Anyone else fucking pissed about how melee is being treated this evo and tr4sh, 2 unreleased games...

Anyone else fucking pissed about how melee is being treated this evo and tr4sh, 2 unreleased games, and some anime garbage that won't even hit 500 entrants gets a Sunday spot over melee.

At least people love Melee

No one cares about the fighting games I like

>Why does this game that's had some of the best top 8 action of any series at Evo get a Sunday slot?
>I'd much rather watch Armada, Hungrybox, Mango, Mew2King and some random assortment of Plup/Westballz/(insert top 12 player here) fight for the 20th tournament in a row

This is why your game isn't on on Sunday. It's basically a solved game at this point. Forget about age, forget about muh displays, forget about your obnoxious fucking fanbase for five seconds and think about how utterly stale Melee is. You can claim the game is growing all you want, but there is zero variation in the part of the community that actually plays the game. There are a handful of good players left while the scrubs fight for scraps at the bottom of the battle. There is no Spark who played a mid-to-low character in Continuum Shift and pulls the tournament out from underneath everyone's nose. There is no Gamerbee from Thailand playing a character nobody gave a shit about and slaying veterans left and right. There is no Noah, a literal child that was able to win games by abusing the shit out of super armor.

Melee has no progression. Top 4 is all but guaranteed and the only reason it wouldn't be is if you put all four on the same side of the bracket for some reason. We can only the same four people fight so many times before it gets stale. You have more people watching and sitting in the crowd booing games that aren't yours, but nobody's actually playing at a level that's acceptable for competition. Melee is past that point. The complexity of the game has caught up to it, you can't possibly match a decade of experience and muscle memory, it's just never going to happen. So nobody new is playing the game, and the gap between the top 10 players and everyone else is huge, and there's no online scene to speak of. There are more new people SHITPOSTING ABOUT MELEE than actually putting time into the game.

Eat shit, but considering you're defending Melee you probably already do.


To be honest I'm a big meleefag and I don't care.

Watching it on Saturday is actually easier for me anyway.

Because staying up till 1 in the morning for someone to bracket reset armada and take it to game five has worn its luster and isn't necessary for a sunday when kids have school in the morning

[autistic screeching]

Shut up baby. Leffen and blur are whiny bitches crying about nothing.

if you haven't put an autistic frog it would be a good post
too bad you're a faggot

It's funny because the tier list changes almost every year, so he doesn't even know what he's talking about.

quads witnessed and confirmed

I love how no one was able to refute anything because they know it's true. Easy thread

>guys this F tier character got upgraded to E
>new meta here we come!!!!!1111

>Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiir!!! Why is game I don't like being overlooked for games I don't like.

Why are fighting game fans so delusional?

But user, I love HnK. I wish I could play it.

I'm sorry, what the fuck is the problem exactly? I'm a melee fan too, dont give a shit about the rest of the lineup especially not tr4sh. But it's still being played, who gives a fuck on what day?

Christ almighty, some people are just looking for a reason to get mad. lmfao.

Pretty much this, but personally I don't give a shit about competitive smash. I don't understand why people care so fucking much about which day the finals are played or if they are during "prime time" or not.

Not really. Nintendo paid to get Sm4sh a Sunday slot to promote the game and especially to promote the console that's dropping this year that'll obviously have a Sm4sh port. EVO is a business and you're asking them to rejective sponsorship and money because of... Honour? "Fairness"? I don't really understand what the argument is.

As a business decision this is smart of Mr. Wizard. Melee is the second highest viewed event at EVO by a long, long ways and this means that instead of one viewership spike from Melee up to Street Fighter on Sunday Mr. Wizard now has a viewership spike with Melee top 8 on Saturday and then another viewership spike on Sunday for Street Fighter which means he basically gets to go to advertisers and sponsors and sell Saturday advertisement blocks at a better prices because of higher Saturday viewership heights.


Meleefags are the absolute worst. You don't even want to play your game, you just want to watch your favorite players who you've given a cult of personality.

>mkx that low
wtf are you all straight or something

Holy shit dude you gave me a good laugh

I'm surprised that many people took the bait

quads of truth

Meele deserves worst, being treated like the shit it is.


>not having Toribash as the headline game

Cross posting:

"It's not designed to be a 1v1 fighting game. It's designed to be a 'party fighter'.

Therefore it should not be considered for EVO."

Smashfags blown the fuck out this early.

>complaining about zoning when melee matches are them camping on and off the ledge.


Plus, there is the bonus of Sunday being dead as fuck, and we can just point and laugh.

Oh look it's the FGC, aka the "smash news network" filling us in on the latest super smash bros. happenings.

Seriously, I play and watch melee as often as I can, and yet I still hear more on the topic from salty FGCucks who are constantly having an aneurysm because the fact that smash exists.

Just play your fucking trash heap that is Sleep Fighter V and stop whining


>Most watched
Street Fighter?


Conclusion doesn't follow the premises.

Honestly that entire thread is hilarious. Meleefags are so fucking pissed about it missing out on the Sunday slot.

The game is 16 years old now, OP. Let it go.

>tfw VO:OT has about 5 total players of note internationally

Why live?


>interlocking narratives
top kek this is kind of pathetic

This is correct.


melee is holding smash back.
it needs to be illegal

Clearly this autist doesn't know about Sm4sh's ludo-narrative dissonance.

>We do NOT need EVO anymore
Good. Fuck off and take your party games with you.

>I'd much rather watch Armada, Hungrybox, Mango, Mew2King and some random assortment of Plup/Westballz/(insert top 12 player here) fight for the 20th tournament in a row

This is what irks me about Melee the most. Love the game, but fucking hate that most tournaments are nothing more than the same "Gods" fighting each other over and over. I'm sure some new kid will come along but until then i'd rather play the game than watch it

Woah... people who doesn't suffer from a mental illness likes the better, faster game... who.. who would have thought?

