For what purpose did they make you suffer by hiding the bonfire in some obscure area after suffering hell in here?
Sen Fortress
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Fun, and a rewarding satisfaction after finding it.
It took me 3 playthroughs to find it, and when I did, it just made me love the game even more.
I beat Dark Souls like 5 times before I realized there was a bonefire on the roof of Sen's Fortress. I always just unlocked the cage elevator and used the Andre bonfire, although you don't really even need a bonefire since Iron Golem is so easy
You're supposed to unlock the elevator using the key found in the bottom of it, which in turn leads you directly to the bossfight.
It's a very good area.
He's talking about the bonfire that's hidden on the roof in an incredibly obscure and hard to notice spot
I know. I'm saying the bonfire is not needed at all. After you unlock the elevator, you get to go directly to the boss.
If you actually keep your eyes open it's not horribly hard to find. I could see how one could miss it if they are too forward focused.
The method of unlocking the elevator is even more convoluted and obscure than finding the bonfire.
In HINDSIGHT it's obvious, but not necessarily if you're playing blind.
I missed because the giant dropping bombs makes you rush trough the area. After killing him I only went back to get the items and didn't see the fall to the bonfire.
>obscure and hard to notice
I suppose the casual crumbled wall wasn't enough of a sign.
It's literally Takeshi's Castle.
Lets be honest here. This cliff doesn't really look special or have any indication you should go down there unless there happens to be a soap stone message. You need to angle your camera pretty much straight down to be able to even see it. It's probably the most hidden bonfire in the game, aside from maybe the one hidden in behind the illusory wall in the dragon butt hell
Because video games are meant to be challenging.
>it took me 3 playthroughs to find it, and when I did, it just made me love the game even more.
Is there anything faggier than a souls fanboy? They actually enjoy poor level design.
Because its an optional bonfire only useful if you're a complete fuckup.
By the time you can access it, you are 85% of the way to the boss, which also has a door-to-before right before the fog door that means you can run straight from the parish bonfire to the boss only needing to deal with 2 sneks and a swinging blade.
Conversely, the hidden bonfire means you had to go halfway through the pot-throwing bullshit and then leap down. This being the case, every time you respawn here, you not only have to deal with a snek and 2 undead knights, but also run the entire fire-gauntlet again. And the only time you'd NEED this bonfire is if you somehow managed to fuck up and die somewhere in that fire-gauntlet without activating the shortcut.
Genuinely the most useless bonfire in the game, which is also why its hidden and considered 'bonus'. If anything, its only useful after you've beaten the Funhouse and Anor Londo, unlocked warp, and want quick access to that one vendor that doesn't sell anything useful.
You have to remember that the reason there are so many hidden stuff is because the game was designed to be played online and with player left messages. They expected players to help one another and point out secrets, but there had to be something to be pointed out in the first place.
Of course it turns out everyone is either an invasion scared baby or filthy pirate that plays offline.
To reward people with an actual attention span
It's there to make you doubt the "bonfire ahead" comments. First you'd think that they are all trolls leading to your deaths but after this particular one you have to wonder if they really lead to bonfires or not.
>cool hidden secrets are poor level design
>even more convoluted
You have to ram your face 2 feet in front of the cages just to go to the next area, and the game slaps you with a giant green "PRESS BUTTON TO OPEN" sign if you get anywhere near it, don't talk shit.
>run the fire gauntlet again
I don't think the fire throwing giant respawns. You kill him once and he's gone. To get from the "hidden" bonfire to the Iron Golem boss fight you only need to fight 1 single enemy, the crossbow guy at the top, which you would need to fight either way
Because From are hacks and the only people who defend them are blind fanboys.
Of course Dark Souls is an all around good game but there are shitloads of questionable (and also likely unintentional) factors that weigh the whole game down.
Did you forget that you need to find a key which is across a leap of faith in order to open it?
This whole area made seeing Anor Londo for the first time very special and amazing. As if you really earned the ability to travel there.
Then you talk to the darkmoon woman and she tells you that it is forgotten and everyone abandoned it.
In hindsight, every area in dark souls isn't as large as you'd think it is on your first playthrough. You could probably do Sens Fortress without the bonfire if you stocked up on arrows and had the rite of kindling. Plus Tarkus is OP is fuck.
Agreed, but refer to
Its an utterly irrelevant bonfire that serves no purpose other than being a warp-point and a kind of cool secret.
Souls fanboys, lmao
>After you unlock the elevator, you get to go directly to the boss.
The elevator that brings you to the boss has to be unlocked by going through the whole fortress. It's like any other shortcut, it helps you traverse a section that you already beat faster.
You can't skip anything.
>leap of faith
Considering you can blatantly see the snake, tower entrance and item down below, it isn't a leap of faith so much as "Difficult Jump", it is made abundantly clear that there's shit over there.
>hidden bonfire
Maybe if you're a fucking retard. I can't play any rpgs anymore without noticing slight changes in area, like the fucking up platform that leads to the bonfire. This thread is full of redditors/consoleniggers
it lets you skip redoing the whole level if you die to Iron Golem.
This thread is full of people who read the wiki or watched a "lets play" of dark souls before playing and then think they're hot shit for "finding" hidden things
Or in many cases they'll notice a soapstone sign next to the hidden thing, won't read it but will have their attention drawn to that area and then later just remember at as "I found it with no hints!"
I like to stand near that bonfire when invading, it's very useful for that. If you fuck up and die you don't risk losing your shit, its right there next to the bonfire.
