Hey Sup Forums what internet do you use that's good for online gaming?

I have Sky Broadband Unlimited (not the fibre optic one) and it's fucking awful, can't take it anymore, the lag sucks and it's highly variable.

Looking for a good new internet. Right now I've got Virgin Fibre Optic in mind, is that any good? Do you have a good connection without any lag? If so, what is it? Cheers.

>Right now I've got Virgin Fibre Optic in mind
If you can get it in your area is pretty good, if not get BT. The sort of speeds that Sky offer are appallingly slow compared to anyone else these days.

>Get BT

Why would you ever recommend this to anybody? Avoid BT, Sky and TalkTalk like the fucking plague. Plusnet, EE and Virgin are the best options.

Virgin, since they have their own fibre optic line, they got rid of the copper ones.

Virgin is great if you can get it

I use BT Infinity and that's pretty good, I don't have any problems with it.

These bastards have the cheek to keep on adding 50p to my bill if I don't set a direct debit, I'm just waiting till my contract ends.

Can you guys post your results pls

maybe as well if youre feeling extra nice

pic unrelated

Because BT is the best if you can't get anything else. Plusnet is literally BT anyway and you can't get Virgin everywhere. EE is cheap, but a longer contract than either BT or Plusnet.

I fucking hate britshits and your retarded fucking accent
you are literally worse then Australians

I have BT wireless broadband and it is fucking awful, I'm lucky to get 5mbps.

>Retarded accent
If you think it's so shit, give us back our language you yank.

> TalkTalk

They literally store all your info and passwords in a .txt. file

They're bastards

My campus accommodation internet. It's free.

I'm on Virgin 200mb and it's pretty good. Just got rid of my old superhub router and everything's working great. I'd recommend if you can afford and get it in your area.

BT is shit. Sky is shitter and relies on BT lines.

Virgin is good in some areas, bad in others, but probably better than sky and bt either way.

Im sure there is better lesser known alternatives.

BT infinity 2 is £40 a month and unlimited 70-80mb/s

That's all you need, any slowdowns or lag is your fault

Plusnet fibre, had sky (bollocks), BT (bollocks), TalkTalk (bollocks) in the past.

Only had 2 blackouts with plusmeme in 2 years so far.

I'm on Virgin 150mb right now. It's pretty good, I only wish they wouldn't throttle the upload speed during the daytime, but it isn't a major problem.

Plusnet & Virgin are the only 2 I haven't tried yet.

Oi mate you just stole me last jammy dodger you tosspot wanker

how can u unironically recomend EE plustnet and virgin


This meme has to fucking end.

I'd go with Virgin if it's available in your area. God help you if you ever have to call support though.


I'm on EE in relatively rural North West Britain. I average about 2mbps. It's dreadful

I get mine from daisy communications, used to have massive slowdowns in the evenings with sky/bt/talk

Its really good, I had talk talk before and they were absolutely garbage

Plusnet are pretty good, if you fork out for the best package.

Keep upping the line rental though.

Vrigin media is fucking garbage in my area, i envy you lucky fucks.

Every 8 seconds it hits 500ping, happens to everyone in the street and the fuckers won't come and fix exchange box.
Even the old people get netflix buffering and we're all pissed.

Plusnet fibre here, the reason it suggests BT in the pic is because Plusnet lease BT lines. surprisingly underrated. their customer service is the best ive seen.

Bongs, please Avoid Plusnet m8's
i just joined plusnet over christmas as they had a boxing day deal and the first 2-3 weeks were fine but now the speed has dropped significantly and i am getting ping spikes, just sudden ping 999 randomly when playing. started researching and found tons of people with the same problem and then i found a review site and the reviews 4 plusnet are ABYSMAL just chek urselfs

Vodafone is good speed

ignore all the other plebs in this thread.
there are two providers of internet here.

BT and Virgin - everyone else is a reseller of the above (mostly BT).

Pay for fucking fiber and enjoy your 70/20 line with BT (sky...) or pay more for the 100/5 option virgin give.

