Bloodborne is a terrible, terribly-designed game

Bloodborne is a terrible, terribly-designed game.

I feel like I'm standing in the village in the story, looking at the naked Emperor while everyone else gabs on about how awesome his new clothes are. Bloodborne...Bloodborne sucks. It sucks hard. Awful game design, boring repetitive gameplay. I think the only reason people like it so much is nostalgia goggles because it's apparently the spiritual successor to some old game?
I just felt confused watching the Bloodborne playthrough because Arin seemed to absolutely adore the game, and didn't point out any of the plethora things wrong with it. So in honor of him shitting on Sonic Adventure, I think it's only appropriate I take the piss out of the crapfest that is Bloodborne.

Other urls found in this thread:

How can one project this hard?

1) The loading screens are unforgivable. If Bloodborne was a Sonic game, Arin would bitch and moan about every. Single. One and we all know it. But since it's a game he likes, it gets a free pass. He even pontificated about how it could be seen as a good thing. Smfh.

2) There's no soul, no creative vision at all. It's the most cliched, uninspired, insipid sort of "blood is cool" game world imaginable. It feels like the thematics of this game were decided upon by a ten year old.

3) The experience system is absolutely unnecessary. There's no reason a hack-and-slash game of this sort should have an experience point system. All it does is pad out the game length and offer a false sense of progress and accomplishment. Anything locked away by experience could've been a simple pickup or upgrade. I'm especially disappointed in Arin for not complaining about this, given how much he hates meaningless RPG elements thrust into non-RPG games for no good reason.

t. pcuck

4) Forced farming. Do I need to say more? It's an inexcusable, terrible design choice that again adds fake length and padding to the game. If Bloodborne were an honest game, the Game Grumps playthrough would've lasted about twelve episodes, not 76.

5) Having to constantly. Constantly. Constantly pop in and out of Hunters Dream. This might be semi-excusable if the loading times weren't atrocious, but they are so it's not. I get that there's a thematic reason for you going into and out of the Hunters Dream, but from a gameplay standpoint there's absolutely no reason whatsoever that Lanterns shouldn't've just been surrounded by the Hunters Dream NPCs. It's awful game design to make you actually load into another part of the game just to talk to an NPC to level up or buy stuff or refill your health. Which brings me to...

I loved the game outside a few nuances, it's definitely not perfect but compared to today's market it's the Citizen Kane of video games

I just felt confused watching the-
wait a minute, holds the phone
user, have you actually played the game?

6) Low on Health and Blood Vials while you're grinding and grinding and grinding in this padded-out, fake-progress game? Hope you like loading screens! Again, I get the thematic idea behind the Hunters Dream and in a novel or a movie it'd be a neat idea. Heck, it's a neat idea in the game, but only thematically. From a gameplay standpoint, again, it's inexcusable that in a game so focused on grinding for drops that you'd have to six through two minute-long loading screens to refill your health and repopulate the mobs in the area. And people complain about auto-refilling health.

7) The random drops themselves deserve their own bullet point. Their own Silver Bullet point, you might say. Inexcusable, terrible game design, padding, enough said. This game should honestly be called Farming Simulator 2015. It's bad enough that it almost feels like Bloodborne is one of those shitty freemium iPhone games. And speaking of that...

Wait a minute-

8) The clusterfuck that is Insight. Basically, Insight is just a cheesy, money-grabbing ploy to force you to sign up for Playstation+ so you can bug other people to help you farm. And of course, make your friends buy Bloodborne to play with you and help you farm. It has absolutely no value from a game design standpoint, it's pure Modern Gaming bullshit. This one I'm especially ticked off that people aren't pointing out for the bullshit that it is. I mean, Insight is spent even if the summoning is unsuccessful? So based on pure random chance, you could lose too much Insight and be forced to farm! I can already see Bloodborne defenders lining up to say "optional this, optional that, you don't have to farm" but yes you absolutely do! Farming is a fundamental, required, aspect of Bloodborne and it's shitty game design any way you slice it. But I guess we've already established that Bloodborne is Farming Simulator 2015.

Seriously, Bloodborne is perhaps the most poorly-designed game of its budget and critical praise that I've ever come across. Sonic '06 might be the worst game ever, but it had a modest budget and everyone hates it. Millions and millions of dollars were poured into Bloodborne, everybody praises it incessantly, and nobody sees what an awfully-designed game it truly is.

that card

>Forced farming
I have some bad news for you OP

I just can't wrap my mind around that. Bloodborne is an awful, awful, horrible, crappy, poorly-designed game. How does nobody see that? I guess it really is just nostalgia goggles.
At the very least, anyone who loves Bloodborne and loved its spiritual predecessors has no right to call nostalgia goggles on anyone else.

