Star Citizen thread

So tell me user, why do you love/hate SC?

Other urls found in this thread:

shit gameplay

its not coming out

awesome gameplay

Well it's in developpement, a project this big cannot be finished in a couple of years, it takes time to make a game of quality otherwise you get No man's sky


It's not worth having an opinion on it unless and until it releases. If it comes out then I'll look at it again and if it doesn't then who cares.

As someone who has been following SC from the start, that's pretty neato and I didn't know about it.

Course the face on the other hand looks a bit awful, but give it time and we might get Oblivion and Dark Souls style abominations with customisation

Apparently the head model is just placeholder atm

The only thing that's gonna get me to update is when they add customizable faces and more clothes, I'm a customization freak

Unreal amount of crowdfunding, they switched engines again because of shitty netcode, and the games no closer to release.

Also the ship pricing. Anyone who says that's going away on release should take a long hard look at Piranha Games and what they did to MWO.

Well, I've always wanted a Mass Effect type game where you actually get to fly spaceships with your friends. After researching who Chris Roberts was, I backed.

I'm usually one who cringes at cash shops, but you can earn everything in-game. So I never understood the whole "scam" meme.

don't forget to laugh at the faggots on who spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on this game.

>Switched engine to to get better netcode
>No closer to release
I'm perplexed by your retardation.

At this point there needs to be a fucking line drawn. To make a "perfect" space, galaxy somulator is god damn impossible. You need to pick ONE (flight sim, flight combat, exploration, fps,) as the main thing, and everything else is secondary. Star Citizen is getting overbloated to fulfill that kickstarter promise but lots of people are starting to not care anymore. I'm currently playing elite which main focus is space flight and combat. They're taking time and not making overblown promises that are practically unable to keep with this genre of a game.

>they switched engines again
Ah, the mandatory "I only know about this game from clickbait and shitposts on Sup Forums" post

Thanks for participating

They are fulfilling their promises but, it takes time , A LOT, and that's the problem. Recently most of the backers started to expect the game to be released in 2020.

Hey, yeah, good on Frontier for taking their time. The "walk around in your ship and customize your face" DLC is gonna be $40 like the "drive around empty planets" DLC, right?

Elite literally saw Star Citizen, jumped at it with "Hey you can crowdfund us too!", got massively underfunded and cut their losses with their promises and started making tiny, half-arsed additions to charge full price for, to make your console accessible misery of a space sim more tolerable (if you pay up).

Elite didn't focus on anything because it couldn't hope to achieve anything on just a few million.

Star Citizen got more than enough money to start, so they invested in multiple studios and manpower to produce two separate but linked games.

There's such a large gap between one indie game that only bests No Man's Sky in audio and UI design and two full priced AAA games there's no solid comparison to make in how space sims should be made.

There's a whole bunch wrong with this post:

>To make a "perfect" space, galaxy somulator is god damn impossible.

X3 says hi, literally the only two problems it has is the god awful UI and the means of getting around (that the AI has to use, and fails often at doing so to cause traffic jams in fucking space)

>Star Citizen is getting overbloated to fulfill that kickstarter promise

>getting overbloated
Stopped stretch goals at $60m and they were only at the level of "space plant" or "we throw a million at a team of linguistics experts to make our alien languages legit to learn, speak and write.

>lots of people are starting to not care anymore

[citation needed]
Spectrum is coming up next and you'll likely see a big spike in community activity, but only the roleplayers have ever been active after an initial purchase, sale or event like Citizencon to discuss.
Every other day besides those occasions is generally Sup Forums baiting for shitposts.

> I'm currently playing elite
baka desu senpai

I have played it a few times over the past year, and it feels like a pipe dream to me.

something that could be worked on for 20 years and still not be finished. There is something as a project too ambitios, and Star Citizen is it.

I'd take customization dlc over spending real fucking money on virtual shit that can be destroyed or stolen by assholes. This is why Eve online and Star Citizen partly is trash. You earn your money and ships in Elite. And it's quite moronic in general to allow retards to buy big ships so early because they don't know how to use it and multiple forum threads will crop up on how that brand new 250$ ship was wasted by a medium sized ship.



When though

You sure are fucking dumb

>until it releases
See you in 2030 then.

>over spending real fucking money on virtual shit that can be destroyed or stolen by assholes
Don't then? The ships aren't going to purchasable with real money once the game is actually out if it comes out

>t. Chris Robert
Keep chasing that dragon, maybe one year you'll catch it.

