You ARE going to buy his game, right Sup Forums?
You ARE going to buy his game, right Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't played the others Travis. Apparently they emulate like shit.
Depends, Suda didn't say it was No More Heroes 3, he just said Travis would be back in a new game.
depends how similar the switch is to the wii u, because the wii u emulator is coming along nicely.
I'm not even going to buy a Switch.
Depends how the HD rumble feature is used
Day 1
by the way, best song right here
If it comes to PS4.
It's gonna be a turn-based JRPG where battles are played DDR-style.
Not if it is a switch exclusive. I ain't buying that.
If it's actually related to NMH and not just some cameo, sure. If it's just a cameo, maybe.
>gym practice with the gay instructor
>screen turns black
>you have to play the milking minigame
If it's good, sure.
Pretty sure they emulate just fine.
It doesn't use the same architecture that the 3 previous consoles so you may as well preorder the Switch right in the fuck now.
user, that is the stupidest and most brilliant idea I have ever fucking heard.
I didn't know kaiki was getting a game.
Paranormal conman sim would be p cool though.
You get to FUCK Sylvia.
Please, I need this in my life
My nigga
Although i like almost every song
>you fight mimmy
>music starts
>feel controller pulsating with HD rumble
>Wasting it on that instead of petting Jean
>Implying it's not vaporware
Modern Nintendo will fuck this game up beyond redemption won't they?
sony thread is the other way
Sure, when it either comes to PS4 or the Switch is emulatable.
>supporting Nintendo
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
>Wii version sells more than twice as much as the PS3 and 360 versions combined
>B-but muh PS4
It's still 2 to 3 years away, why'd I care now?
Great meme my fellow redditor.
Niggerell on suicide watch
No More Heroes is getting it's third installment. That's three. The number three is higher than the number of inches in length of Nigerell's dick. That's why he's so upset.
it's on the wrong platform, sorry
Looking foward to the music.
Everything else will just be filler.
Sorry for what?
Now I want a NMH1+2 HD for Switch
it's also more than the number of games on the ps3+4+vita put together
Not sure about that. The artstyle of NMH Heroes' Paradise kinda sucked dick.
that explains a lot of gaben's life
Yes! The Paraside version on PS4!
They could probably update it to make the 3d models smoother. Although I'm fine with either. If they announce a NMH collection I'll probably buy the Switch.
I basically need a Switch for another NMH game. I enjoy them.
Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our vidya choices. Especially since they're so fun and all.
>he can't even spell it
dumb dirty sonyggers you don't deserve travis's games especially when you don't even buy them
Haven't played any of them yet. As a fan of Sudas work, what am I in for?
They're all terrible games with horrible art, music, gameplay, and voice acting. Steer Clear
always do the opposite of what user says
A dated expierience. Personally I found them fun, the characters were great and memorable. But the gameplay is not as great, going from say, Let it Die to the first No More Heroes will be a huge downgrade as far as gameplay and graphics.
This is literally my favorite thing ever.
NMH is not dated, it's designed like a fucking slog, which is different.
>sir henry's boss fight
>instant kill
>we are finally cowboys
it's a wrestling game
What if No More Heroes 3 were a prequel?
nope. not on switch
I'll wait for the ps4 port
Not the first post from this IP.
i'm beating NMH1 on dolphin right now, it works flawlessly even on fucking linux (this is, no d3d renderer).
I was severely underwhelmed by No More Heroes. Trailer looked cool as hell and so did screenshots, but i was ok.
The only thing that's ever gud in a Suda51 game are the art & music. Everything else is shit though.
same. but it's cool that it's still going i guess
You sound dirty mad already about the idea to see your little waggling game on actually good hardware, kek. How 's that LID support by the way Nintencuck?
Oh, right.
don't listen to this user
It was entertaining enough, but it was no Killer 7.
so you do want a little waggling game? make your mind up retard
man no more heroes was objectively mediocre on almost every count but I still loved the fuck out of it
It's gonna have proper controller support most likely though. Too bad for you
How do we bring this Suda back?
>NMS/2 were on Wii
>No NMS for Wii U
>NMS3 for Switch
I'm hyped. Switch is definitely way stronger than Wii U and portable it's just not 1 generation better nono.
>Switch is definitely way stronger than Wii U
What game?
All I saw was Suda rambling like he just snorted coke.
When I see a trailer with a release date, I'll see.
It's. I don't say the Switch is good for its time but it's way better than the trash hardware of the Wii U.
Or are you believing the DG meme?
Something something another game with Travis that isn't NMH3
stop using Sup Forums
>stop using Sup Forums
You sound even newer than me.