Who is the best female character?


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>Nero Claudius
The shit taste is real.

Are there any mounted characters that fight from horseback in the game ?

I unironically love Lancer Artoria's armor

>Cu Chuulain ran off to find a certain "someone" in the epilogue
>Karna and Lu Bu are out exploring the unclaimed lands of the Moon Cell
>Humans and NPCs have started returning to the Moon Cell
>Vlad is mentioned to be around somewhere
>Corrupted Liz is still around
>Mathman is alive and well too and still trying to call Velber to the Moon Cell

There's going to be a sequel. The question is when.

And also what excuse will they come up with to age Altera back up to Hero form.

>Nero is on top
Umu, umu!

Definitely not Nero, Arturia and Tama are miles ahead of her. I've started to take a liking to Altera. I'm hoping for Scat to show up in the sequel.

>Make a character that is 10% actually based on the historic person and 90% waifu bait
>win polls

Everything after CP and Zero was a mistake

Also her tits.

If you don't pick Altera you might be retarded.

I just hate how Altera's sword looks. It's like a fucking Popsicle.

Basically everything after 2011

>11 wise men on this board
You beautiful souls give me hope

Bow before the emperor.

dumb angry fujo

I agree. It's hard to believe that both the Sword of Mars and Aestus Estus were designed by Huke.

>Gil remembers you from CCC

wish i could be fucked to learn japanese so i could play that game

>ywn huff Artoria's pantyhose

Emperor of being fucked over


Huke's Altera looks so sad, Extella's style does her so much more justice

It's probably the same Nerofag that was shilling the game in the last thread.

How can one not be sad when they see the state of the Fate series in 2017?

Sorry but It's not my fault the Men have become the only servants with a consistent character that isn't "I want to fuck the self insert"

Huke's problem is that he's about as consistent as pigeon shit. Some of his works are fucking amazing, some of them look like utter garbage. Altera and her sword are a perfect example.

I thought I was a nerofag till I met Altera. Now I've seen the light.

go away filthy pig, this franchise isnt yours anymore and im glad you're angry at that fact
zero was a mistake, but thankfully GO saved us from the dirty fujos

3 votes

>tfw no re-release with bonus features of Extra and CCC to the PS4 and it gets localized.

The only way I'll die happy.

>Sorry but It's not my fault the Men have become the only servants with a consistent character that isn't "I want to fuck the self insert"

This is why I can't take fujo's seriously. Literally so blinded by your own bias that you can't realize it's the same fucking shit. Your husbando's are as flippant as their female counterparts.

>pick Tamano or Nero
>Play male
>They want to fuck you
>play Female
>they still want to fuck you

>Pick Archer
>Play Female
>He kind of wants to fuck you
>Play Male
>Become bro's

Leave cancer that kills all it touches.

3 more than she deserves.

Would've been weird if Archer of all people turned gay.

i see nothing wrong with that
yuri is fine, male homosexuality is a meme that should be eradicated and all gay men should be killed

Yeah because he actually has a character beyond "wants to fuck you"

What female characters fit that description besides Nero and Tamamo?


My african brethren speaking the truth.

Yeah I don't want my penis to be eradicated by her claws

>has a character
Bitch please. He has much less character than both Nero and Tamamo, especially after Extella. And no, FSN Archer is not the same character as Extra Archer.

But Archer already has a pre established personality before Extra.

Tamamo and Nero didn't. They wanting to fuck you regardless of gender doesn't mean they have no personality.

dont try to argue with the filthy pig, reason does not work on her kind

Guys, help. I bought the Vita version but I'm playing on a PS TV. How do I use Noble Phantasm since it requires me to touch the screen?
I tried enabling the in-game touch screen cursor, but it won't appear when I press L3/R3.
Is there a bind on the controllerby any chance? How do PS4 bros do it?

>How do PS4 bros do it?
You use R1 and R2 to activate Moon Crux and Noble Phantasm.

>L2 and R2

Out of the relevant Fate waifus featured in Extella

Artoria > Nero > Jeanne > Altera > Medusa > Elizabeth > DAAKU ELI

Archer remembers "you" from Extra too.
They're both there because they feel the need to protect you, secretly.

>Gil is a male tsundere


Fuck you

>Archer flips back and forth between all these timelines (Archer here is the same one from Extra AND Fate/Stay Heaven's Feel AND Shirou from Fate/Stay normal route)
>He has to carry ALL of that suffering with him
For fuck's sake Nasu give him a break this is too much

>there are people who wouldn't choose having a cute giant brown waifu

You cling to that day. Your memories of that man saving you and the joy on his face! You wanted that same happiness he had saving you. These ideals of yours aren't even your own.

Counter Guardians have a rough life.

tfw ywn be one

She's too autistic for me. Altera works better as a daughterfu.

Plus, Nasu is clearly working him up to be a grand servant, considering all of the weapons he has now observed and can recreate in UBW. After Extella it's probably upgraded from A++ to Ex ranking since he could theoretically recreate the sword of mars now given enough mana

He will never stop killing and killing and killing

Why doesn't Archer just get over it?

I wouldn't mind if they rereleased this game with online support

He does at the end of UBW

Can we talk about how much of a doof Gawain is instead

Is Galahad a servant yet?

Galahad is but he fused with Mashu (Shielder). His NP is broken.

It's like he half-asses everything he can get away with. Look at Okabe's face in practically any S;G/0 CG.

