How do you pronounce 'Quetzalcoatl'?
How do you pronounce 'Quetzalcoatl'?
i never actually bothered to read the word
Quetzal like pretzel
Coatl like koala and waddle
It's based on the dinosaur.
no, the dinosaur is named after it
it's an aztec god, the flying feathered serpent
its name was then given to the largest flying dinosaur
Neat. Very neat. I should have known that though, most of the summons in FF are based on gods of one religion or another.
Ket like bet
Zul like full
Coat like the thing you wear
ul like the end of full
KET-zul-COAT-ul for emphasis
fuck the rest of you fags
Coatl is three syllables you fucks
How about all of you shits go ask south american, since it's their language and their god.
Fuck you tryin' to bring this shitskin religion to our white-only imageboard?
It's mesoamerican, not south.
Pretzel bottle.
This is a Japanese Quetzalcoatl.
How do you pronounce Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli?
No seriously, what the fuck.
>Claiming ownership of this Polynesian basket-weaving imagaeboard for whites
You telling me mesoamericans aren't based in South 'Murrica? Where exactly is Peru, for instance?
There you go. Truth is one fucking wiki search away.
tatsumak sempukiak
My buddy and I used to call him Quiz-a-cot-ul
these are the correct ones
This right here is it.
You're a fucking retard.
I think he meant the koa part and the ddle from waddle. Koaddle
Ket So Kwat el
Ramuh Electric Birdaloo
what's his name again?
Lighting bird
>White-only board
Man, Sup Forums truly is Sup Forums's little bitch.
Sanitarium pronounces it as queso-coat-el
Muh Rio
Next do
>Suomalaissyntyinen perämies
Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs you ingrate
I don't know that one, it doesn't look like it's spanish.
t. frenchie
Ketza coddle
It isn't and I thought they spoke Portuguese in South America?
The correct pronunciation.
I'm mexican not portuguese.
Aztecs are from mexico, not South american.
Quet as in bet
Zal as in Salt
Co as in Corporation
At as in At
L is mute
Mesoamerica comprises of Southeast Mexico, including the Yucatan peninsula and most of central america. It is known for its tropical/jungle climate as opposed to the deserts of aridoamerica, which comprises of northern Mexico and several southern states in the US.
Peru is located in mid-south america, which is mostly a country built on mountain after mountain.
>l is mute
I doubt the Aztecs spoke spanish either m8
No, only Brazil, and, to a little extend, English.
I talk to people that speak Nahuatl on a daily basis, I know what I'm talking about.
How do you pronounce her name?
I was always bad at geography, but I have never had a single issue clumping South America together as one single portuguese-speaking shithole.
This is the first time I've ever been corrected so much at once.
>mfw anglophones can't into phonemic orthography
>americuck education
You're also terrible at Greek, since everybody and their dog knows "meso-" means middle.
Also, four years
They did after the Spaniards plowed through this whole place 500 years ago. We Mexicans sure are a contrasting bunch of rape, pillage and half a millennia of interracial breeding.
Still think Trump is a petty asshole who's trying to cover a complex problem like migration with shitty and simplistic solutions.
Cockcoat le
Next somebody is going to ask how to pronounce Mictlantecuhtli or Huitzilopochtli, right?
You can't hide from your shame, faggot
Uralicfag here. Literally goat-tier in phonetics.
Not even from the same continent, so what the fuck do I need the geography of a continent on the other side of the world for?
Yeah well, your educational system teaches your young that even geography is a matter of "us versus then".
This is also why you people chose a fucking orange clown as a president because he promised to keep brown people away from you.
>tfw always said it as ''Kwoza-cocktail''
How do you pronounce his name?
Ok, how did you pronounce his name?
Because it's good to be knowledgeable on a broad amount of subjects.
>there are people who grew up in the age when there were games that pronounced it for you
>pronounced it wrong anyway
How do you hear the game pronounce it for you, and then pronounce it wrong?
Do you think, "Oh the game is wrong"?
>It's Sam E. Mario
Where the fuck does the Zul come from?
I always pronounced moogle as moggle.
I have no idea why.
I know. I just don't see how it'll hinder my life not caring about the american continents.
I'd rather learn about something I'll need in my life, other than as a quiz answer.
It's K'tzalcoatl
I don't get it.
But the game can be wrong though
See the "Sheik" pronunciation in smash 4
They say "shiiik" instead of "shake"
Don't limit yourself to knowledge my good gringo friend, it's not like your brain is gonna fill up.
Ignorance is never a good thing.
queet like queef
zalc like talcum powder
coa like boa constrictor
tal like mental
Take a listen
Sheik would be pronounced Sheek, same as Chic.
hits it quits it