I don't think you know what nostalgia goggles are


Its difficulty level is f*cking ludicrous for a start, so what happens is you start with crap stats and crap weapons and then end up dying on the same piece over and over and OVER again, which means literally for the first 4 hours you're continually re-playing the same boring, shitty part of the game. It just becomes extremely tiresome and makes you want to snap the disc and throw it out the f*cking window.

Also, the upgrade system is garbage. Once you collect blood echoes needed to upgrade, you have to run all the way back to the start of the level (that you've already done a billion times), leave the level and upgrade then go back, rinse/repeat a million more times. It upgrades REALLLLLLY slowly too so you never feel like you're getting any better, and if you die once (which you will, every time, and with ease) you lose everything you've collected and as usual, start alllllll over again.

The combat is shit too, really slow and clunky and the aiming system sucks. You can be directly point blank in front of an enemy, swing your weapon and miss and they immediately hit you back and you're dead. Same with the gun, I dont think I've ever actually hit anybody with a shot, even if they are 1 metre in front of me. Why these games cant take notice of how God of War did their quick, smooth combat I'll never know.

Some people will love it (although I literally cant think of a single reason why, even the graphics are PS2 levels of shite), but I f*cking hated it. Its been deleted from my PS4 already. Rubbish.


>Anyone who has actually played the game has no right to say they liked it.
What are you even saying

1)after the patch the loading in only like 10 seconds.

2)completely subjective but i have to say the whole transition from regular horror to space horror blew my brains out, one of the most criative setting EVER, imo

3)the experiente system is there so the player can specialize and is locked out of some weapons, if the player could use everything at his disposal the game would be too easy. Also people beat this game with a level as low as 10.

4)the only farming you need to do are blood vials, and that is only if you are dying all the time.

5)there is a tematic reason and the loading is only 10 seconds.

My god he's just shitting right off the edge of the boat

Sonyponies BTFO


>we pretend its early march 2015

>5 weapons
>5 bosses
>4 areas
>2fps sonygger 720p cinematic exp
>pc port confirmed anyway

Honest to god I like Bloodborne just a little less than dark souls. The loading screens are too long and the bloodvial system is stupid but hot dog, what a good game.

You don't need to farm and you don't need to acquire XP.


>heal button

I-i can't wait to play through d-darksouls 2 again! At least it runs at 300fps, more like f-flopborn!

Literally copy pasted your post into google to find this. Fucking kill yourself.

6)there is no grinding unless you,YOU, cant handle the enemies.

7)random drops are a staple of all rpgs from mon hun to dark souls. In this game the drop table is very generous too.

8)this is by far the most retarded point. Insight is everywhere in the game. See a boss? Get a point. Beat a boss? Get a point. See a vista?get a point. Get an item? Point. Talk to an NPC? Point. Die to a new monster? Point. Complete a quest? Point. Insight is fundamental in the tonal change of the game and is everywhere.

It seems you didnt even try the game past a couple of hours, all your criticism are Basic and mostly wrong. Apparently you suck at the game since you need to grind and farm vials.

Pc fag found

Oh so it was bait all along. Shouldnt have bothered to reply.

My assburgers makes me unable to know if this thread is satire or not.
Someone help me.


Aw man.
Still, to think people genuinely think Bloodborne is a bad game

Bloodborne is a funny game.

It's not particularly difficult, especially not with the whip. It's just tedious as fuck and annoying because if you do actually die then you have to backtrack everything.

Once you're tired of swallowing the monotony, which to me came almost immediately after my first death - you discover that the best tactic in the game is to hardly play it at all. Just run past everything and keep running until you find where you're supposed to go and fight a boss.

Kill some shit here and there for vials and you're good. All of the AI is so hamfisted retarded and slow that they'll never catch you.

Game is mega overrated.


You forgot:
>chromatic aberation
>developer said it's for casual

redditfags need to be gassed

HAHAHAHA A SONIC FAN SAYING BLOODBORNE IS BAD ? theres nothing to see her guys lmao

I know rite xD
shit gaem xD

>The random drops themselves
>random drops

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Nothing in this goddamn game outside of +15 blood gems are random drops.

What weapon is a random drop?
What armor is a random drop?
What game breaking item is a random drop?

What the fuck are you farming for? Blood vials? Then you're garbage at the game.

I've plat. trophied and played BB start to finish at least 10 times on NG to NG++++ and I honestly have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>"Give me the Witcher 3 over this anytime"
I wish I could spit directly in this person's face.

>i've played this mediocre game endlessly until it's just an exercise of memory and if you aren't playing it at my level then you're garbage

Just a daily reminder that playing a single player ad nauseam is not a display of ability, but autism.

>can't appreciate classic level design
>can't appreciate fun combat
>can't appreciate Ludwig and Orphan, the best boss fights of this gen.

shit-tier taste user.

We don't give reasonable criticisms about From games here.

If you've never played a game you love over and over I have to doubt that you truly love vidya.

