Is anyone actually preordering this shit?

Is anyone actually preordering this shit?

I hope you enjoy extreme disappointment

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it's not like there's anything else to play on the switch

You need expectations to be disappointed.


I can't believe they didn't include this as a pack-in.

Seriously, what are they thinking? Nintendo of 10 years ago wasn't even this stupid. They knew Wii Sports was a glorified tech demo, and Wii Play came with a bundled controller, so it was more like you were paying $10 for the software.

I think the idea of it is kind of clever, quick local multiplayer warioware style games but not making it a pack in is such a colossal, retarded mistake. It could have been a new Wii sports, instead it'll be completely forgotten in a week.

Why did they use Anita and some black lesbian on the cover?

what is this
is this going to be like what wii sports and fit were
just some party games that are no better or worse than mario party

It's adorable Nintendo thinks this is marketable.

They will bundle it in the $250 holiday version.
Only stupid people with inelastic demand buy consoles day one so why not fleece them? Makes sense to me.

>More wagglan minigame shovelware
Not falling for that again.

>people are going to buy this at full price so they can waggle their arms and pretend to milk a cow


>not playing imaginary table tennis

A $250 holiday bundle would be one of the biggest "fuck you" PR mistakes Nintendo could pull.

>wii sports
>no worse than mario party
Have you ever played Mario Party? Mario Party is complete dogshit. Wii Sports was at least okay for a little while.

Blame the fucking gooks. Reminder that wii sports wasnt free in japan

That said, we saw that theres clearly more games than what was shown, based off the trailer. The tennis game at least has some strategy, so maybe theres another one that doesnt suck because it sure isnt the milking.

Admittedly they might wait a bit longer but price drops on consoles are normal.
It's indirect price discrimination, most companies do it.
You really think day one buyers are gonna do anything but bitch on the internet if it turns out they overpaid like they do with every single fucking console? It's pathetic really.

There's a possibility I'll buy it to fuck around with some friends with at launch, but there's no way this will sell well at all.

>decide to take my kids to the park
>they can't wait to go
>they really want to get on the playground and have some good fun
>there are 2 fat dorks with some kind of tablet standing in the sand of the playground
>oh god what the fuck are they doing
>they're waving little plastic things at each other
>they keep spazzing out and then one of them will jump around
>kids ask me when it'll be their turn to play on the playground
>dorks won't leave
>have to tell my kids we'll come back later I guess


First of all, even Nintendo realized dropping the price was a slap in the face to early adopters with the 3DS, which is why they created the ambassador program.

Second, Nintendo is not in a position to mage arrogant moves. The Wii U was an utter failure. Disrespecting the people who willfully paid them money isn't going to instill confidence in new consumers.

Wii Sports was actually a motion sports game with graphics. When you played tennis, you hit a ball on the screen.

1-2 switch literally has tennis without a ball.

>First of all, even Nintendo realized dropping the price was a slap in the face to early adopters with the 3DS, which is why they created the ambassador program.
Sure whatever give the retards roms or whatever. Doing it with the 3ds worked well for them. They soaked up more PS.

>Second, Nintendo is not in a position to mage arrogant moves.
How is it an arrogant move? Preorder fags will overpay for anything, and electronics get cheaper over time. It's not rocket science. Charging high for people with inelastic demand, and lower for those with inelastic demands isn't arrogant it's normal business. If anything is arrogant it would be keeping a $300 price past initial hype
>The Wii U was an utter failure.
How is that relevant?
>Disrespecting the people who willfully paid them money isn't going to instill confidence in new consumers.
How is that disrespectful? People pay a premium for the privilege to buy consoles day one and play no games on them. It happens every launch and we all laugh at them every time. But it's worth it to them so whatever.

>not wanting to play Lactation Simulator 2017

Modern Nintendo needs at least one potential normie money farming game, even if it flops. They probably put less than 6 months development into it with a budget of a Wii shovelware game, they can't lose.

You're implying they should drop the price by $50 dollars, and include a $50 dollar game, five months after the initial release.

And you don't think this would cause consternation between anyone? Price drops are to be expected with a console, but even half a year later would be a PR disaster of consumers feeling ripped off, especially considering the light line up of games we've got until the end of the holidays come.

>half a year later.
Do be fair 1-2 switch will be $20 on it's own by then. But yes if sales drop off, they actually have stock,and need to keep momentum id maybe wait till January. Or bundle it for rhe holidays but charge $300 idk play it by ear.

user there are people who paid $600 for a ps3 at launch, even though they all fucking ylod. There are people who paid $250 for a fucking 3ds.

Two kinds of people do this.
1) die hard fans who accept they are getting ass fucked but really wanna get it day one.
2) complete retards

They might complain about it on Sup Forums. But they already bought the switch. One or two of the most retarded will sell theirs on Craigslist or something. But the vast majority will continue to buy switch games. Hell they will probably preorder the next nintendo console.
People keep complaining the switch should be $250, yet they sold out of preorders easily at $300. Demand is inelastic for these people, why on earth not make the extra profit?