That's the point. No use following it month by month if it's going to take forever. I'd rather forget about it and then come back to it in a year or more and be pleasantly surprised by all the new stuff.

t. Derek Smart

It's still a fucking shitty business practice. How about making real missions so you can afford a ship without coughing up some shekels? It's okay to rip off elite like Civil war's and planetary scans.

>How about making real missions so you can afford a ship without coughing up some shekels?
That's exactly what they are gonna do though

If it wasn't for the early whales throwing thousands at virtual ships this game wouldn't have half the funding that it has now.

Meanwhile I bought a starter pack for £30 and have already got my moneys worth, might even get a full game at the end of it.

>I enjoy having actual content and gameplay put behind a paywall because some people are idiots


Lets play a game.

You all tell me how Star Citizen is not going to become '4k Eve' and then take some time to understand why you're wrong.

I wouldn't say your missing much considering you never see your pilots face and you can go mining in asteroids.

Because you control a player not a ship, and because the ship combat is WoW-esqe automatic garbage with lock on lazer beams?

>planetary landing
>tactical fps

could go on for a long time

Can you flip people off in EVE?

You have to prove your stament before asking us to do the opposite
I'd rather have the whale money go to the devs than chinks


Is there any way to automatically notify me say, on my email whenever they have some free weekend shit? I awant to try it out but always miss those.


That's some fucking high quality space simulator gameplay right there. Wtf I love Star Citizen now!

Most mmos take like ~7-10 years to make. IT's only been about 4 ish

Spotted the Star Citizen cultboy

I got your space right here

What's the significance of 2011?
I hope you don't mean when Star Citizen started development because that was 1990 when Chris came up with the idea.

And everyone knows he took over from the concept of the Ultimate Video Game from back in something like the 50s?

It's like I'm really playing Superman 64!

didn't get full funding until 2012, started to rebuild game afterwards.


>ringed racing
Is that it? Are there even capital ships in the game? Can you upgrade your internal modules? How about Civil wars?

The game is vaporware. Hard to have an opinion about something that does not exist

since they started fundraising i knew it would never be even close to complete until at least q3 2018, so i have no problem with the development pace.

i have a SEVERE problem with them removing free aim from the FPS module though.

Coming soon(tm)

You dont know what vaporware means.


Already in year 6.
Okay. Year 5.
>started to rebuild game afterwards.
So development before that is not counted?
They also rebuild parts of their game last year. So back to year 1 again?

Kek, and they say Elite Dangerous doesn't have content. Elire is probably the only space sim game that lets you solo and fuck up a calital class dreadnought if you upgrade tour ship right.

>Is that it
No, there's a mini persistent universe with missions, a ship deathmatch mode and an on foot deathmatch mode

Yeah, with that patented automatic lock on beam gameplay, epic for the win!

>until at least q3 2018
2020 is the most realistic and even that is too optimistic.

I can't afford the full game

>automatic weapons are bad
Only good for big ships whe you're too fucking fat to manover your aim. And turret weapons afe the weakest compared to gimballed or manual. And it's about more than just "automatic weapons" to fuck up a capital ship by yourself. And you can't do that in Scam Citizen.

I didn't backed it but I hope it will be finished soon.
last patch show some advancement but I think 3.0 will actually show if the game will go somewhere or will crash.

Chris Robert mistake was to drop unrealistic deadline to everything

Elite korean grindfest and the dev team ftroop are shit.

Its a single player barely space sim. It simulates the boring of space and combines it with the arcade action of a game ridden with bugs. When the ai just combines the fire rate of multi cannons with plasma accelerators or just plain doesnt show up in sectors of space or when the lazy dev team has to have some guy pulling you out of shittercruise to add tension to long haul.....yeah its a shit game.

>you can't fuck up a big giant ship in Star Citizen
yes you can though

I don't believe the hype.

They can bloat the game as much as they want, if the core gameplay is bad the game is going to be bad, and so far I've seen nothing exciting in that corner.

pretty sure there's a newsletter you can sign up to

They had a big sale on the smallest packages during christmas, too bad you missed it.

Star Citizen is the leading example of gamers having more money than common sense.

I understand the first kickstarter but after that is pure idiocy.

smaller ones yeah,netcode ain't there for bigger ships yet
think it's just weapons and missiles now
no,there's 4 alien races though(mongolian fishes,jap birds,jewish turtles and lizards)

>playing it with a joystick is impossible

>gamepad controls are a total fucking mess, they screwed them all up in a recent patch

and fuck flying spaceships with mouse and keyboard

wtf are they doing

Can you engage in non-consensual PvP without the other person whining at you for it or trying to Alt-F4 out of the game in Elite?

