What is the best example of "Horrible Graphics" that you can think of?

What is the best example of "Horrible Graphics" that you can think of?


>Era they were created.
Sure, looking back at stuff like Turok: Dinosaur Hunter or Quest 64, they look awful, but at the time they weren't that bad. Consider graphics that were bad for the time, and thus forever, and not just bad "for now"

> Art style
Sometimes, game are supposed to look shitty. Try to look past that and think of really poor graphics that actually tried to look good. For example, I'm fairly certain no one thinks an 8-bit game from 2015 is supposed to look great, etc.

So whatcha got?

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It looks horrible no matter what.

every PlayStation game

90 percent of indie games

Super Mario 64. For a game with such a talented team behind it, and all the mainline Mario games before it looking so good, that game looked like SHIT.

Yeah, I think it was the way the PS1 handled textures. I remember playing The World is Not Enough and thinking that it looked horrible.

Nigga, you are tripping.

No, he's right. Mario 64 was pretty ugly, especially compared to the other launch title.

Compared to PilotWings?

Man, I can't agree with that at all. I think Super Mario 64 looks pretty good for what it is.

And I think that Ocarina of Time looks worse than it should

GG ez No re



For those that haven't seen it:

Not tripping at all. The overworld is nice, and a couple levels have a nice, cohesive look. But then there are a bunch of levels like pic related, that look like they just slapped random textures together despite not fitting very well together. it just looks bad.

Fuck you, I came here to shitpost this.
it's so bad

The best part about this is that it is forcing me to open fucking Internet Explorer to run it.

I played this went it first came out and I never really understood the point.
Everyone on Sup Forums was talking about it, and I don't remember anything meaningful arriving from it.

>I think it was the way the PS1 handled textures
Yup. It uses a cheap but imperfect form of texture coordinate interpolation, which fucks with perspective.


Yup. I know they're different genres, but this is way more pleasing to the eyes.
>I think Super Mario 64 looks pretty good for what it is.
I dunno. Crash came out the same year, Banjo two years later.

Banjo is a rarity though. That game looked astounding for the time.

Grim Dawn, PoE to some extent, and Diablo 3, because it calls itself a Diablo game, but doesn't resemble one.

NES era

Uncanny X-Men.

Bubsy 3D, funnily enough. Not the one you posted, the one that got the "Gold X" award.

this obscure shitty indie game i randomly came across called temporal temple. sure, it isn't hideous but it looks so boring and lame. so much more can be done with pixel art than this garbage pseudo-retro style indie devs always use.

Bad artwork to me is when a creator lacks the knowledge to create what they intend and just shit out whatever as seen in a lot of indie games.

I enjoy older graphics because those creators usually understood what they were making and tried the best they could within the limits they had. It opened up new types of art styles that can provide different types of experiences.

I don't care how something looks as long as it's accomplishing to provide the feeling it wants to give. You can usually get a vibe that a game knows what it's giving you compared to one that has no idea what it should be visually.


Skyward Sword. The art style is so freaking bad and gay, it always has and always will look like complete shit.

You mean the impressionism art style? No fucking way.

Worst looking Zelda is Ocarina of Time. Graphically is a mess, art style has almost no character. Great game, but bad visuals.

SM64 was the first textured 3D game I experienced, I couldn't believe what I was watching, I was very young but even then I knew that game would change everything.

It looks dated now, but it still holds up.


Absolutely love the style the playstation had. Everything was jittery/stop motion like.

>the impressionism art style
More like a botched attempt at impressionism.
You know what part of Skyward Sword looks good? The concept/character art.

system shock 2's character models looked really bad when it came out

this was the same year as half life

Resident Evil 7

FarCry 1. For a developer and engine that would become famous for Crysis, the Game From the Future, their first attempt looks like a game from 1998.


Try and watch Jim Power: the Lost Dimension. You can't stomach it.


>PilotWings 64
holy shit I remember playing this for like 10 hours straight

That seems like less a matter of bad graphics aesthetically (and subjectively) and more of a mechanical and objective one because it makes me want to vomit

Good thread idea OP. Too bad most the people here are morons.


this game is legitimately hard to look at

I don't get sick easily but this one does it


Far Cry 1 looked incredible at the time though. That was it's selling point.

I like to think Spyro games have aged pretty well when it comes to looks.

Ive al ways thought the models in splatoon were ugly and wondered how you dudes get arroused by them

This isn't so ba
>those little platforms moving up and down, back and forth rapidly

I think that tries too hard to be realistic. Part of the charm of Mario 64 is how fantastic everything looks.

i've never played battleborn. is the pic for real?

Anything besides Mass Effect made by Bioware has been really ugly comparative to its contemporaries. Dragon Age 2 and SW:TOR stand out as particularly bad.

You do realize Half Life 2 came out the same year, right?

This game looked incredible for the time

It was innovative when it came to rendering open areas but the actual fidelity is quite jarring. Just look at all the objects that are flat textures.

>how fantastic everything looks
Super Mario RPG, Nights, Diddy Kong Racing came out around the same time. They all managed to have more "fantastic" settings and styles. Mario 64 is bland and empty aside from the trippy skyboxes.

they did have the shaky texture problem, which i didnt care about as a kid. but after Sup Forums's bitching it kind of bothers me now. Im surprised emulation doesnt fix that

Some emulators within the last year or so have actually adapted an experimental option that fixed problems like that.

Tbh all those early 3d games are pretty ugly, its the generation of gaming that has aged the worst.

Like, 8/16/32bit stuff still looks fine, but those blocky polygon ridden stuff is really bad.

That fucking background on the walking sections, the rest of the game is not that bad, but holy shit those trees.

I dunno. I liked the art style. Some of the character models are weird looking, but TP had the same issue.

The 2015 Godzilla PS4 game. Usually it's hyperbole when someone says something looks like a previous gen title, but aforementioned literally does resemble the Playstation 2 graphically.

Really? The models aren't amazing, but I love the art style and the maps look great.

The more cartoony ones hold up well, like MediEvil, Rayman 2, and Kirby 64.
I'm well aware of Croc's shit controls. No, nothing can fix the swimming.

does ePSXe have it, or with certain plugins for it? do you know what theyre called; the shaky texture thing, and the option to fix it?

>ve al ways thought the models in splatoon were ugly and wondered how you dudes get arroused by them
You just answered your own question there champ.

Why the fuck is the parallax backwards?

I think Silent Hill 1 still looks pretty good as well.
Honestly I wish MORE indie games used giant blocky polygons.

The ones that tried to look realistic look pretty ugly most of the time but the ones that didn't have their charm. Pic related.

>Kirby 64
my nigga. That game has one of my favorite art styles to this day

Witcher 1 hasn't aged well

I know this is a graphix thread but have some audio fun too


Manic Miner is a forced meme.

the models and animations are pretty dated (still impressive for the aurora engine) but I still like the environments

I was always of the opinion the 5th gen completely dropped the ball on art direction.
Lego people with realistic textures didn't look good even back then, regardless of what realism fags spouted.

It came with the grey tinted type of 3D glasses. Doing backwards parallax with them creates a simple and effective 3D effect.

See also: Bots Master


Oh god
Geralt made of textured cardboard