>He has much less character than both Nero and Tamamo
Sup Forums once again proves itself to be the absolute worse place to discuss Fate yet again.
No, seriously, you will never see someone this delusional anywhere else. I really hope you're just a secondary.

Too bad that Archer doesn't exist lol

You get serious delusion everywhere you discuss Fate, user. It comes with the turf because the premise is so appealing to 12-year-olds.

Why is the Extraverse and its fans so awful?

It had pretty nice details if you knew about the VNs, like what counters could you pull off.

Because a lot of it is just shameless waifubait
The original Extra's gameplay was fucking awful but the story and themes it explored were pretty good but it looks like Extella pushes the romance aspect of a Master/Servant relationship a lot and that draws in a less-than-desirable crowd
I don't know about CCC because EOP

So Extra was the downfall of the series?

Hollow Ataraxia was even more of a shameless waifubait.

HA was a fandisk it by definition is 100% fanservice.

It was also a sequel, and unlike F/Z it's canon.

F/Z is not canon yet it is heavily referenced in HA? I'm tired of the shitposting.

How so?

Ataraxia came out a year before Zero even began publishing, you retard.

Have you played it? It's 90% waifubait and fanservice and 10% plot.

>Dark Erzabet that low

C'mon guys.

>all these Nerofags
Best emperor. Best wife. Best girl.

>Medusa last

now i know most of you have not played the original game or HA.

She's a different character here though.

Of course not, most people that actually like Extrashit enough to play it have only played that or GO.

To be fair though, the 10% plot is some of the most focused and best writing in the fucking franchise.
Also while the other 90% is SoL, most of it really isn't waifubait. At least not as much as Extella is.

F/Z is canon you tard.
Don't even post that retarded "required reading list for Fate GO" image, everyone by now knows what it actually means.

Zero is a mere spinoff. Even Grand Order's joke events are more canon.

No it's not. Nasu said that himself, he doesn't consider Zero canon because that's not how he imagined the backstory when he wrote FSN.

Where's your source?

You can stop shitposting, because
1. Zero, or events very close to it, precede the events of Fate/Stay Night
2. Even if it didn't, all universes and content are canon, just take place in different timelines.

Zero was done and approved by him before he even finished UBW and Heaven's Feel.

The Rin.

>I was writing the Fate Saber route at the time, and was sent into the hospital near my house due to illnesses. TYPE-MOON was still doujin at the time, and Fate was yet a fledgling draft with four main routes including an Ilya route. Takeuchi, who thought ‘if there’s only Nasu doing the work we’ll never finish it’, asked me: “Is there a writer you think as trustworthy who can write some stories to be inserted into plot?”
>Urobuchi-san thought ‘Zero is a story based on Fate. So it’s better if Zero doesn’t become available to the public before Fate is released.’ Therefore, after waiting for a year, it was finally released in the winter of 2006. That’s how things went.

Look who is calling who a retard.

This, also F/Z references in HA.

>Shirou: Wait, Saber. are octopuses really a no-go? You ate them just like that until now.
>Saber: D-Don't tell me... I never thought that this "octopus" you speak of is... the demonic fish itself?! ... What is this... The netherworld's evil god that wouldn't die no matter how much I cut it... was what I tasted back then...!


>I was thinking of asking you to write an additional story for Fate/hollow ataraxia. The text you turned in that became Fate/Zero was amazing. Many anime fans want there to be a lot of cute bishoujo characters in the work, and while they work hard to meet those needs, Iwakami, an important producer at Aniplex, wasn't satisfied just by doing that. I suggested that he tackle Fate/Zero, a dark and serious story full of raw emotion. He had the resolve, and that's how they ended up adapting Fate/Zero.
>With the 4th volume, “Fate/zero” can no longer be called a side story, but a story that truly connects with canon. Different though their forms of expression may be, if they can support and complement each other then “zero” is no longer 0, but could even surpass the fully-developed ‘1’.

>>With the 4th volume, “Fate/zero” can no longer be called a side story, but a story that truly connects with canon
So it's fucking settled then
Get over it, Nasu considers it canon.

Not him, but the first volume of Fate/Zero is older than all routes except Fate route. Nasu wanted to write about the fourth war and realized he still had to finish the VN. He was hospitalized and still working on Fate route. That's when he contacted Gen Urobutchi. His idea was for him to publish Fate/Zero before FSN but Butcher told him that it would better to wait a few years. They finished the story on parallel with Fate route. It seems like they just held up to do the final version and publish it only after Fate got popular.

They felt because the theme they were trying to handle was so massive, they couldn't fit all of that into the game. Because Heaven's Feel IV is something that would take up so much effort and time, rather than force it into the game, the team started up its own separate project: Fate/Zero.

So how does it feel sharing your waifu and having sloppy thirtieths?

>At least not as much as Extella is.
I wouldn't say so. Extella is just more focused on specific characters while HA was all over the place. Besides, HA had actual porn in it, as well as a metric fuckton of pure waifubait fanservice, not just SoL.

Yes, that's the point.
Nasu decided to let Uro write Fate/Zero for him because it was too ambitious to take on by himself.
He was very happy with the end product, and that's why it's canon.

Zero is a mere spinoff. Even Grand Order's joke events are more canon.

You already posted that shitposterkun.
I know how much you hate Zero out of contrarianism, but Nasu has stated it's canon.