Who you actually pick should be based on customer service.
but they're all shit

Only ever used Sky and BT, so I'm sure there are better options I'm unaware of with how much people are shitting on BT ITT but I can't say I've any real complaints about them, only issue is that it'll go off for about a minute every week or so. Sky though, fucking awful in every regard, slow as shit and would go off constantly, even went off for a month straight once.

Cannock? Seems like a shithole

Everyone except Virgin use BT's lines. Plusnet is actually a subsidiary of BT itself, which is why comes up as such in your picture.

just adding on here.

BT and Virgin use different technology to serve.
BT will generally be slower download but with a good upload.
Virgin will be faster download with abysmal upload.

Don't ask me too much detail why, that's just how it is.

>Hey Sup Forums what internet do you use that's good for online gaming?
>I have Sky Broadband Unlimited (not the fibre optic one) and it's fucking awful, can't take it anymore, the lag sucks and it's highly variable.

Use Virgin. Do not use


They all use the BT Openreach network that is fucking ancient. Virgin use their own network and they maintain it a lot better than BT OR do.

You have Virgin available? Take it at all costs. If there are any other bongs ITT do not use ADSL broadband the copper network is shit and Openreach are a bunch of lazy cunts. If you don't have Virgin upgrade your ADSL to FTTC (Fibre to the cabinet whereas Virgin does Fibre to the Home) ASAP.

t.Openreach Engineer

Do you use virgin fibre optic? Can you post your and results pls?

I hope you're on of the bro openreach guys that doesn't give a fuck.
I see too many of you that need to do everything by the fucking book.

>mfw my Internet is way too slow

user careful your IP Address.

Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Unfortunately, my Virgin contract is coming to an end soon, so I'll need to haggle with their customer service team to get a good deal. Honestly, all the good deals are so overpriced, and the concept of paying line rental is a joke.

Heh... I'm in.

Where I am we're a bunch of good lads. Ex-military that are just a bit snowed under due to how old and shite the cabling has gotten.

Eating my dinner just now so ctrl-vd the results


kill yourself virgin shill those speeds are fucking disgusting and not worth paying for.

Fibre to the Home means you don't need Line Rental lad. Unless you really, really want a landline/don't have a mobile.

If you want a deal on your Virgin package though just phone them up and be cheeky.

That's a 50mb connection. Don't need any faster.

>Don't need any faster.

this is what poorfags and slowcucks tell themselves LMAO

have fun downloading your shitty 1gb YIFY 720p rips and 128kbp mp3s lol

>tfw have to leave your computer on for a week to download a game on steam because you fell for the 50mb meme


OP here.

2bh I don't care that much about download/upload speed, I'll live. I'd be fine with 48mbps d/l. What I want is low ping and jitter, solid reliable low latency all the time so that I don't get lag online. Lag pisses me the fuck off. Sky is terrible.

>live in a big city
>can't get fibre

What do?

which ISP is that?

well i'm clearly blind

Why wouldn't you set a direct debit? I just told them to fuck off after 4 years because they keep raising the fucking price, it was going to be 22 quid a month this year for basic broadband. Now I'm with Virgin, 50mb fibre, 18 quid a month.

>mfw virgin fiber optic
>mfw they upgrade my modem to a better one for free

>tfw small village
>no Virgin
>BT sucks dick around here
>Sky is even worse
>somehow TalkTalk is the fastest and most stable provider
>even then it's only 35down

probably simply changing it, to anything else, is enough. once ISPs have you on their service, they forget about you. you don't get hardware upgrades, you don't get the benefit of new promotions offering better value, and i only have anecdotal evidence on this, but i'm convinced they start throttling long-standing heavy bandwidth users over the years. whenever i switch ISP i get flying speeds at first and then it degrades to third world shit over time.

just lie to yourselves and pretend your speed is more than enough and that 50mb is """too fast""" similar to the virgin cuck desperately shilling this thread

>paying twice the price for a connection basically nobody needs
I can wait 3 minutes instead of 1.5 for my download.