Hiding something that's meant to be a safe zone instead of a checkpoint isn't poor level design. Izalith is poor level design and we all agree.
Contrarians need to understand that bonfires in DS1 are NOT checkpoints like in DS2. They're safe zones.
>first playthrough
>"Try Right"
The one anonymous player who left that message was an angel.
>rite of kindling
how fucking casual do you have to be?
Fuck off you faggot casual shithead. The point of souls is exploring, just because you're dogshit and actually sub 90 IQ doesn't mean that everyone else is
I remember getting knocked off into the tar pits
It was very frightening
i played blind and offline and i found it on my first playthrough
it's not that "hidden"
why are you so angry user?
Does that bomb fire really make it that much shorter? I'm trying to remember the boss run
but the last bonfire is one of the most useless bonfires of the game.
hehe bomb fire
''i didn't explored the game therefore it's the game's fault''
>not having fun, ever
I'm sorry your daddy beat you.
God Sen's Fortress was so fucking good. Probably the thing I remember most about my first playthrough other than seeing Anor Londo for the first time.
I played almost totally blind, having only watched a person play the asylum tutorial. I found that bonfire on my first try. I don't know why everyone acts like it's invisible or something. It should actually be really obvious if you're that far into the game, which has been training the player to pay close attention to environmental details.
>hey, the wall over there is missing, I wonder if it leads anywhere
>I looked, lo and behold there is a bonfire
It's not even a bonfire you really need, it's just a convenience. By the time you've gotten to the roof of the fort, you probably unlocked the elevator already, and the only thing you have to worry about next is Iron Golem, the easiest boss in the game.
shit, Sup Forums will find the dumbest things to complain about
I will never understand why people regard Sen's to be such an hardcore place. The swinging blades are easily avoided, the enemies pretty easy and always in 1 vs 1 scenarios, the boss is almost impossible to not defeat.
I do agree that the part where you are supposed to just run straight in between the blades is scary, but the window is pretty high.
Why are you such a faggot user? Did your dad fuck you in your ass?
Why did it seem like there was a bonfire around every corner in DS2?
Because there was.
Because there was.
>Big Hat Logan
>Black Iron Tarkus
Sen's was the best area in DS1
Because B-Team sucks. DS2 doesn't even feel like a souls game.
I never said that. I just explained why I didn't see it
It's a lot of trial and error, more so than the rest of the game, and the environment is more hazardous as well. So you have to watch out for enemies, the environment and dickwraiths invading every 45 seconds.
>not putting down signs that help your fellow hollow bros.
Unless you're talking about the fire keeper
Because there was.
What purpose? It was added later to appease casuals who couldnt beat Sen's on release. It was never there in the beginning.
A reward for exploration.
Not like in the newer games either, where you're given a bonfire every 10 feet and they're out in the wide ass open.
Yes, she tells you to rest because that is what the bonfire is there for. If you talk to her more she tells you about Seathe.
Says a lot about the game when I can remember the dialogue after 5 years.
What games do you like so we can poop on them too
>Dark Souls 3
>Beat a boss and get a bonfire
>Find another bonfire in such a small distance that you can see the previous bonfire
Did game sense stop being a thing? That tricks been around since super mario
I can't believe that got through development.
Because there seriously was a shitload of bonfires. Each area had like 4 instead of 1 or 2.
Because the game didn't have the interconnected shortcut-based experience we expect from those games. Even Dark 3, which is fairly linear, usually does this better. Instead of having 300 bonfires in the cathedral of the deep, you get a main one that leads to 4 different shortcuts.
We could argue that shortcut == bonfire, but of course one solution is lazier than the other.
The reasons for those bonfires was:
>Have a bonfire after every boss for some reason
The bonfire in the Armor boss arena can't be a invasion area, but the one in the Archives can, so if you're just fucking around in the archives bonfire you can still be invaded, allowing for a more active online.
Some other bonfire placement were probably there just so you could decrease time moving between areas. But these were dumber.
Too bad it's so short. I just speed through it in 5 minutes now and it's not even difficult if you're not a retard rushing through the traps
It's probably one the the largest areas in the entire series(except for demon's since all the levels are huge). You can run like that in every other area.
>invasion scared baby
If I wanted pvp I'd play a dedicated pvp game
I think part of it was the shitty durability system - some weapons hardly lasted until the next bonfire anyway, if they were farther apart you shit would be breaking all the time.
>first Souls game is Dark Souls two years ago
>play blind
>find bonfire on top of Sen's first playthrough
y'all niggas blind
baffles me why people love this area so much
went in blind on my first playthrough and got my dick fucking stomped in the dirt. and even if you know what to expect there's still a bunch of annoying bullshit you have to deal with.
>get killed 4 times before reaching iron golem
>see a strange burnt out edge get close to it before they throw me a oil bomb
>the bonfire is there
I'm a literal whiner about bonfires in DaS2 and even I have to say there was nothing wrong with the bonfires here.
Even if you miss the hidden one, which it's not that hard to find if you explore the place instead of just keep advancing, all you have to do is go through a slightly longer path using the elevator cage, coming from the bonfire in the Parish.
It's not like they hid numerous bonfires behind illusory walls in obscure places like they did with 2.
The only bullshit bonfire in 1 was the one on the botton of Grave of Giants, but even that one could be seen from a distance numerous times in the distance.
It's astounding how few people take this into consideration when shitting on 2's bonfire spread. It had to be kinda like that.
I have many issues with that game, but the durability system was not one of them, except in situations with bosses with corrosive properties, but that's a whole other rant.