The final boss is yourself
The final boss is yourself
I've been fighting that boss for decades now.
I think I know how to win, here let me show yo
>final boss is the universe
>Final boss is your mirror image
kingdom hearts (x)
>final boss is your best friend
What games do this? Not trying to call you out, just genuinely curious
Lone Survivor
Final boss is your father.
>final boss is a giant lizard with a giant deathstar buttplug
final boss is you from the future whose final boss was himself from the future who fought you from the future
>final boss is Boswer
>But no player, you are the monsters
mgs3? Not really best friend but still someone you are very attached to
That's Axiom Verge for you.
>final boss is your boss
>he fires you
>into the sun
Suikoden II
See Unless you count the Ending C/D final boss
>final boss is god
>god is your character from your previous playthrough
>spend entire game never knowing the true villian
>every choice you make is the "right" or "good" choice ie. You help everyone you can
>make great friends and survive together
>in the end all your friends are the real villians
>even worse after killing them all you find out that everything you've done up until that point was the wrong choice
>game ends
Dragon's Dogma.
And it was neat as fuck too.
Doesn't one of the Double Dragons let the players fight each other in the ends?
>You are the final boss.
>You cannot win.
>item lets you kill yourself, one way or another
Is this a real dog or a photo edit.
half as long
>the final boss is Golden Dragon (AKA the very first rpg boss of all time) from the very first rpg game
>final boss is you
>you were dead since the beginning of the game
Twice has bright
Shadow of the Colossus
>best friend
Persona 3
Sometimes dog faces can get scrambled, it happens.
>Final boss is the lackey of the main villain
>final boss is imaginary
>you basically died on the first mission and this is you coming to terms with it
>end of the game is literally your actual death
Black Ops 3
>You are the final boss
>You can win and get the bad ending
>Final battle takes place over multiple genres; racing, FPS, turn-based RPG, fighting game, etc.
>As the battle goes on, the graphics become worse and worse. Fewer colours, less pixels, etc.
>At the very end, you and your opponent draw your white paddles.
>"It all comes down to this."
>You are on missions with your partner
>He's been dead the whole time
Find quantifiable evidence of an individual game which contains this content.
Thanks, I'll try that tonight.
Was Ryuji really MC's best friend though?
Not him, but The Magic Circle had a few mindfucks in that vein. The ending is even better than that, actually.
That looks like a bee sting, though
But Junpei isn't the final boss in Persona 3, he's not even a boss.
Well it's not literally the same thing but The Magic Circle is entirely about that kind of thing, though the ending of the game was poorly performed
> arbitrary AI based "enjoyment" meter after everything the game was about
>It turns out the lackey is more ambitious/crazy/evil/powerful than the main villain
>The final boss is yourself
..It is?
The game was basically satirizing itself at that point.
Example ?
what game is this
Lone Survivor blue ending.
>you were a 4th-dimensional being the entire time
>Final boss is a comic relief character revealed to actually be stronger than all other enemies.
>main antogonist is you
>you aren't really you at all
>Final Boss is a fierce looking Kerog
>Final boss is the princess.
Turing Test?
>the final boss is the guy you've been protecting the whole game
>boss has your exact moveset except it's mirrored because he's left handed
Didn't Silent Hill do something like this?
indie platformer that just came out on steam
>final boss is a kid who you adopted who went into the future then came back in time
I always go to threads like this so I can find new ideas for my games
>the final boss is your idea for a game
>after defeating the final boss your weapon comes alive and tries to kill you
I come to this thread to try to recall any games with listed premises. Sometimes even mad shit somebody came up with on the fly already happened sometime somewhere.
>final boss is a kid you adopted, but neglected
>he still loves you
>he fights you using the same style
>he's sad
Infamous 2
I actually love this
eyes are shooped (dragged). Rest of it is legit. Doggo learned the hard way that you don't eat scorpions.
Wasn't there a website to do this and do the like shrink effect? I remember we had a recent thread about it but can'tfind it in the archive
I cant recall, but one of the splintercell games lets you fight your coop partner
>final boss is your best friend
>he holds nothing back against you
>he never has a moment of introspection
>he hates your guts till his dying breath
>you deserve it
Far Cry 2?
kingdom hearts 2?
name literally 5 game that do that
Every good Rockstar game pretty much.
I just have one, unfortunately
>final boss is your brother who's been missing for years but doesn't remember you
>spend whole fight hoping he does
>he finally remembers you
>he commits suicide right in front of you
>he dies in your arms
>Final boss is you from the future
>Final boss tries to prevent you from making the same mistakes