>Virgin, 50mb fibre, 18 quid a month
Wicked! I'm up for that.

>a connection basically nobody needs
>admitting to only watching low quality remuxed 720p xvid mp4s and listening to 128kbps quality music
>admitting to being too poor to pay the bills


i'm on bt and it's fine
customer service sucks though if something goes wrong

It was a deal for December, it's like 26 now. Hopefully I can just renew my contract at the same price.

>my Uncle who lives ten minutes away from my village gets 200down with Virgin
>when I'm over there it feels like pic related

Thanks for the IP retard, fucking brits

Better run while you still can, kid.

OP here. I was so happy with Sky for the last six months. The last two weeks though it's absolutely shit the bed, don't know what the fuck happened.

>go and try virgin
>get 100mb internet speed
>get banned on Sup Forums
>try to reset my ip
>virgin doesn't allow it
>gone back to Sky

Their internet isn't great but at least I can ban evade with a simple unplug of my internet.

really? guess I'll be shitposting a lot less from now on kek

>It was a deal for December

Trust me. I managed to jump back to Sky before the cancellation period and the same with Virgin. Done it before 14 days of being locked with them for 12 months.

I'd take slow internet over not being able to shitpost and evade bans

I've heard virgin are pretty good too, my parents have them and they seem good.

Get based NowTV lad.

No fucking contract so you can cancel it anytime.

I cant stay with sky anymore dude

vidya > shitposting

I'm a brit living in Birmingham, England. I'm having anxiety issues up the ass. I also have Sky Broadband Unlimited which not bad as you made it out to be. How is Toronto Canada sounding?

Also pic kind of related.

With them too. Been with them for 2 or so months so far and no problems.

You can still switch IP on virgin, you're just retarded. Run the hub in modem mode, and have a real router connected up. Then it's just a case of changing the MAC whenever you want a new IP.

Using 76mb BT Infinity.

Used to work for BT, had some guy call up because his internet wasn't working so naturally it was our fault... He'd nailed the hub to the wall to stop kids touching it. Why are the general public so retarded?

What does britbongs think of their national animal?



how's the internet quality?

>Worse then

Yeah, fuck off m8

I was always thinking about getting NowTV. I hear good things about it.

I can't be arsed forking out money for a router when my Sky one does it all.

Hideous little runt. Not as bad as pugs, I guess.

The real britbong animal is the British bulldog. Awful little shits, anyone who has one is the biggest cunt in the world.

Pretty good, get solid 50 ping on most servers.

Occasionally you'll get a random reset but they're not frequent.

I'm on virgin media and it's been fucking godawful for the last month or two, supposed to be like 60Mb down, sometimes it drops to ~2 for hours at a time, which results in pings of 300+ in any online game

this is apparently because they're doing some work nearby to introduce more fibre optic or some shit, but it'll be done by march, so that's fucking great


Which part?

>paying for TV
Kill yourself.

Get an android box for 5 quid more, watch all the same shit, plus everything ever made on Kodi.

The TV part of the package is literally optional m8

Virgin Media cable is great in SE.

Love him m8

No Service Provider in the UK guarantees ping or jitter. All they guarantee is a Minimum Access Line Speed (MALS) into the Router. They won't tell you the MALS if you are purchasing over the phone so make sure you ask. If they go under the MALS they have 5 days to fix it or the contract is null. That's how Sky works anyways.

No ISP guarantees wifi either but if you're using wifi for gaming then you're either lazy or dumb.

Wait, you're using it just for the overpriced broadband? 38mb for 30 quid is a joke, dude, you can get 100mb for that anywhere else.

Why is steam so shit for download speeds

>Check UK ISP website
>Check packages
>Upload speed isn't even mentioned
>Do research
>Half of them don't even give yo 1MB

The UK needs to fuck off with this shit.

Why do you need upload, faggot?

In my area they were the best deal.

Believe me

I always get great upload speeds but jewed on download. I just changed to a cheaper plan and my download is halved to about 30 while my upload is nearing 20 now.