>user there are people who paid $600 for a ps3 at launch, even though they all fucking ylod. There are people who paid $250 for a fucking 3ds.

Do you not remember that the $600 PS3 was mocked? That it literally took hears for the console to find its footing? The 3DS too, to a lesser extent.

Like, you're arguing any complaints are bluster, but PR is a real thing. Even then, those consoles were worse sellers than bot their previous generations, so no, Nintendo does need to think smart and reasonably with what they're doing. They don't have the "fuck you" kind of reach they had in the Wii days.

>Do you not remember that the $600 PS3 was mocked?
Yes. And people still bought it.
People mock CoD apple and Starbucks all the time.
>That it literally took hears for the console to find its footing?
The problem was 360 was cheaper and they legitimately had to charge the price for their retarded hardware configuration. Nintendo doesn't have direct competition.
> The 3DS too, to a lesser extent.
What? The price drop boosted sales exponentially. And bare in mind console make their money from software sales so if you are going to have a lul, do it while there are no games on the system.
>Like, you're arguing any complaints are bluster, but PR is a real thing.
Yes, but bad pr is minimal, look at the 3ds. Besides it's not gonna unsell consoles. You were gonna buy a switch but now it pricedropped so you said forget it? Most people like the pricedrop, and people who don't are already invested in your eco system. And would do it again in a heartbeat. They can't recoup their sunk cost anyway.
>Even then, those consoles were worse sellers than bot their previous generations, so no,
You're an idiot if you think 3ds sold less than previous generations because of a pricedrop that got it to 60million units. It's the best selling console this generation. Smart phones have become a thing since ds. Ps3 got assfucked by direct competition.
>Nintendo does need to think smart and reasonably with what they're doing. They don't have the "fuck you" kind of reach they had in the Wii days.
Yeah for sure which is why they are using profit maximization instead of coddling day one buyers like retards.

Personally i fully expect to buy a SE switch with fire emblem 2018 for like ~$250ish (+game probably) . And if $50 and a bundled game is your problem i staunchly suggest waiting a bit. Even most preorder fags know that.

>Nintendo doesn't have direct competition

What? I'm pretty sure you can get a PS4 and X1 for cheaper than a Switch right now.

>The price drop boosted sales exponentially

The 3DS is Nintendo's worst selling handheld. I mean, it still sold 60 million, but it was not a smash hit, especially compared to the OG DS.

>You were gonna buy a switch but now it pricedropped so you said forget it?

A lot of people have reasons to want to get mad at Nintendo lately. They have to present themselves in a smart, understandable manner.

I don't think their launch for the Switch is looking good, and while a price drop for it some time down the line may help, fucking cutting shit less than half a year afterward will just make them come off ridiculously anti-consumerist. It'll leave people questioning why they even launched the system when they did.

>You're an idiot if you think 3ds sold less than previous generations because of a pricedrop that got it to 60million units

No, it was its rough launch, and a multitude of other things that hurt it, but bumbling around with marketing never makes your console sell better.

Also the 3DS has two years on all the other consoles sans the Wii U.

>Personally i fully expect to buy a SE switch with fire emblem 2018 for like ~$250ish (+game probably) . And if $50 and a bundled game is your problem i staunchly suggest waiting a bit. Even most preorder fags know that.

Holiday 2018 seems reasonable for a price drop. 6-7 months from March does not.

>What? I'm pretty sure you can get a PS4 and X1 for cheaper than a Switch right now.
>le nintendo handheld is the same as a sony/M$ PC ripoff maymay.
Sure bud. And a console launch is the same as 3 years in the gen?
Remember when i said 360 being cheap fucked ps3? You know what was cheaper and outsold them both? The wii, but i didn't mention that did I? Because it didn't effect ps3 sales all that much. Xbox a md Playstation are pretty much interchangeable. Switch is not.

>The 3DS is Nintendo's worst selling handheld. I mean, it still sold 60 million, but it was not a smash hit, especially compared to the OG DS.
Outsold vita pretty handsomely. And aales picked up after the pricedrop. Believe me if they waited for the pricedrop it would of sold worse. There are plenty of reasons handhelds all round are less popular these days

>A lot of people have reasons to want to get mad at Nintendo lately.
Yes they are called shitposters doesn't impact purchase decisions. People looking to get mad will get mad and not buy one regardless. People looking to buy a switch will happily except a price cut.

> anti-consumerist.
Not as much as paid online.
>It'll leave people questioning why they even launched the system when they did.
To make money? Same reason they do everything.

>No, it was its rough launch, and a multitude of other things that hurt it, but bumbling around with marketing never makes your console sell better.
Pricedrops make things sell better yes. It's not marketing it's common sense.
>Also the 3DS has two years on all the other consoles sans the Wii U.
What about vita?

>Holiday 2018 seems reasonable for a price drop. 6-7 months from March does not.
No way in hell they wait more than a year user.

>le nintendo handheld is the same as a sony/M$ PC ripoff maymay.

...Except Nintendo isn't selling this thing as a handheld?

