devolving into mindless fanaticism.
>But I can't wait for Zelda.
Buy it on the Wii U which you surely already own?
>Now you're just devolving into mindless fanaticism
That Nintendo has more exclusives than Sony? That they create better games? You'd have to be more clear, user.
>Buy it on the Wii U which you surely already own?
I'll rather play it without any frame drops.
The Wii U version isn't portable though...
>The battery life
You can get a portable usb c battery bank that's roughly 4-5x the size of the Switch battery for 50 bucks.
Most of us already got a PS4 so I'm not sure why you are shilling so hard.
I'm buying a Switch for Nintendo games.
That the Switch's year 1 lineup is anything other than the same shovelware and ports that plague every other console at launch, outside of Bomberman, Mario and potentially Xenoblade.
>I'll rather play it without any frame drops.
The Switch version will still have frame drops.
>The Wii U version isn't portable though...
You're autistic
>thought I was going to get a pretty good tax refund this year
>only got 11 dollars
Well, this changes my plans.
Switch let's you play vidya anywhere! I often have to travel far distances for my job and now I get to play Zelda and Mario on hourlong train commutes. It's awesome.
PS4 had Knack. That's shovelware, user. Now that you know what shovelware you can post informed posts on Sup Forums and change your evil ways before it's too late.
Zelda hasn't even launched on Wii U, which few people own, so it's not on the same level of the Last of Us port. You can say Ninty is shitty for delaying the Wii U release to have this, but in the end, it's still in a better situation.
Fast RMX is an expanded version of Fast racing Neo, so it'll have more tracks and stuff. As far as I know that's all it needs since it's a racing game.
Splatoon is a full sequel, not a port. New weapons, maps, story, equipment, movement options, and music. Now I can see what the fuss is about.
Not sure what I feel about 1 2 Switch but it'll work great as a drinking game, that much I know
Snipperclips is a $20 indie game that you play with your girlfriend or something like Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, plus you don't need to buy an extra controller for it.
I never owned a Wii U, so I'm excited to get Mario Kart 8 with the best battle mode
And ARMS looks fucking great
Plus, all this shit is portable, so I can take it with me when my wife and I take a road trip this summer