What's with the anime pandering in video games lately? That's even beside the additional content added post-launch...

What's with the anime pandering in video games lately? That's even beside the additional content added post-launch, just look at Steam. Who allowed this?

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>getting angry at Sailor Moon out of all things

looks more like furfag garbage

This was the last straw.

SM is one of my favorites and I grew up with it
doesn't stop me from acknowledging that this tie-in is fucking stupid

also, I don't even play MH. but I do play PSO2 and the amount of tie-ins they do is fucking ridiculous
FFXIV has some cool shit going on with the GARO armors, though

You know, you might be on to something. It's not the first time that happened with this particular franchise.

>anime pandering
>jap anime game

> Getting mad over Sailor Moon content in Monster Hunter

To be fair PS in general is very anime whereas MH was a lot less of that until X

majority of people on Sup Forums are probably too young to even know what it is

MH has ALWAYS done this. Kill yourself newfag.

Maybe you like this one more

Isn't this something Monster Hunter ALWAYS does? How come you didn't get mad when they did it with JoJo huh?

Everyone likes Jojo though.

"Otakus" are the only ones playing this anyway.

As if any westerner who is disgusted by anime pandering would ever fucking touch Monster Hunter over their cowadooties and maddens

Every stacey and their chad knows what sailor moon is man. Just like they know Studio Ghibli movies.

everyone likes Sailor Moon too

Not all japgames are about anime.

> anime pandering

So every game to come out of Japan - and western games heavily influenced by them, like Overwatch?
Say it ain't so!

Maybe American devs can put more caveman SpongeBob meme and ninja turtle nods in your superior western AAA games.



I refuse to believe Sailor Moon is normalfag tier.

At least in latin america everyone and their mothers know what sailor moon is. It's close to Dragon Ball tier in popularity.

never forget youtube.com/watch?v=d46RacdV_RU

You haven't been outside then

It used to air on saturday morning TV right along Pokemon you fucking retard.

Are you wondering why your anime game has anime things in it?

What fucking delusional world do you live in, user

It's normalfag by animefag standards and is normalfag in Japan but in the US it is still not normie at all.

Wrong. It was just never brought to America. Freedom unite had one piece weapons in Japan.

Next you're going to try and tell me DBZ isn't normalfag tier, right?

What is this from? That doesn't look anything like a badger...

I don't argue with anime posters.

I bet you think Bible Black is normalfag tier as well.


my brother is a turbo normie and he loves sailor moon

why is toei so shit ?

>what's with anime pandering in Japanese games that sell the most in Japan
You serious retard?

Considering it was one of the first hentai to come over to the west dubbed and was extremely popular... Yeah.

>Considering it was one of the first hentai to come over to the west dubbed

Holy shit how new are you?

What's wrong with anime other than "i don't like it"?

Its still normie as fuck, every girl I know that is even remotely into anime knows about it. It's literally babies first hentai

It has been for years, as have all the other Toonami cartoons including DBZ. Chads wear DBZ shirts to the gym and buy the DVD boxsets too.

Sailor Moon is the female version of that. Girls will wear the shirt to the gym while they do low weight squats and take selfies and will post pictures of a few vinyl figures of the characters on their shelf while they smile in front of them and collect many Facebook likes.

That Black Butler show is pretty normalfag too for women. You'd be surprised how many woman watch that shit.

So you're an underage newfag who hangs out with underage newfags. Got it.

They now they don't have to put effort into anything and still get people to watch. Look at One Piece and its 7 minute openings and recaps.


Ford made an official US commercial with Sailor Moon. That's pretty normie.

Agreed, op. People should turn themselves to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ instead of sinful anime.

the main reason MH fucked up

Almost every japanese game has collaborations since PSO2 showed it's a good way to make a shit ton of money.



Why are the japanese making something they like why wont they make grimdark games like the west its not faiiiiirrrrr


What the fuck

monster hunter is so creatively bankrupt


Is Monster Hunter X Darkstouls a thing?

Madoka is too Sailor Moon what the Prequels are to the Original Trilogy.

Madoka invented magical girls


I miss the times when the "ANIMEEEEE XD" meme didn't exist and japanese stuff could be shown without people sperging all over

Madoka invented toki wo tomare


To the thrash

What is wrong with this franchise?

That's what happens when you get too popular.

Capcom just wants more and more and other companies want to get on it too so we have millions of collaborations. Soon MH will become an advertisement series.


This is a retarded comparison




>implying a cat is not fine too


Even my dad watches sailor moon, he's 53 years old and has been keeping up with it for years


It's a shame they took down the youtube video

holy shit, i cringed

Welcome to the era of Reddit, where nothing can be appreciated for what it was without being smattered in shitty ironic humor and/or only observed with how much of a "meme" it is and how closely it adheres to that meme.

It should be noted that these collabs are probably like 2% of the content in any of these games and are spread out through like six games in the series. But hey, what does research get yoU?