I know, it's fucking baffling to me too, but they're specifically calling it a home console, and have plans to keep the 3DS going for another year.

It's smarter to argue it's a handheld, but that's just not what they're calling it, so yeah, it is competing with the X1 and PS4, both of which have years worth of games in their library, and are the same price, or cheaper.

>Outsold vita pretty handsomely

Well that is a very shallow victory, let's be honest, my friend.

Doing half of the DS is kind of a reason to be alarmed.

>Yes they are called shitposters doesn't impact purchase decisions

Okay, see, this is a bad mindset. Nintendo is not the king of the game anymore. They /need/ to start listening when people are unhappy with their products, otherwise, they'll continue to not sell.

>Pricedrops make things sell better yes. It's not marketing it's common sense.

I think the Switch would sell better too if it was $250 at launch, and came with a game, but backtracking so soon after would just be kicking up unneeded dirt.

>What about vita?

Why are you bringing up the Vita so much? Yes, it failed, and Sony is dropping out of the handheld race.

>No way in hell they wait more than a year user.

Well that's the problem with releasing your system in fucking March. It's pointless dead zone for sales.

Stop it bombos

Well arguing the marketing bonus of launching at $250 v.s. Direct profit bonus of releasing at $300 is an entirely different discussion.I personally think it's reasonable since they need to recover R&D and shit.
But the lids off on that. They went with $300 so the damage is done there now it's just a matter of timing that price drop. But once you tap all the people with high willingness to pay you gain nothing by letting your sales stagnate and overcharging because anons on Sup Forums don't like it. Give them a fucking extra year online or someshit.

I mean you keep saying it's bad marketing but to who?
People who don't already have a switch aren't going to complain they will happily save money. People who already have a switch already have a switch. So i don't see how you can feasibly lose anything because there will be more golden face threads on Sup Forums.
Again, it's really not in direct competition. Home console or not i don't get how that's rocket science. Not to mention there is limited supply and tonnes of hype. How many people went to gamestop this month to order a ps4 for march? Yeah more people did that at ps4 launch, but this is not ps4 launch far from it.
As for vita, ds launched YEARs before 3ds in an entirely different period with an entirely different landscape. It's not a fair comparison. Vita launched at the same time to be direct competition.

Wii U sales compared to ps4 is a better benchmark than compared to say wii U compared to snes.

As for

See, I'm not just talking about "anons on Sup Forums", you can instantly see the headline articles of "Switch price rumored only six months after launch", which could set up a whole heap of vitriol towards the company.

Not like, brand ruining, but it's not good.

>Not to mention there is limited supply and tonnes of hype

Nintendo's forced scarcity act is frankly getting old. Was it even helpful for the NES Classic? I'm sure it sold the amount of units they produced, but it left others frustrated because they couldn't even purchase it. Factor in all this happened after the prime sales window of Christmas left them by, makes me think the company isn't exactly filled with marketing geniuses.

Who the fuck wants an NES Classic now?

I'm sure the Switch will have okay launch numbers, but I am not confident Nintendo won't bumble things.

I mean there are very few games out on the system in its first few months. There's Zelda, but that's not exactly an exclusive. Meanwhile, PS4 and Xbox both have established libraries, so yeah, if either one latched onto that, they could a few people away would might want a Switch, once they realize it would only be their Zelda box.

>As for vita, ds launched YEARs before 3ds in an entirely different period with an entirely different landscape. It's not a fair comparison. Vita launched at the same time to be direct competition.

I think that speaks more in terms of concern for the future of handhelds than it does for the 3DS still doing decently.

Nintendo's big thing has always been handhelds, and it was their worst selling one to date.

>hole heap of vitrol
That will be forgotten by next gen when it matters.
Im sure nintendo would be happy to get a headline about them and a pricedrop.
People without switches are happy.
People with switches already have switches.
I didn't even mean forced scarcity, i mean sure that's a thing that works for them, nes classic wouldn't have been popular in the first place If they made a shit tonne. But in this case there is real scarcity, even if to a much lesser extent, to contend with. March and April sales have nothing to do with price.

>That will be forgotten by next gen when it matters.

The old adage of "there's no such thing as bad publicity" simply just isn't true. A lot of the hesitation, and out right condemnation of Nintendo nowadays is due to their recent actions, and if they don't do their best to present a strong image for themselves, it'll end up hurting them.

>i mean sure that's a thing that works for them, nes classic wouldn't have been popular in the first place If they made a shit tonne

They didn't capitalize on it, and have more ready before the holiday though. They sold however many units they initially pushed, and that was that.

They could have had more, but just didn't.

>But in this case there is real scarcity

Uh, proof? You're telling me, rather than get those juicy headlines of "Switch preorders sell out!" (which the Wii U also had), they, honest to god, did not expect people to order more than they set out?

I mean like any launch console with a brand new SoC is gonna have scarcity. Ps4, xbone, ps3, 360 you name it. I acknowledge nintendo is probably exaggerating it more than necessary. But it would sell out day one regardless.