Risk of rain thread
N-no host
Risk of rain thread
N-no host
Other urls found in this thread:
Thats adorable omg
Do you think Miner and Mercenary are always having pissing contests over who's better even though acrid and HAN-D outclass them both?
delet this
don't mind me just the best class walking through
>acrid and HAN-D jobbing a boss
>get back to base and Miner and Merc stole cred again
engie is my favorite class because he doesn't get fucked by desync
>HAN-D and acrid are like a man and his dog
>they go around punching shit to death
>HAN-D doesn't understand emotion aside from his protective instinct for acrid
>after killing providence they try to throw acrid out
>HAN-D stabs a broom through someone's chest in protest
>they let it be
What do you think Sniper's relationship with his drone is like Sup Forums?
Well played anonymous.
hello can someone host please thank you bye
Lets try this once and for all.
I'll try right away.
Ryuujou is ______
Nope, doesn't work.
doesn't work senpai
failed to connect
smol and flat
Today sucked.
I'll say it to myself
>southamerican connections
It grieves me to hear that, got assigned more unreasonable homework today again?
Among other things, yes.
Hey Idol.
Get out Idol.
What would those other things be?
They ran out of parking passes for the parking garages so now I have to park off campus, so I have to get up earlier to catch the bus. I also had two pop quizzes today.
But so is the way of life. It'll be worth it when all is said and done.
That blows, hopefully you did well on your pop quizzes.
Want me to host you a quick Risk of Rain game DeSu, Idol rules?
I'm good, but thanks for asking. I try to not let these things get to me.
Glad to see you try to keep a positive attitude, may the rest of your day go splendidly DeSu.
>I don't get maps with artifact spawns
How am I supposed to beat him with a normal run?
Get lucky with the RNG drops
Engi: Repair 40 or so drones
Huntress: Collect enough monster logs
That's fucking cute.
I don't know how to enjoy this game solo. Always feels like I'm spending all my time running away. Any suggestions?
What character?
Han-D or Enforced if you're not playing with glass. They are pretty good at crowd control so you dont need to worry that much about running away.
If you have glass on then well, I'm afraid I cant tell you much.
Forward your ports and host. Also stack hooves.
Is the console version any good? Local co-op sounds pretty nice and it's pretty awkward on PC.
The console version works fine from what I hear, the only problem is that the online is dead.
Searched for a steam group, didn't find one, made one myself.
If you can host games, I'll give you badmin.
Na, fuck off.
rip in pieces 4th Sup Forums ror steam group
Dead before it even began.
Gone and also forgotten.
Host when?
>monster logs>>
I thought so, but I can't get any to drop, what do?
Play more.
There really isnt a better way to get more than just hoping they drop, but I suppose you could farm them on stages with enemies whose logs you dont have
Kill monsters until they drop.
I wonder if we'll see the day where we reach 500 replies but no hosts.
Why wait? I say we try doing it now!
it works, gtfi here
Not working for me.
Check your port, there are 6+ people in here
6/10 leaving in 2 if no one shows
I'm in now, had to retype it
Cute boat dude.
Cute Streamer-chan dude
this might look bad but one of our loaders has 3 alien heads you pussy
Did they fix the infinite spawns on boar beach?
asking for a friend
Didn't save me anyway, got lag killed.
How is that even possible, just hold down X.
I was, not sure how. That's what I get for being a fag who made the game boring though.
Where you standing in lava when it happened?
There's no lava in the final level.
Can someone post the guide pic? Is it in the archive? If I find it I'll post it
It's posted in every other thread so you're guaranteed to find it by combing the archives eventually.
Found it
>the old version again
Seriously, which one of you fucks spammed this in the previous threads? Does the original creator of this guide not play the game anymore? I know for a fact he posted a tweaked version, but apparently nobody saved it.
I'm going to have to look through the archives myself.
That's the new guide? Is this good?
Both are great, one shows which items are best to build with each character and that one shows the tiers of items.
Host please let me know when you're open again famalam
The E34 guide is almost 2 years old now.
This guide is fucking retarded. Why take amethyst as Enforcer? If the enemy is too strong to kill before it reaches you, just get a Thqwib and one-shot it.
In fact, just delete Amethyst from this entire guide. It's only use is to cheat the game as Bandit. Shield, Watch, and Thqwib are the only acceptable orange picks for metagaming. Disposable Missile Launcher is a common noob pick but the damage is only 1/10th of the Thqwib.
It's a good guideline. Don't be such an autist over small details, I didn't make the guide.
Amethyst is situational. The big draw of it is how short the cooldown is, hell, it's shorter than Acrid's V skill.
No, it's not. The author was a noob and it shows.
>bandit and mercenary, two of the spammiest characters getting told to take lenses instead of rusty blades, sticky bombs, or soldier syringes
Amethyst is good on Chef if you don't have a scepter, but Shattered Mirror does the same thing and even buffs your normal attacks to boot. I can't think of many situations where you'd even want Amethyst in a command game.
Then make you're own guide and stop complaining.
It would be easier if you just stop calling this guide good desu
Better yet I'll just delete the character recommendations and leave the useful/taboo section, the only good part of the guide.
I've never seen anyone besides this guide advocate for getting other greens before 8 clovers.
is anyone hosting or should I host
you should host