Was waiting for you to finish so I could finally respond. You're fucking garbage at the game.

I used to believe this game was shit and complained about the game being "liner corridors with branching corridors".
In all honesty I was exaggerating, really when I was making progress after getting my ass handed to me I felt genuine self accomplishment for what a video game offers and enjoyment from exploring these new places that are well interconnected to the main path towards the boss.
Admittedly I was having great trouble with the game being my first souls experience and was stuck in Central Yharnam for a long time, really I was sick and tired of Yharnam simply because of how much I repeated it in an attempt to make progress however after mastering the game and going on new playthoughs Central Yharnam feels like a great area with interesting turns, drops, curves and questlines.
Bloodborne has great use of setting and architecture, in Yharnam you walk your way through the streets and across the bridges to slide through the alleyways to make your way up to the rooftops to plunge down into the sewers to reach the boss of yharnam but not before opening up shortcuts and taking a breather back at the hunter dream or if you're skilled enough and conserved your consumables well you can continue without a quick stop, this feeling of progression continues for the rest of the areas in the game.
At first bosses inflict fear of failing and at first they seem unfair however with growing progression as a player you surpass the bosses and make your way into the next segment of the game or you unlock something that will aid you on your hunt, after the first few fights you begin to get excited for new encounters, see what new monstrosities await you and accompanied by a stellar music score.
Bloodborne may have less weapons than Dark Souls however every single weapon (excluding one) has it's own unique moveset that you can master.
Alot of the weapons are either unique or unconventional and allow for interesting and fresh combat strats, no two weapons are identical.

Nostalgia goggles? The game came out a few years ago and still has heavy online interaction with an active Facebook group. I don't think you understand what nostalgia goggles are you fucking retard.


he complains about the AI which is shit in almost every game in the industry, at least in Fromsoft games a normal mob can actually kill you

This. He must play a shit ton of Uncharted, the games with 0 replayability.

go fucking damnit I just wrote this wall of text brb, gonna go kill myself

He complained about having to farm. Which isn't necessary. Random drops. Which there aren't unless you're trying to farm chalice worthy gems, and even then YOU CAN SET CHALICE CODES TO GUARANTEE DROPS FROM BOSSES. This guy is just fucking bad. Probably got his asshole handed to him in the first few hours, then quit the game all "This game is shit because it's too hard for me to beat. There isn't even a story!" Even though there is, and a heavy amount of lore through flavor text.

Fine, I'll copy and paste my responses and email them to game grumps. Fucking faggots.

Guys i have a question.
Is it wierd to cum in my blanket, then flip it over to let it dry. Then repeat the process when ever i masterbate?
Plz respond thx.

I did maybe when I was about your age, 14.

I would speedrun through games after I'd played them a few times and then I realized that truly the most enjoyment I got was the first time. It's like chasing a high.

These days I simply have enough games that I enjoy where I don't feel the need to endlessly replay them.

The only ones I do are ones that turn out drastically different than the last playthrough, like strategy games, where there are so many variables that you need entirely different techniques to succeed from how you did it the last time.

This isn't the case in Bloodborne, it doesn't change. It's the same every single time and if you think playing it endlessly until you know every moveset in the game is something to aspire for then you truly are autistic.

Sorry kids. I like games that actually engage me and require me to think on the fly. Not to study every facet of it until it's reduced to frivolity.

>Muh loading times
Got patched ages ago.

>Grinding for blood vials
Yeah, if you're trash, and it doesn't take long to fill up, if anything, that just adds more pressure to not losing and playing wisely.

>No soul
Well that's cause you're blind and clearly haven't touched the game yourself.

The rest of your complaints where subjective nothngs, so try again pcuck

lol you faggots are backing not only a ledditor, but a ledditor on the gamegrumps subreddit, BUT not just a ledditor on the gamegrumps subreddit, a ledditor on the gamegrumps subereddit that is a current sonic fan

fuck, forgot to link

Yes. Why not just use a sock then wash it?

You're accusing someone of being 14 while using autism as an insult. Grow the fuck up because if you're older than 14 and acting like that, you're highly likely a basement dwelling Virgin, but who knows, maybe you're a pussy slayer. It's cool, you like to play your games once, and don't see a reason to replay. But what types of games do you play? BB I meant to be replayed. There's numerous weapons with varying movesets, allowing for a hefty variety of builds. Different weapons require different timings and while the enemy move set typically doesn't change (there are a few that actually do), it allows for a slightly different experience.

>watching the bloodborne playthrough
>fucking game grumps
>watches game grumps and posts about the game as if he played it

1) That was patched, it's fine now.

2) That's pretty subjective and somewhat too simple, could you elaborate on that?

3)The exp system exists so that the game isnt too easy and you can use everything you encounter and allows for you to choose how to play the game, instead of forcing you to pick the upgrades, you choose what you want to upgrade, health, stamina or some type of damage, it brings choice where games with pre-determined upgrades does not. Variety of play.

