What were the best games of 2007?

what were the best games of 2007?

Did bioshock and half life 2 episode 2 really release the same year? What the fuck

To be honest this image really covers most of them

yea, bioshock in august, episdoe 2 in october, crazy

What the fuck? Prime 3 came out in 2007? The way those metroidfags complain I thought it was at least 2004, Jesus Christ.


Easiest suicide method? I don't want to become an old man and this image is a brutal reminder.

To be fair it was a larger wait than the one between Super Metroid and the next, and that one came with TWO games with prime and fusion



games suck now compared to this

welp, it happened
Sup Forums is nostagan over modern warfare
i'm out
pls help me leave

eh idk if its really worse now
pick the highlights of any year and omit the shit and you will think it was a good year for vidya
also you were probably 12 in 2007 which is peak nostalgia forming time

You can't, didn't you read the banner?

Remove persona it's a weeb game

kill yourself


2007 was always considered one of the best years in gaming.

Most of those games are still some of the best of their genres or the best in their series.

Lol, Which ones?

2007 was the beginning of the end. Valve invents loot crate cancer, most of the rest are casualizations of their IP, and we see the beginning of XBL squeakers. Oh, and Big Bang Theory began that year.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

>Valve invents loot crate cancer
in 2007? dumbass

Modern Warfare was a good game. The hate for the series started sometime after the release of Modern Warfare 2 because they kept using the same engine.

>loot crate cancer
>the beginning of XBL squeakers
Thanks for confirming that everyone who believes in the 2007 horseshit is underage as fuck

Triple A games have only gotten worse. Last year didn't only had like, one, maybe 2 good triple A games. Indie games are really stepping it up though, so I guess it's still even with the past.

>also you were probably 12 in 2007 which is peak nostalgia forming time
I was 12 in 1993, when I got my first PC. 1993 had 30 pretty great releases on PC alone.

All of them except Assassin's Creed.

Lucky, my first computer was the iMac in '96. All I had before that was the NES.

In 2007, Valve starts to drop single player experiences in favor of multiplayer. Goodbye Half Life!

Never understand the praise for Crysis. It looks good but that's it. Every game is just boring. Honestly that's Crytec in a nutshell. Can make a pretty game but not a good game other than the original Far Cry.

The nanosuit sets it apart from most other FPS.

The real reason is that the PC versions of the games started getting shafted with MW2. The engine being recycled was just an ancillary talking point and didn't even matter much since the games were probably among the most optimized ones on consoles.

Megaman ZX Advent, the last interesting one before MM9 hamstrung the series' future.

I remember liking Far Cry over Crysis.

keep moving the goalpost

To be fair, basically everything that ruined triple A gaming was in Gen 7. There was hints of it in Gen6, but it really ramped up in Gen 7.

i think its getting a little too expensive and risky for AAA games now
you see so many of them fall on their faces

seems that way
what more specifically would you say introduced in gen 7 ruined it?

It is all downhill after this year.

Imo, it all stems from Halo. Because of halo, pay for online was normalized. Halo is the game that first started getting bros/casuals/normies into gaming. Halo 2 removing the health bars and purely doing shield is what all other FPS games do. The bros/casuals/normies are now getting into video games after being exposed somehow to Halo 1/2. 360 comes out, Halo 3 announced, they want it. People buy 360 en masse, showing they don't care about paid online, and they just want to "shoot some niggas" online. The sales boosts they gave to the more lenient and "cooler" looking games, is ultimately what did in gaming on a console imo.

This pretty much covers it for me. AAA games are turning into bullshit cinematic experiences, but indie games are getting good.

>To be fair, basically everything that ruined triple A gaming was in Gen 7.
Essentially it was in Xbox.
If Sony hadn't fucked up the PS3, the gaming landscape would have looked entirely different.
Xbox killed video games (and that was its original intention).

Also, Nintendo would've been in a better place if the Wii had the sales of the WiiU.

Exit bag.


Best game on the DS and best game of the year imo

>HL2:e2 on there twice