Is she the final boss of TF2?
Is she the final boss of TF2?
She's the final boss of my dick.
Either her or the administrator, yeah
>really happy that the new comic came out
>realize we're gonna have to wait another year for the next one
TF2 was dumbed down snail-paced baby garbage since day one
>She's actually the administrators mom
>Those eyes
why is she so hot bros? I bet whoever made her model did that on purpose
Eyes. It's always the eyes.
>ever not being hot
>We want the lolicon audience
literally who?
Never seen her in-game. Wouldn't be surprised if she was fan made
No, this is
who the fuck is that?
whoa an Olivia thread?
where the lewds at?
Yes. The Administrator is gonna tear her a new one.
>yfw you realize the yellow eyes means her system is pumped full of australium
she's part of the official TF2 Fanfic comic I think
I don't even know who this is.
Since her eyes are yellow, does that mean she's made out of Australium or something?
I refuse to believe it's just a coincidence.
>olivia mann
is this an Olivia Munn reference?
I just now realized the similar hair.
oh crap
Who is your favorite class?
>inb4 she's killed within the first 5 pages and Olivia becomes final boss
If so then that means she must be really fucking old
God I hope she's 12
d-dont make me
I want to pump her full of my australium, if you know what I mean.
>wanting to fuck a child
>Redmond, Blutarch, Grey are dead
>The Administrator is 99% going to die in the next comic
>Olivia inherits the teams and becomes the new administrator
>All the announcers lines get switched to her
Sauce me up
>Cute little girl is the new announcer voice
>They cast a real cute little girl for it
>not wanting to fuck a child
No way this little bitch replaces my administrator
>Grey is kill
>So is the Administrator
>Classes die or disband
>Olivia becomes the new antagonist
>its now up for the next generation
>TF3 taking place in the 90s
yea you see thats a joke about its quality
Heavy because I get to piss off Pyrofurries
Doubt, everyone who involved in actual game will survive. Too much hassle for a dead game.
The game is canonically set before the comics anyway. Besides, the Administrator's obviously going to die.
Scout, because the scattergun is identical to the shotgun but now with mobility.
How come nobody's mentioned how the Engie in the comic is blu?
sorry, you have to
What are the best SFMs, Sup Forums?
Ms. Pauling is going to become the new administrator and work to complete her plan (which will be revealed), kill Olivia, and recover the Australium from space.
New maps will have Ms. Pauling voice lines, old maps will continue to have the Administrator.
that's nasty
What's the next step in her master plan?
Crashing these teams with no survivors
I have played this game for nearly ten years straight and if I have to hear one more fucking word out of Ashley Burch's horrifyingly deadpan and unfunny mouth I will uninstall and never look back.
I just realized her name is Oliva because she wears Olive color, just like how the other Manns wear the colors of their names.
Enable subtitles for the full experience.
artist? can't find on any booru
Who's Olivia? Is she from that smissmas TF2 comic where Spy uses the icicle?
I require sauce
part 2 or 3 from the main comics
its one of the only Olivia pics on rule34
His tumblr got nuked, I'm not sure his stuff is collected anywhere else besides rule34hentai and you need an account to view it there.
Is there any rock?
This latest comic has sealed Scout in as my favorite, at least personality wise.
Gameplay wise is a toss-up between Scout for mobility, Demo and Spy for fucking around and Engie for serious play.
>ITT: We Pic Related
>Is there any rock?
You what?
Also nevermind I found him
>Little girls
>no classic rock
No sir, I don't like it.
Wow I feel silly for not catching that one
>tfw you will never marry that vampire loli and get to fuck her for all eternity
Is this some sort of weird joke I've never seen before or did you just edit that image just for this thread?
>been working on a game heavily inspired by clarissa for over a year now
>clarissa trending all over the site for about a year as well
>afraid the dozen or so people that actually play my game will notice the inspiration and overall quality will be considered diminished as if i'm bandwagoning on something trending
i fucking hate this stupid website sometimes
role reversal is funny.
You have Van Halen a-and the c-cure?
what kind of game is it
Yo I need an artist name now
>Olives are green
>Has a green olive dress
Green team confirmed.
What's going on in this thread?
it's like metal gear 1 and 2 (not the solid games) but with less stealth and more interactivity with the world of a small hometown. exploration and hacking minigames essentially.
>Not the one with beers and rock
post it
way to fail to deliver /v
fine i'll post some myself
fuck shit
sounds interesting
Olivia is CUTE
Read the thread you dingdong
just called the police on you kid
I'd fuck her
I don't have it but there's tons of gifs and pictures of little girls with rock CDs, BBQ and beer.
Because it has been mentioned multiple times already
In 2010 when BLU engie became canon engie
And then later reaffirms this in 2014