4)Farming does exist and IS a problem, but as far as base game goes? It's not if this isnt your first souls game, it only becomes a problem in the chalice dungeons with gem farming, partially agreed.

5) Agreed completely, they fixed *accidentally* in DaS1 but they decided to break again for every game.

6)Partially agreed, while you never need to go back to refill your vials (because no one is this bad), you need to repopulate the area, which sucks, and it was broken by BB! When the other games you just need to sit down.

7)For the base game it's not a problem at all, specially because of the high rate drops, Don't agree.

8)Honestly somewhat agreed. While farming for insight is possible without online, it is EVEN WORSE than humanity, which does incentive you to pay for online.

The game isnt as good as most ps4 owners would lead you to believe but it is a great game, most of your complaints are either plain wrong or not an issue at the base game (not including chalice stuff).

>i've played this mediocre game endlessly until it's just an exercise of memory and if you aren't playing it at my level then you're garbage

You're 100% correct

>it doesn't change. It's the same every single time
>I like games that actually engage me and require me to think on the fly

A game is nothing more than a glorified script. There is no "evolving" gameplay. What the fuck are you talking about?

Well I guess if you're retarded and can't conceive what variables might be.

>it doesn't change, it's the same every time
except for the fact that on repeat playthroughs you can check out optional content that you missed the first time, and play the game with a different build.

Bloodborne is 6/10 at best for me. I have no idea what everyone is talking about. Kill mobs until you get to the bosses. The moon was pretty, but the game was boring.

You can stop bumping your own thread OP

1) Fair point
2) False
3) >a rpg doesnt need experience.
4) get good
5) fair point, but its shared with point one.
6) You can grind 15 blood vials in less that 3 minutes famalam, and you shoudnt need to since they are usually plentiful. You can also buy them btw.
7)>random drops in a rpg
Come on man this is the second time you make a point this stupid, if you dont like a genre thats fine but dont make retarded points at least.

Also, you forgot to talk about the horrible frame drops the game has.

Even with its faults its a really good game, its a shame I cant play it in my pc instead of the ps4, the graphical imrpovement, stable framerate and 1-2 second load screens would make it a lot more enjoyable (and playing online without having to pay would be nice too).

Wait, people still watch manchildren screech on youtube? How is that fun at all?

It's an "OP is a faggot" card! It allows you to deal 500 damage to OP!

It's still predetermined you sperglord

>Sonybrony false-flagging as a sour grapes masterracer
Fuck off.

>you start with crap weapons

>forced farming

ohhhhhh I get it! you don't like it because you're bad at it. ohhhhhhhhhh

Different user here but I'll add two more complaints in.

The first is the blood economy. I don't see a good reason for items to increase in cost as the game progresses. All this ends up doing is incentivizing the player to over-level. And I am not talking about blood vials, I mean things like pungent blood cocktails (the equivalent of an alluring skull) and the papers, things like that. After beating The Orphan on NG+ I could but a whopping 11 pungent blood cocktails.

The runes and hunter's tools felt uninspired. For runes there just did not seem to be much variety in their effect excluding the beast rune and milkweed runes. The worst case is the Impurity rune, 2% extra health in co-op, uff da. As for the hunter's tools the only three notable ones to me are the old hunters bone, the augur, and a call beyond. The others all seemed to be pretty generic.

git gud

they give you pretty hard limit for how many items you can carry with you at once anyway so the cost increase makes zero sense
having 99 molotovs in the box makes no difference when you can only take 10 with you anyway

>Sorry kiddos, I only play REAL games for REAL gamers, and watch game grumps play them on YouTube and then bitch about them on Sup Forums

You are a grade A faggot you know that
I refuse to believe you are older than 18

I dunno m8, in regards to the economy, on every single playthrough I essentially seem blood echoes worthless. The game can be beaten without levelling, and provided you don't burn through your early blood vials too much, you can get a pretty good stock going. As for the other items, I am fairly certain I've only ever used cocktails on BSB, and can't imagine why you'd need 11. Other items are of a similar tier, and once you hit NG+ you start earning way more than you could ever spend.

Runes and hunter tool complaints are a bit more legitimate. When comparing tools side by side with sorceries and pyromancers they seem limited in comparison, and runes often end up resorting to +20% HP, +20% stamina, and +20% rally potential. At least the DLC added some cool ones.

Is reddit seriously criticizing a game based on a lets play? Because it sounds like he didn't actually play it.

>forced farming
>obviously never played a souls game
>obviously just salty cause bad

He mentioned the long loading screens, something that was almost a minute on release but it has been patched and is now 10 sec or less, so he clearly just watched an old youtuber play it

>tfw started with the threaded cane and made the game my bitch

Other two weapons are noob weapons desu