>'4k Eve

Its 4k Freelancer

>have ship worth 14 million

>all missions give like 200k max

>zone out for one second and crash while docking, LOL 14 MILLION GONE

It will be shit since we won't have private servers and I am unwilling to grind in Multiplayer only to be blown away by clan ultranerds + pay2win bastards who camp at all the space stations and shoot people down for the sole reason of GRIEFING.

Because that is EXACTLY what I would do if I had 10.000$ to spend on ships in this fucking pay2win bullshit game


Why does OP keep posting a thread for shitposting? Seriously. Why? Every time these threads get posted it's full of nothing but

>Scam, not even a real game, scam scam not coming out, scam

Is OP actually mentally retarded? Is he just doing it to farm some sort of weird meta bait?

>playing it with a joystick is impossible
What are you, casul?

>gamepad controls are a total fucking mess, they screwed them all up in a recent patch
What are you, casul?

>and fuck flying spaceships with mouse and keyboard
What are you, casul?

>wtf are they doing
git gud

I am saying that Multiplayer will be all the pay2win idiots blowing away every player that wants to have a different experience (trade, exploration, roleplay)

Multiplayer will be a grief-fest unlike of anything that has ever been seen.
mark my words, niggas.

>won't have private servers
it will/should
or you could just play the campaign?

No, they confirmed that a privately hosted server can only host a few planets (4-5) and about 1000-2000 NPCs whereas the full multiplayer game has about 50 planets (or more, by now) and a huge number of NPCs.

Man, what kind of idiot would willingly play a game where there's no insurance system to ensure your time and monetary investment in a ship, its equipment and its cargo aren't completely wasted if you die?

"By scope, I mean scale or size - the private servers won't be simulating 20 million NPCs, or the dynamic economy for 100+ systems, etc.

Beyond that, we don't know what the limitations will be. It's likely to be more than just a couple of systems and just you playing - but we don't know the details. In fact, at this stage, I don't think CIG know the details either - they're focused on getting the online server working first, before they start working out how to make it work as a standalone server."

>Dont want to play with other players
What's a MMO?

>They confirmed

Source. If from a video, I want a specific timestamp. You don't go making claims like this without sources. Because you're also making shit up in your claims like

>only 50 planets

google it


its not a pay2win game even if you spent 10k on the capital ship YOU NEED actual people to fly the thing, its literally pay2notgrind since you can earn those ships eventually just by playing

I don't like its ships, technological aesthetics, UI, sound effects, music, gameplay and retarded CEO.

The whole "StarCitizen" is only good for laughing at idiots.

I don't play pay2win games, simple as that.

>Google it

Okay, as I thought you have no actual source. As per the norm in these threads. The other user also linked a FORUM POST. I see no dev responses in there.

Oh, and what do you think happens when all the noobs meet clan ubernerd at the spawn points and they just kill them for the lulz just like people in DayZ or any other game with open PVP like that do.

there are numerous devs posting in that thread and also linked in the posts.

The whole discussion revolves around WHAT they confirmed.

please read the sources I provide, you underage faggot.

What are you fucks doing? Post some damn WEBMS.

>it's entirely player driven there are no NPCs or any kind of system in place to prevent this sort of thing it's just going to be one big rape like my japanese animes

The "scam" is that there are thousands dollar ships you can buy to fly in a video game, but they're not implemented yet and there is no real guarantee they ever will be. Hence the "buying jpegs" meme.

Also, once they release Squadron 42 they'll have met all their baseline kickstarter goals, so there's speculation that they'll take the money and run having met everything they "promised" starting out.

If you had enough faith to back it, then good for you, I hope you get what you expected.

If they prevent it then it is inferior to Elite: Dangerous and even Freelancer in that regard.

You will see.
Star Citizen will be pure Griefing.

>I know literally nothing but I need to have my say
Okay, that's the last (You) for you, fagbait

Where? I'm pretty certain the Developers actually have some sort of icon next to their name which signifies they are a developer. Or their post has a different color background. I see none.

>Please read the sources I provide

So I should read the forum post you provided that has no developers in it, is composed of nothing but people speculating and is from 2015? Listen, I get that you faggots want a Tortanic 2.0, but this is getting ridiculous to outright lie. Since when have anons become Sean Murray but to try to kill anyone's excitement for a game?

>people who are fortunate enough to piss away money like that have nothing better to do than troll in online video games

trust me, you're just projecting, i have a starfarer that can blow up small ships in the free roam universe in literally 1-2 hits, and i only did it a couple times to test how powerful it is

maybe if you werent so inclined to waste your time being a le ebin troll you could actually afford to have a life, or instead buy virtual ships for a game that isnt out yet like me, lmao

only when i meet furfags, or males who have a female avatar

hello >>>reddit