Not so lewd webm thread

Not so lewd webm thread.


>DOAX3 thread deleted
Can jannies become more pathetic than this?


I like the pop-in



Holy shit how big is that game.

I don't know user, it's hard to give you something to go by considering you're pretty much flying the whole time and there are dungeons n stuff. If you played the original I'd say it's about 2.5x as big as that.

Looks like an escher painting


>dungeons n stuff

Hot damn.



They range from very interesting to god fucking awful. One dungeon in particular is probably the worst part of this game because it's a very narrow corridor and the camera shits itself, it also gives you a certain control type that makes it harder to control your character which makes everything worse in that situation.


They are overstepping the line and need to be put in their place.

So Lunar style is basically Hulk jumping all over the place?

What game?

>trump and australia day threads still up
>actual video game threads get deleted
something has gone horribly wrong

Lunar style makes your body lighter, you're basically moonjumping all over the place. Jupiter style makes it heavier, you fall faster, slide faster but you're also harder to control. Your attacks change with the styles aswell, lunar style gives you a teleport while jupiter deals more damage and gives you a chargable gravity kick that explodes upon impact.

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums moderation? I swear it's like they put someone from NeoFag in charge.

Hiro you incompetent corrupt fuck. Kill yourself alongside your corrupt moderators who have bought you.

Lewd you say?

I'd like to pop my dick inside of Kat.


Is this getting a PC version?

Doubt it. No Yakuza game has been on PC except for the PS2 ones using emulators.

This shit has turned into an anonymous reddit

Lewd is the essence of life. To take it away is a crime against humanity.


At this point it's a Sony exclusive. Sony took care of the translation because Sega didn't want to. All Yakuza games are on Sony consoles only. 7 mainline games and 4 spin-offs and still no PC release? Not gonna happen.

>All Yakuza games are on Sony consoles only.
Except for the HD release of Yakuza 1. That was on PS3 and Wii.

He's such a fucking dork.

Ah yes forgot about Kiwami on the WiiU. To this day it still baffles me why they decided to port it to the WiiU. The last effort to get japanese players on the boat I suppose.

Gravity Ruish 2

Got a problem with Trump's America, bucko?


do you sex?


Gravity Rush 2 is the best most boring game ever.

There is nothing to the game, you literally just fly around.. the combatj ust sucks.

Even better. You get to play Super Hang-On

You're tempting me to buy this...
Haven't played any other game in the series though.



To tempt you further you can also play Outrun and Space Harrier. Maybe Fantasy Zone too, I forget.

It's one of the better games to play to get into the series being a prequel, but you will miss some references here and there. It also has the best combat in the series so going back might be an issue. Even if you start from 0, I still recommend going back and playing through the series if you like it.

>Getting meme'd into playing weebshit
>Thinking gameplay in weebshit matters when you have anime girls with short skirts and white panties on

That's the only reason people play these games.

Kiwami was't on the WiiU. It was just a 720p version of the PS2 Yakuza 1.

Do we have any alternative ?

Did ND ever say why the story was changed?




Shiva summoning best summoning.

>SFW board
>mods delete stripper pole thread
what did you expect?

are webm threads now just thinly veiled shill threads. i swear i've seen this webm like 4 times today

If it's a VIDEO GAME it belongs on this very board, no matter the content.
Any game is NSFW by default.

if you want to make fapbait webm threads just post on /gif/ you baboon

>if you want to make VIDEO GAME threads just go to non-video game board

How about you go back to whatever forum you came from?



How do normal people get around?

They have boats and scooters.


for you

Wtf? The game is taking the background and this slut is in front. Is it what streams have become?

You're doing it wrong.

Stop posting this woman's disgusting clodhoppers.

They're only around because neckbeards watch them

Not all female streamers are like this

It has to be a fetish to give your money to some girl's stream and to never be able to talk to her while she fucks some other guy. I thought twitch was banning this shit.

That's Youtube Gaming

kek so anything other than a road landing is gameover?

Actually it's game over when you destroy the car.


that game looks fun but playstation has literally no other games worth buying

life sucks

It's obviously some r/The_Donald/pol/tard they've taken in. Cuckolding and politic threads stay up, while Video games threads get deleted.

dumb mods


is there anything else to do in the game or do you just fly aimlessly all day long

You just fly around aimlessly all day long.

You say then then proceed to spend 5 hours just flying.

Whole site is under organized attack.
Globalist jews have recognized Sup Forums as the last bastion of free speech and are funding its conversion into a pile of shit similar to tumbler and reddit.