You're all playing me after my massive update, right?

You're all playing me after my massive update, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong. And fuck off.

whats the current player count?

I forgot this existed

I've never played it, is it fun?

I will install


I've been playing a bit again, but is the only way to level shit up by redoing the story over and over? Playing against bots gave shit xp and waiting 5 mins for 9 other players in pvp is suffereing



literally who

massive update got me interested and now i´ve scheduled to play Battleborn tomorrow before my international trip.

not gonna expect anything mindblowing, i´ve bought this coz it´s cheap and fingers crossed for some epic shit.

>not infamous enough as no man's sky to garner an ironic playerbas
>not good enough to have players
truly a masterpiece

Spotted the shill

jesus... and this game was so fucking hyped up too.. all those ads and interviews etc

I'm playing Paladins instead :^)

The best i can do is 60 dollars. Cash. Randy Pitchford can pay me directly and i will play his shitty game for an hour. After that my rates are 40 an hour. Still cash because brokebox studio will probly be bouncing checks soon.

kek, +51% of nothing is still nothing.

i traded my ps3 for new games including this and Sup Forums is the fucking place where you talk about game products. if it´s not Brink level reeee feels i´m okay with BB

>actually play videogames and talk related BS
>you´re a shill now
fucking stupid

will be free? I like those butts

>traded in ps3
>for battleborn
>it's fun
Will you be competing in the special olympics, because with those mental gymnastics you have a shot at the gold user!

as far as current players go, I would say NMS bombed harder.
it's peak was ~17x that of BB and now it has ~2x the current players. also wasn't it released more recently than BB?

you want some toast to go w/ that jelly, user?

instant way to know if a game is trash tier

>implying that´s not why you picked up this shit
dude if you hate games it´s time to stop playing

genuine not shitposting question here,
whatever happened to that other f2p one that was meant to kill overwatch that Sup Forums was insanely smug about? i really dont hear from it anymore..

Paladins? It's still alive and kicking

Albeit mostly third worlders and kids who couldn't find mummys credit card

I'm going to marry Lightning!

>battleborn was supposed to test ideas for borderlands 3
>battleborn's budget was higher than BL1 and 2 combine
>BL3 can't be made now due to Battleborn failing to make money

you better be right, user. good riddance to shitbox.

ok shills, you better give me keys then i'll play it

So..kind of what we were expecting of a f2p game then? Shame, would have loved to have an alternate option, but overwatch is good enough i suppose.

the game has better balance than OW. go play it and try it out. I'm just sick of these types of shooters so I stopped playing them all.

It's 11th most played on Steam, hardly lacking popularity. It clearly has the unpolished look of an f2p game but its gameplay is solid.