Thanks for voting for me, Sup Forums! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make all of your Japanese video games more expensive to purchase and discourage niche companies from even bothering to localize!
Make America Great Again!
Thanks for voting for me, Sup Forums! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make all of your Japanese video games more expensive to purchase and discourage niche companies from even bothering to localize!
Make America Great Again!
>weeb faggots BTFO by based Trump
>not an autistic weeaboo
Oh look, does fuck all to me.
Stay mad, Pedro.
You know your life is never going to amount to anything when you get upset over the hypothetically more expensive video games under a fiscally conservative presidency.
If this means I don't have to see weebshit posted here anymore, I'm all for it
Most weebs voted for Trump for the memes, so it's funny to see them fucked over.
I legitimately love Trump. He's an amazing dude.
>so it's funny to see them fucked over.
>Trump will make anime real
real expensive that is.
>Weebs getting BTFO and betrayed
Fucking hell I love this. Hopefully Sony and Nintendo go bankrupt in a few years after this.
you're right, I'm more concerned about Great Recession 2: Electric Boogaloo that would come about through a trade war with China (God forbid a real "hot" war). But at least we'll have lower taxes for people making more than $200,000/year.
He's seriously on his way to getting all his campaign promises done by spring, the fuck is he going to do for the next 4 years?
>tfw there will be no need for escapism in trumps america
Best timeline
>He's seriously on his way to getting all his campaign promises done by spring
You dont know jack shit about any of that buddy. Lets not pretend youre anything more than you are. A whiny child in an adults body.
But the cucks voted liberal, so cuckarell and his limp near nonexistent dick is fucked. But he probably likes pegging so.
Meant to post to , no one cares about you.
Sure there's escapism. You will be able to escape in to the pretend world where everything is fine and all of the things the media says are false, a statement which you will of course believe because President Trump told you so.
The safety of America is more important than some shitty games. Find a second hobby to help fill your time if paying an extra $10 for a game is that devastating to you.
This tax increase affects every game not made within America's borders, not just Japan.
>no one cares about you.
I care.
He isn't going to put a tariff on vidya, more like cars
He won't even put a tariff on jap/korean tv's because America doesn't even make them anymore
Jokes on you, I'm Canadian! I already pay more for games than normal!
do trump voters not know how tariffs works? why would this be surprising to anyone?
You're retarded
lol you're the one jumping to conclusions and seemingly triggered by opinions you don't like.
I just see Trump say "China, we will stop you using your bases"
And china saying "lol, go fuck yourself and make us"
Ah, the brilliant negotiator strikes again with the world's dumbest bluff.
You do know that Nixon got a lot more done for the US through actual diplomacy than his stupid "madman" act?
And considering that American games are all garbage, they're all fucked. America will truly become the land of dudebro gamers.
This will effect you too, for small companies who won't want to localize for the US it isn't like they'll just localize it only in Canada instead. USA doesn't get a game? You don't get it either.
I'd laugh if President Trump actually started encouraging people to buy Xbox Ones.
Enjoy paying more for CD Projekt RED's new game, you cucks.
Exactly how is this a bad thing? I'd gladly give him my money if he'd make my country great.
>Jokes on you
>I'm Canadian
The joke is still on you m8
>paying for games in the forst place
You do realize when games are localized they don't actually get shipped from Japan right? All games are mass produced in China, but Japanese games have to be localized by a team in the USA first.
Im not american so it wont bother me
It will have literally zero impact on the market cost of video games because copies of games have a marginal cost of (essentially) zero, and are priced based on what the market will bear.
You know how people in Australia or wherever else will register Steam accounts in other countries because games are cheaper when bought (digitally) in other countries?
It's the same principle. The price of a game reflects the amount the publisher/retailer thinks they'll maximize sales volume at. A 5% bump to Uncle Sam's cut of that isn't going to lead to a 5% increase in retail price because (say it with me now):
if they thought you'd buy the game for 5% more, they'd already be charging you 5% more.
So you admit they will be losing money
Plus side? Tariffs on stuff from Japan may cause a moment of clarity among the weird, weeaboo side of the Neo-Nazis. If they can't get their Waifu games because of this America First bullshit, they may no longer feel so warm towards the movement...
I'm going to hate every second of paying more for my games, though.
There will be no tariffs on imported products if they weren't made from an American company overseas.
Are you guys fucking stupid? Do you even understand his proposal? What is all this fake news about tariffs on everything from another country?
How about you get informed first retard, none of what you said is going to happen.
