Yellowing plastic

>Yellowing plastic
Who thought this was a good idea?

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sI per nintendo now available in cum yellow

more importantly, who thought mixing up yellowing plastic with normal plastic together -- it wouldn't look so bad if it was uniform, could even think of it as a feature

Huh, mine is still the normal color.

If your cum is yellow, you have an infection.

It's fine. Nintendo did it so its OK.

Looks like someone urinated on it and it's been dried for years.


that reminds me of that greentext of this guy with chunky beige cum. Someone please post it.

Don't forget to change your batteries on your OOT and Majora's Mask carts!

Next one was awesome tho

If it's like midsoles of nike and adidas shoes, you can try with hydrogen peroxide.

Spread it with a brush, cover with wrap, let it sit under sunlight in a good hot sunny day and it should whiten back.


like the snes, it gets yellow if you preserve it in a bottle for a long time

Did the ones released in late 1993, early 1994 turn yellow?

Did someone leave this in direct sunlight for 10 years or something? That's the worst I've seen.

Yeah cause the sugars start to ferment.

This is why all consoles should be matte black

I thought it's a cardboard box from the thumbnail

Why don't consoles and handhelds come in clear plastic any more? Those were the best.

Many of the electronics in the 90s had a flame retardant chemical in the plastic that turns them yellow over time.

I don't have it


Looks cheap

Because people is more knowledgeable and there is internet, so people can rekt them apart if they can see cheap electronics inside.

It didn't when I whitened my mitsumi keyboard or my shoes.

The worst it can happen is that your hands will go white and you'll feel burned wherever acid has made contact, because duh, it's a fucking acid. Use gloves and that's it.

That was a very '90s thing.

Looks cheap and ugly.

Makes it look like a toy

And then they fucked up again

The price of making it out of the hardest metal known to man, Nintendium.

Flimsy black plastic also looks cheap, but that doesn't stop them from using it.

>Yo senpai, I heard you like to have big cums so we made a Super Nintendo with dat dried smegma look.

But video games are toys

U.S. Legend of Zelda covers aren't gold, the Japanese and Nintendo just despise Americans so much that they take those extra few months leaving the shipments for the U.S. in the room everyone takes their smoking break in, giving them that nice yellowy tint. They did the same with certain OoT cartridges.

Confirmed for not using a cum rag

Fucking normie

Are DVD players toys too?

But it is a toy

You don't play a DVD player, you fucking mongoloid

Clear colorful plastic are the "corny over-the-top 80s movie" of gadgets.
I posted that and acted all nostalgic, but now my gadgets are actually full of those sleek modern machines.

When I actually think about it I'm just a nostalgiafag.

Blame Apple. I'm serious.

You play a DVD tho

I just cum on my spongebob blanket


You probably stored it somewhere that doesn't get a lot of sunlight.


People do realize this was painted right? Nobody here is actually this retarded are they?


user i....

My SNES was painted blue when I got it so that's never been an issue.

Yellowing is an actual problem though you retard

>mfw I have a clear red plastic 2DS
Honestly it's refreshing to have a console that isn't a generic shiny/matte black

No shit you fucking retard and you can see the natural yellowing on the cartridge slot

you're acting like many companies did this when in reality only Nintendo and to a lesser extent sega did.

You cum is the same color as your skin.

White skin = white cum
Black skin = black cum
He's probably just some chink really

>black cum

I want the blue one but they don't produce them any more. GG no re Nintendo

What is it that makes the plastic go yellow?
I have a few systems from the same year, and one is quite yellow and the other almost looks entirely new aside from having turned a little bit in one of the corners.

It was a chemical error that happened while making the plastic

Same with how the 3DS' first model you couldn't simply close the thing without the bottom screen scratching the top horribly.

Later SNES models fixed that issue, only the very first ones have gone yellow

reminds me of the pony fucker who put pony dolls in jars of cum

overexposure to sunlight and/or smoking indoors

Do you smoke OP? lol


The N64 Zelda games use EEPROM to store save data. They don't use batteries.

works on my machine :^)

>shit analog stick
>no games
You're easy to please.

Nintendrones will defend this

If your nut ain't black as fucking coal you ain't a real nigga.

it's the bromine that's mixed in with the plastic, to lower the flammability of the case
all you gotta do is mix some retr0bright and add xanthan gum or arrowroot to it to make a gel, then slap that shit on and put it under a UV lamp (or the sun)

Post the monochrome version.

Stop pissing on it

All game companies made controllers in clear plastic though up until a few years ago.

You can still get them like that. Heck Ducky makes keyboards like that


1. Bromine
2. That isn't yellow, have your eyes checked.

Truly the pinacle of artistic expression.

What did the mod mean by this?

He doesn't like cum

Yeah, remember that one Gameboy that survived the Dresden bombing in WW2?

Shit's awesome and unbreakable.

That's definitely a shade of yellow.

Jordans do it too.. It's a chemical thing, however, the yellowing is kinda coveted by sneaker heads

is this a meme
am I being memed
this is a meme right

I wasn't aware Gold under the Orange Spectrum was Yellow.

>Not posting the Pikachu version

Naw dude nintendo has been around for over 100 years. Theres still working gameboys from WWII that work.

To a degree yes.

It's from desert storm and only reason the screen works is because the soldier sent it in to nintendo and the tech heard Tetris still working. Replaced the screen and good as new

what do you think

That's very clearly closer to yellow than it is orange. Maybe you need to have your eyes checked?

>ever needing more than 50 games

Look at how yellow that is!

Did everyone chip their console on the right side between the enclosure top/bottom?


Also you can remove the yellow color pretty easily.

Nintendium is the hardest metal known to man.

The way they produced plastic during the 70-90s made it go yellow when aging.

No thats diamonds
Mods are asleep post cum

What's wrong jannykun are you craving my mcnuggies?



you fucking retard, you must be thinking that "home made crystals" bullshit

jesus christ

smoke is the best