Smash fags BTFO by autism
Good job user

Play a new game already. You're even sadder than competitive SF2 players. At least they don't complain that their ancient game gets pushed aside for the current release.

>i'd rather play the game than watch it
This is how it should be anyway. e-sports and the drama surrounding them are cancer.

>mfw smashbabbies do their handwarmies for their friendly ditto matches and argue about what moves are laggy and who is a john then complain about not having VIP setups and not getting floated past pools near me

No I am not pissed.

We have fucking major's up the ass this year and genesis 4 was fucking dope. Your in EVO what the literal fuck more do you want? Do you think not being in the arena is going to hurt the game in someway? Fuck off this game isn't going anywhere.

I swear to fucking god i love playing Smash but the community are a bunch of whiny sensitive cunts that need to grow a fucking pair.

Do smash babbies still think it was the most watched? If they stuck around for SF they would know that's not the case.


>pretending people don't shit on SFV all the live long day because even though it's a piece of shit, it still gets prime time slots


Isn't it getting a port to the Switch?

>but ESPN!

Right, people without mental illness prefer Smash 4.

Street Fighter was the most watched easily.

>b-b-but most of those viewers were only watching because they expected handegg!
>b-b-but Twitch is all that matters!
>b-b-but the game is such a flop they had to get ESPN to shill it!

Melee is a party game.

At least they are 4 fags, a game released less than a decade ago.

Why the hell is Saturday and Sunday such a big deal? They're both on the weekend.

>they expected handegg

No one watches football on espn 2 faggot.

Just let it go, you lost. No shame in being second.

Smash was on ESPN?

Well, it's not an actual fighting game, so i'm not surprised in the least.

Glad this is relevant again.


Goddamn nigga I can never get the afterburner kick + witch twist shit to work help i need git gud

your mom's a party game

In a few years Smash will be on ESPN2. It's going to happen.

based dyslexiabro

>r-r-real TV doesn't m-m-matter!

Yeah, but in Melee's case, Brawl was a piece of shit, and Sm4sh is the same turd except it's been polished and spray painted, so it makes perfect sense that the best game in the series with the most viewers get the best position in the series.

I don't even think Meleefags hate EVO, they seem to just hate Sm4sh getting in the way when basically no one gives a shit about it.

If it is it will be Sm4sh.

Sunday is the main final die and recently held in an e-sports arena.

So really it's just Meleebabbies being entitled little shits.

Why are you people so surprised Melee is there anyway? I can almost guarantee you that it makes more money than your game. Oh what's that? You like Virtua Fighter and think it's superior? Well why don't you go outside of your basement for once and play it outside? You believe BlazBlue is the best? Stop jacking off in your mom's bed and get to organizing a scene for it. Skullgirls is a good game? Alright, then organize more than 2 of your friends to go to major with you for it. You really think Mr. Wizard is going to spend a bunch of time and money catering to 10 guys versus a scene that will actually have lots of players that pay money for shit? This will kill Evo. You people are basically the equivalent of SJWs that want to have 5 guys catered to at the expense of the majority.

And this is coming from a person that plays King of Fighters.

calm down

yeah im sure they were all loving sf on ESPN

Fucking all around quality post m8

Not an argument

>v-v-view don't matter if they d-d-don't like it
I guess half of melee view don't matter then since people we're just waiting for main event

>one guy has a LoL picture
Not even being subtle.

Melee's numbers beg to differ. I'm sure Mr. Wizard can negotiate something with ESPN



All of these buttdevestated online heroes that still get triggered over Smash when many top FGC members like Justin don't mind the game at all. You all know we need the money, right? Smash brings in so much, it helps fund the rest of the event. If we only had games you like, e.g., dropped everything but your personal favorite game, Evo would be dead in a few years since you can't support an event on a few thousand pot monsters without moving the venue to a basement. I swear, you guys are begging to become esports millionaires so badly and don't realize that you have to make sacrifices by being around employees you don't like. Have any of you ever had a real job, like at all? No, McDonalds doesn't count.

>thinking Nintendo would allow a 16 year old game be broadcast over their newest game

Are you really this delusional?

>Melee on ESPN
Oh god the fallout of "why is there a party game on espn?" over twitter would be the best thing.

Mr. Wizard isn't an actual wizard. If they wanted to show Melee on ESPN they would need permission from Nintendo, and if they barely support the game as is i doubt they'd go that far.

And once again, no you can't claim fucking Fair Use on this

Get fucked Meleefagas, daddy Nintendo loves us and wishes you were never born. We get all the money, all the promotion, and all the Nintendo attention whole you're stuck with your pathetic grassroots community while we get a real circuit.

>hurr but muh viewers
>durr but muh gameplay
>curr but muh charismatic players/stories/whatever

Money talks, tards. We get into your Sunday slot thanks to cold hard cash and all the grassroots "heart" bullshit isn't going to beat out a bag of cold hard cash, enjoy your irrelevant timeslot on Saturday while we enjoy the limelight thanks to Nintendo not wanting to bury us.

Fucking screencapped

Based quads Kermit to the rescue

>You people are basically the equivalent of SJWs that want to have 5 guys catered to at the expense of the majority.
I didn't know Zoe Quinn played Melee.

Sad life of a korean brawlers fan.

I'll be honest. I wanted Ricki Ortiz to win Capcom Cup just to see people get angry about trannies on ESPN.

>screencapping a pasta
Please go back to where you came from.

so let me get this straight.

Smash is still in EVO, TWO Smash games infact, while other games are straight up DROPPED, and Smashfags are complaining because its on a different day?

You already know the top 4 of Melee anyway, while other games are completely up in the air. Sad!