>Ruggadick's town gets tons of money thanks to Trump pushing to improve infastructure
>weebs have to pay for it thanks to the new tariffs
Who is the cuck again?
people ITT are fucking stupid
Isn't he discouraging this because they're American products that are produced overseas?
>He isn't going to put a tariff on vidya, more like cars
:/ it's not going to be specific. he's gonna tax all imports and make trading with us a pain. Niche jap titles are dead, Sony and Nintendo are going to cost more (hell nintendo may just stop bringing things over to america)
Trump's will will inspire the Japanese the enter into another economic and population boom not seen since the late-Showa era, thereby making Japan, anime and video games Great Again.
Does Sup Forums proselytize their garbage on other boards as much as Sup Forums?
give me that dark elf or horse pussy senpai
>japanese company will stop treating the european market like shit now
roll before jany finishes fappin
>he's gonna tax all imports and make trading with us a pain.
No he is literally not. Where do you people get this? Be informed. He's threatening to tariff import from AMERICAN COMPANIES THAT MOVED FACTORIES OVERSEAS.
Yeah this will mostly effect hardware, not software. So basically if you thought the Switch was expensive now, well wait until you see how expensive it is in Trump's America. I'm going to laugh if the XBone isn't manufactured in the US, I assume it is, though.
That's not what we're discussing.
Yes they do.
Publishers (and/or retailers)? Sure. Every time the government levies a tax, someone loses money.
It's a question of whether they can pass it on, and they can't. Video games aren't potatoes or pencils, they aren't fungible in the least. Nobody, in the history of the videogame consumer market, has EVER considered buying a Japanese game but gone with an American one to save $3.50
The lack of price competition means the only limit on the retail price of games is the point where people simply won't buy a game because they can't afford it; and that point doesn't change because of a tariff.
Not really, Sup Forums is one of the most gullible boards.
fucking niggers
So what you're saying is PCucks will get BTFO?
>american companies
they are all MNCs you mong.
Fuck off with your anime furfag shit. We are having a discussion here.
Gives me an excuse to catch up on my backlog.
>something that's not going to happen.
off with you knave.
Why do people like OP and speak out when they don't know jack shit?
Not as much as Sup Forums because they regularly get BTFO on smarter boards like /his/
Normies leaving Jap games alone would be the best thing to happen to the industry.
Our localization companies deserve to die out seeing how many games they've butchered these past years.
More like he's going to strain our relationship with japan causing japanese things (crunchyroll and weebshit merch, niche jap video games) to cost more, a rise of anti american sentiment among japan will probably grow as with other small nations being caught in trumps wonton anti china protectionism that won't work.
Slime girl pls.
>saying gg before the match ends.jpg
>things (crunchyroll and weebshit merch, niche jap video games) to cost more
>Implying I voted for him
I agree and I think losing money means pushing that cost somewhere else or not and just taking a loss
Companies move for cheaper production but also cheaper corporate tax US is almost double in this area compared to China lower corporate tax and promote free trade
All multinationals have countries of origin.
>mfw I don't live in America
>Trump hates China
>takes us out of TPP handing the Pacific to China on a silver platter
relly fires up my neurons
Sony NA is an american company.
t. Weebs in denial of the fact that all Japshit will be destroyed and gaming as we know it will return to the hands of the true kings: the West
I'm here to nut.
Toyota's not an American company user. So either Trump was too retarded to know this or he's taxing foriegners who don't do their business here too.
will be fun to watch the industry going down the shitter even faster thanks to him
ITT: misinformed fake news eating retards. What happened to Sup Forums?
feels good man.
>"Vote for me and I promise to do x"
>Already broke promises
This is what you people get.
>fiscally conservative
>By scratching the backs of the rick and wealthy and fucking the middle class over.
Not like the other option was any better.
either way we were screwed over.
>campaign promises
Where are his tax returns then? That was his main promise.
>>Already broke promises
>will build wall
>will stop immigration
>out of tpp
What? Have you been following the news?
>fake news
just like climate change
>Gen 3-6
>Glory and prosperity to gaming
>Gen 7-8
>Gaming dies and they keep shitting on it
Agreed, the past 8 years have been absolute hell and Hillary was going to be more of that.
ohhhhh yasssss Sup Forums-san!
Donarda Trump verrrryyy bad for business!
>will build wall.
yeah, Lets see mexico pay for it.
he will ban Sup Forums for fake news, you know this is coming
Sup Forums didn't vote for trump. They were leftist fags complaining all the time
>Vydia won't get released in Trumpland anymore
>They still release in Europe
>Burgers have to import their games from EU
>with tax ratings so high that they pay more for pantsu quest 8 than a Brazilian for a ps4.
>No more censoring
Thanks Trump